Thursday, December 12, 2024


Mom picked up Luna from daycare today. I had a vendor lunch so that took up most my day. After work we went to Jeramys work party. We had a good time and I won 200 dollars. They also gave us 200 at Scheels and Jeramy got a new drone. I got a blanket,shorts and some sandles. I mostly got summer things because they were on clearance and Scheels is expensive. Jeramys cousin couldn't make it put in electricity in the shed. I'm not mad I get to sleep in now so that works for me. I took Friday off to get ahead of life and sleep a bit. 



 Things are going good here. Work is still crazy, but I am making it through. I came home and played with Luna after work. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


 Today was good.  My classes were okay today.  Some went great and other bombed.  We didn't have anything after school which was nice.  The kids played/fought and I sewed.  I finished my thanksgiving pillow and it is so pretty.  My visiting teachers came and it was good to visit with them.  I went to exercise class and Casey went running.  We are excited to meet up tomorrow.

Love Rachel 


 We had a good day. I took dad to work and went and picked up Luna. We went and met Karen for lunch at the valley fair mall. We went grocery shopping afterwards. We made it home and then went and picked up grandpa. We played and had dinner when Karen came home. We played and played. We are meeting rachels gang at the airplane mueseum. We haven't been there since they added a wing. Robin I hope you had a fun time. Love mom

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


 We were sad to have Mom go.  Thanks for coming up.  I drove Mom to Ogden which was fun.  I had quilt group this afternoon and it is so fun to talk with everyone.  Me and Tony walked to get Ruth.  Oliver had orchestra and they just had fun.  Ruth went bowling for activity days and she got second.  Isaac went caroling for young men's and had a good time.  I went to exercise class and it felt good to go.  Oliver is behind three lessons in math so I thought we would bring them down Friday and he could do them with Dad 

Love Rachel 


 I sure had a nice time in Logan. Thanks Andersons for the fun time. Rachel drive me to ogden this morning and i rode mass transit home. It works out so nice. Dad did pick me up so I didn't have to walk home. That was nice. I just took it easy this afternoon and then cooked dinner. Karen is crocheting this cutest unicorn. I just watched. Tomorrow I am going to pick Luna up and she is staying with us. I am excited. We are ready to play. Love you all mom


Today was good. After work we went and got Jeramys car fixed up. They were fast and its nice to have his tires fixed up. Work was slow so it was hard to make it to the end of the day. Tomorrow Jeramy has a work party so mom is picking up Luna. Thanks again for watching her. Robin

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


 I had a good day today. I ran some errands this morning and went to lunch with the kids. Me and Rachel had real lunch after that. I just took it easy this afternoon. We went to Costco and then the concert. We did t have time to have dinner so we ate snacks and then went to Hu hot after the concert. Oliver did really well. Rachel is taking me to ogden tomorrow. I am going to take trax home. Robin that is so scary about jeramy. I am just so glad. He is ok. We can help any way. Casey said he could help also. Love mom


 That is super scary about Jeremy's car.  I am so glad he is okay and he can fix his car.  Those are crazy pictures.  It has been another fun day with Mom.  She fixed our van tire, we had a nail in it and cleaned Ruth's room.  I worked but I didn't have classes so it was nice.  Me and Mom went to Chili's for lunch and we had a fun time.  After some emotions from Ruth about cleaning her room we went to Costco and had samples and shopped.  We picked up Casey and headed to the concert.  Their was a bad accident so traffic was slow.  Oliver did an amazing job and the music was so pretty.  We went to huhot afterwards for dinner.

Love Rachel 


On Jeramys way to work there was a brick in the road. He didn't see it and ran it over with his tire. It blew his tire and busted his rim. Luckily that was the worst of it and he's safe and the car is fine. He's just driving with the spare. We thought we could take the saturns tire but the lug nuts don't line up or something with the rim. So we are probably going to get a new one tomorrow. We are just thankful that was the worst of it. The rest of the day went smooth. Luna wasn't as tired. She is growing so I think she is constantly tired and hungry. And we are all over the place emotionally. 


Monday, December 9, 2024


 Luna is cute, that is a cute story.  It has been fun having Mom stay here.  We went to breakfast at McDonald's and the kids loved it.  Work went well.  The kids all had high energy and were chatting a lot but it was fine.  Mom had lunch with the kids at school and they loved that.  We went and got Isaac a snack after school and put air in the van's tire.  It is low and Mom is going to take it in tomorrow.  We dropped Isaac off and then went to El Toro for dinner.  Oliver got this sea food bowl and it was so funny to see him smile.  I should have taken a picture.  Isaac's concert was really good and he played well.  It was a really long concert.  They should have given us a intermission.  Anyway everyone played beautiful.

Love Rachel 


 I had a good day. We got up and met Rachel and Oliver and Ruth went to McDonald's for breakfast. I dropped them off and just straightened up olivers room. I went to school for lunch with the kids and then walked home. I took Tony for a walk also. The concert went really well. Isaac's group is really good. olivers concert is tomorrow night. Luna makes me laugh. I hope she is ok. Karen I am glad you got your breaks back. Love mom


 I think Mondays always seem long. Things are going good here. I made it through work. Then I came home and me and dad had indian food for dinner and watched a spy series on Netflixs. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 


It was a long day for a Monday. Nothing to wild I think it was just a long day..I picked up Luna and she was crying. Guess she had a hard day and was sensitive. I was driving home and she was falling asleep. I told her to stay awake. She said she just want to sleep in momma's car and she can do what she wants. Then I kept talking to her to keep her up. She then said I needed to be quiet because the kids in the back were sleeping. I was able to keep her up the till we got home. But we are taking it easy tonight and treading lightly 


Sunday, December 8, 2024


 Sorry I am so late posting. My routine is off. I went to Michael's with Karen this morning and got yarn to make small animals. She bought a book. It is way cheaper than wobbles. Casey stayed the night and at lunch he drove me to logan. It was nice to visit. Rachel made potatoe soup and it tasted good. We went shopping for a Santa hat for olivers cello. Isaac has a concert on Monday and Oliver has one on Tuesday. Robin I am so excited for you to get electricity. Yeah. That has to be exciting. Let us know is you need help. Love mom


Jeramys sister stayed the weekend. We dropped her off this morning and went to harbor freight to get a tarp. Jeramy has a cousin that does electric and he is going to come over Friday and do our garage. Luna didn't take a great nap so we watched the new movie on Netflix that Santa. It was cute. And it helped get some downtime. I feel like the weekend went too fast.

Rachel for the book. I started to piece it together but I had no clue how it all ended. It was wild


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...