Friday, July 12, 2019


I had a good day as well. I am glad that the weekend is here. Work was good. It is starting to get busier again. That makes the day go by faster. After work I watch some classes stuff and then did dishes. Thanks mom and dad for reading over my paper. It will be nice to have that finished. I hope that everyone has a great Saturday tomorrow. BYE


I was so tired today.  I just had had long day.  Work was good and I came home and had a nap.  It felt nice.  We did proof Karen's paper so I did accomplish one thing. We are going to Kamas tomorrow and spending the night there.  We will see you at Firehouse pizza in Garden City at 11:30.  I am super excited as well.  Dad is almost done making parts for the table so next week we should be able to put that together for the printer.  It is starting to look nice.  I am so impressed with the parts.  He is having a fun time.  Everyone drive safe and we will see you soon.  LOVE MOM


Today was the kids last swimming lesson and they all got to jump off the diving board which is fun.  They all did really good and passed the level that they were on.  Afterwards the kids changed into their clothes and we went and met Stephanie for lunch.  They have free lunches at the elementary school during the summer so we met her and went to one in Nibley.  It was fun and the kids had fun playing together.  Afterwards we went and got Isaac some new church shoes for the wedding, his old ones didn't fit.  Imogene came over and played for a bit this afternoon.  My batting came today from Mom and I am so excited.  It is so much batting and it will be a lot of fun to have, thanks.  The kids enjoyed playing in the box.  We went and got some ice cream that Stephanie and it tasted really good.  We are going to camp in the mountain by bear lake tomorrow night so I wont blog.  I will see you guys Sunday at 11:30 at firehouse pizza.  We are so excited the kids might bust.  I can't believe the wedding is in one week also, to fun.


Ruth was mad at me this morning and threw all her books on the floor.  I made her clean them up after swimming lessons.  Me and Oliver ended up helping her.

Thursday, July 11, 2019


Today was good but we were all getting tired.  I walked this morning and then I was able to finish sewing my bag.  It turned out cute and is really big.  The kids had swimming lessons and then we swam.  We left a at the break time which because the kids were tired.  The are swimming so well, I can see a big difference in their skills this week.  The last class is tomorrow.  We order Oliver a boogie board and it came today.  He was super super excited.  We are really excited for Bear Lake.  I had book group tonight and that was fun.  It is always good to talk to everyone.  Love you guys.  I can't believe you get married next week Robin, that is so crazy.



Today was good.. we met up with mom.and dad for dinner. They gave us some really nice tools. Jeramy loves them. I do too but I think Jeramy loves them more. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. Love you



Work has really slowed down the last little while and it feels so nice.  I like it.  We met Robin and Jeramy for dinner and got some floaties at all a dollar for bear lake.  We came home and just vegged.  Dad is continue making parts for his table.  The parts are almost all done so it will be fun to have a permanent spot.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I am ready for the weekend.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


I am glad tomorrow is Friday. My day was good though. It went by pretty quick. There was a brief thunder storm that come over this evening. It rained about 4 drops and then stopped. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


Mom did you want to go out for dinner tomorrow? Today was ok. This week is dragging. I left work early and drove to draper. Jeramy is working crazy hours so we thought we could go to the draper court house and get our marriage license. Apparently you can only do it in salt lake. Ugh we both have next Thursday off so that's the day. Lol nothing like last second.

Firehouse pizza works for me



Today was good. I walked and went to exercise class but I left early.  I was tired and Isaac needed some help with his cereal.  I have been leaving the boys home and taking Ruth with me.  The kids had swimming lessons and then we swim until 4.  We were all tired when we got home.  Calleen needed something printed out so she came and visited this evening.  Casey had a meeting for a cooking committee he is on.  So he went but left early.  I am excited for this weekend.  I love firehouse pizza.



Today work was quiet. It has been really quiet this week.  I hope it stays that way for awhile.  The doctor called me today with the biopsy result and it was skin cancer but not the bad kind so I have to go to a dermatologist and make sure it all got removed and there aren't any more.  I read about this type and most of the time they don't even take them off.  They don't grow or spread.  That was good.  We came home and I ordered me a new computer desk that would fit in the bedroom.  We put that together and it worked really good.  I like it.  Dad can use the old computer desk for his projects.  Dad continued making parts for his table for the printer. It will take a couple of days to get those all printed.  I think we have decided to meet at Firehouse Pizza in Garden City for lunch on Sunday.  I thought around 11:30.  The place is in lake town on the south part of the lake.  If anything sound goods for snacks now would be a good time to let me know.  LOVE MOM


Things are going good here.  Work was good it was busier to than it was yesterday, so it went by fast. A little more than 2 weeks left in my first semester. Boy did it go by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Today was good.  It is cool in the morning when I walk which is nice.  The kids had swimming lessons and we stayed and swam until 4.  It was busier today and we all got a bit sunburned.  I needed to go to sam's so we had dinner there which was fun.  Randy came over and tiled with Casey.  He had a idea to make a random pattern and it is looking really good.  I like it.  Love you guys and I am excited for this weekend.



