Saturday, January 22, 2022


Lehi was completely out of formula that Luna has been using. They had alot up in Murray Costco. So we decided to get a road trip in. We had a two year warranty on our miter saw and a piece broke on it. So we transferred the saw to a new one then drove to salt lake. We stopped at mom and dads and said hi. Luna was grumpy so we headed home so she could nap. When we got home I watched her as she napped and Jeramy got his car inspection. Then we clean our house. It was getting wild. At mom and dads the had the ottoman with toys that Luna could stand up and play. So we took our ottoman out of the nursery and put it in the living room. Oh also just down the block from us they had a chick FIL Le air balloon. It was so weird to see it lift off in a suburb area. We thought the park would have been a better idea.

Friday, January 21, 2022


 Sorry I am late.  My exercise class had a lady's night out tonight and I went.  My friend Amanda put together a escape room.  It was a lot of fun and my team did it in the fastest time so I won some lotion.  It was a fun night.  Today was good.  I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  Ruth didn't sleep well and was so grumpy today.  I helped in her class and then met Casey for lunch.  Isaac and Oliver walked home with their friends.  Isaac forgot his homework so I drove and picked them up and went to the school to get it.  They were not happy about that.  Ruth had a meltdown because I changed a doll dress with Emily yesterday.  Hopefully everyone sleeps well tonight.  I am glad you are home Mom and Dad.  I am so glad he is ok.  I have been horrible at pictures this week and will do better.




 So I got kicked out around 11 last night. I came home and worked for a little bit and then fell asleep. My alarm didn't go off go figure that one out. I went over to the hospital and they said he could go home. We finally came home around 4. It is nice to be home. Robin you need to lower that mattress. She can lift her leg on the top of the rail. She is strong. I have no other news. I am just going to chill lax. We are doing well. Love mom


 My day was good. I got up and went to work. It was kind of quiet so it dragged a bit but I made it through. Then I came home and had dinner. Then I did some school work. Oliver called and wanted to play beat Saber but I couldn't because I wasn't finished with school yet, but I told him I would play with him tomorrow. I  am glad made it home and hope he is still doing good. Have a good weekend everyone. Bye 


Today was good. It was Friday so that made life great. We decided to get a new drill press that would have better features. So we exchanged everything around. It works better I think. Then we went to one man band for dinner. Glad dad made it home. Let me know if you need anything we can drive it up to you.


Thursday, January 20, 2022


 So it is hard to keep days straight when your routine is off. Dad is really doing well. He had broth and it didn't make home sick. We are going to try real food for breakfast and see how that goes. They didn't kick me out so I am staying the night. Luna is a daredevil. Bruises are going to happen. Rachel I am glad that Oliver got to play with karen. It is suppose to snow tonight so be careful in the morning. Love you all so much


 I feel so bad for Dad and I hope he can home soon and doesn't have any long term problems.  Poor thing.  Today was good.  My phone updated last night so my alarm didn't go off.  I got up and went on a shorter walk.  Ruth slept in till 11.  I let her sleep I thought she could us the break.  I was supposed to meet my visiting teaching ladies for lunch but one forgot.  Two of us were there so we just chatted for a bit and then left.  I went grocery shopping while I was out.  Ruth had dance class and the boys played video games.  Thanks for playing with Oliver Karen.  He had a lot of fun.  We did homework and Isaac has the hardest time doing his homework.  We don't know what to do.  Love you guys and enjoy your Friday.




Hope dad gets to go home tomorrow. Good luck with your interview Monday Rachel. Things are going well here. Luna wants to pull her self up on everything. So she is getting bruised from falling alot. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. Let me know if you need anything.



 My day was good. Work is still moving along. Just the usual. Then after work I came home and had dinner. Then Oliver wanted to play beat Saber so we did that for a bit. It was fun. I am sorry dad has to spend another night in the hospital. I hope he is feeling better though. I hope everyone had a great day. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Never a dull moment

 So we decided to hit our out of pocket in January just because that is so much fun to do. I love your quilt Rachel and you will do great on your interview. Just remember you are so smart and know your stuff. Thanks for all your support. Love mom


 I am so sorry Dad is sick.  I feel so bad for him.  I walked and went to exercise class today.  We did High and it is fun.  I got an interview at Moms works on Monday so hopefully I don't blow it.  Inlaid out a quilt and studied while Ruth was at school.  Ruth had two friends come over to play.  I took them home when I picked up Isaac.  It is Kimi's birthday today so we went to Randy's house to celebrate.  Kimi made her own cake and it was really good.  Oliver had a minor cut on his lip and lost his mind so we came home.  Good luck Mom and Dad.  We love you.



Tuesday, January 18, 2022


 Today was good and everyone made it to school.  Me and Ruth went grocery shopping and then got a paint by number to work on.  It was fun to paint. Oliver got the play the oculus after school and loved it.  It is hard for Ruth to do but she is trying hard.  Isaac had young men's tonight and they did an escape room.  I think he had a fun time.  He doesn't have a lot of details.  Love you guys.




 It seemed like Monday so I am hoping that makes the week go faster.  I worked from home today and that was nice. I made some split pea soup for our lunches and frajitas for dinner. I used the steak I had left from Sunday dinner. I have to go into work tomorrow. I like not having to get up early to go into work but the office is nice also. Good luck tomorrow Karen with your first day of school. Rachel I hope homework is slowing down. Robin I hope you made it to work ok. Sure love pictures. Thanks for posting them. Love mom


Today was good. Luna woke up at 6 so that was lame. But she was in a good mood so it wasn't too bad. Then when she went to sleep I tried making the temple cut out again. It still has some issues but it's better then the first round. Hope everyone has a good Tues



 It was meeting day at work. So that took up most of my morning. Then I just worked on stuff from the meeting the rest of the day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, January 17, 2022


Thanks for the nice day. Hope everyone has a good Tues

Fun day

 We had a really nice day. It was so nice to be outside. I love the pictures Rachel. That polar bear is amazing. Everyone have a nice Tuesday. Love mom


 Thanks for having us this weekend.  It was good to see everyone.  Sorry you had to work Karen. Thanks again for the oculus.  We love it.  Oliver was very emotional and I am sorry about that.  We had a fun time at the zoo.  I really like going there.  Isaac was able to finally finish up his report.  He is really close to being caught up.  Love you guys and have a good week.




 Well I made it through work. It seemed long because I knew everyone else was playing. It was good though. I hope everyone had a fun day. Bye 

Sunday, January 16, 2022


 We had a really nice day. We slept over at Karen's house and played video games and then went to lehi to hook who with the lewis bunch. It was so much fun. We came home and took a nap and then rachel.and kids came down. We had dinner and then we went to the jump zone. The kids had a really good time. I am glad I have tomorrow off. It is fun to play. I am sorry you have to work karen love mom


 My day was good. Mom and dad spent last night so we hung out this morning. Then we met Robin and crew for lunch. Then I came home and took a nap. I am jealous that everyone gets tomorrow off. I still have to go to work. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...