My day was good. I was tired, but I made it thru. It was quiet in my office because I was the only one in there. Tomorrow people start coming back so it will be less quiet from here on out. Then after work I came home and snoozed on the couch. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye


That makes me sad that Jenkins was afraid.  He is such a good dog.  I hope he wasn't abused.  I am so glad he has you.  I hate when garbage goes bad  It is the worst smell.  Dad is building componets to make his table to put the printer in.  I think it will be really nice.  Work was work.  I just feel like I never get it right but I keep trying.  Good news they did hire a new person and she is going to take some of my payroll.  Maybe I won't have to come in early anymore.  Not much else to report on my end.  I am glad that tomorrow is hump day.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. Work went by so slow. I was over it. Then I came home. My place smelt so bad. I think the garbage went bad. So I was airing out my place. I had a fly go in my house so I grabbed my electric zapper. But couldn't catch it. So I just watched t.v until Jeramy came over. I noticed I had not seen Jenkins in a few minutes. Usually when I'm around he will check in with me and stay close . So I walked around and he was sitting behind the couch with his ears down and he looked scared. I figured it was the fan noises so I turned them off. But he still wouldn't move. I couldn't figure it out. Then I figured it was the zapper. So I brought that over and he coward away. So I put it away and it he was alot better. Jeramy came over and turned the fans on and Jenkins was fine. So I brought out the zapper again and he ran away. Lol so no bug zappers I guess. I'm not sure if he was hit by a paddle before that is the only thing I can think of. Hope everyone has a good night

Monday, July 8, 2019

More Random

I looked at places to eat in Bear Lake and they have Café Sabor and Firehouse Pizza there.  I thought either one of those would be good for lunch.  What do you guys think?


Work was a little more busy my boss was back in town.  We went shopping after work for stuff for the 3 d printer.  It was fun.  We adjusted it more and moved into the washer and dryer room because dad thought there was less drafts there.  It is working better.  We are making a dinosaur skull right now.  Oliver looks so cute in his cape.  I did think of an obsession song Somebody's watching me by Rockwell.  Just a thought.  Karen you could look at that.  Robin, I love breakfast burritos.  That would be fun.  I didn't ask about the dog.  I will check into that. I did find a cabin that accepted dogs and then it was booked.  Phantom of the Opera is another obsession example.  Point of no return if you need a song. I guess I am getting random.  Have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


The first obsession in Literature that comes to mind is the count of monte cristo or Moby Dick.  Maybe Lord of the rings since they are obsessed with the ring.  For my birthday I don't know.  I need three backs for my quilts.  I want a ruler plate for my machine but it is $100 so maybe everyone could go in on it.  It as a cooler day and turned out really nice.  I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  We went to swimming lessons and we were ten minutes early which I am not sure how that happened.  It was cooler so I didn't know if they wanted to swim afterwards but they did.  It was really nice, it wasn't crowded and it got pretty warm.  It was really fun.  Around 3:30 it started to get stormy so we left and I was tired.  Oliver loves his cape and has been battling with Casey all night.  He is cute.  Love you guys.



Today felt like a long day. I'm glad dad was able to make a frog. That is fun. I'm sorry your blood sugar went low Karen that sucks. But I'm glad school is going well. Your quilts are cute Rachel. Jeramy and I had breakfast burritos for dinner. They were good. If I have a yellowstone breakfast day I'll make them :) about Yellowstone I got the days off but is the cabin ok if I bring Jenkins? I know some places are weird about it. Jeramy put in to get the days off but he's still waiting on if it's approved or not. We are hoping on Wednesday to get our marriage license so we will see how that goes. Love you



Rachel, I keep meaning to ask you what you want for your birthday? I usually have gotten you something at the quilt fair but this year I didn't. Do you need or want anything for you new sewing machine thing? My day was good. What was still a little quiet, but I made it thru. The proctor sent me an email saying she needed information from the school before we could schedule a time to take the test. So I emailed the school. That was a little annoying but I finally got the information sent to the proctor. After work I mowed my front lawn because it was getting lawn. I was lazy and didn't mow the back though. I am working on my final project for English. If anyone can think of an example of obsession in art and literature let me know because I need an example in those 2 for the project. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, July 7, 2019

We have a frog

Well we finished putting together the printer and it was a lot of fun to do.  We have a few hiccups with the starting the printing but it was mostly little things.  We had a hard time getting the filament to stick to the board and figured out it was the air conditioner blowing on the printer.  It might be hot in my house for awhile until we get the table with doors made for it  :).  I can't believe you have had your jeep for a whole year.  What a fun time we have had with it.  Rachel, your pieced quilt is amazing and I love the little blankets the kids made.  They are so cute.  They will use them all the time just because the fabric is so darling.  I am glad you had a nice weekend.  I am curious how long it will take you to quilt your quilt.  Robin, I can't believe how fast the wedding is coming up.  I am super excited.  I am also super excited for bear lake.  I thought we could go up and have pizza at that pizza place we ate at last year and then play on the beach all afternoon.  I thought I would bring dinner up and we could eat it on the beach as we cleaned up to go home.  I bought an awning so Jeramy would have plenty of shade.  I thought we could be our lawn chairs and have a nice place to hang out in.  With Rachels tent we can have like a whole village.  Everyone have a nice week.  LOVE MOM


Things are good here. Although last night I didn't sleep well. At one my low sugar alarm went off. Then at two my water softener did a regenerate cycle, which woke me up. Then at three alarm went off for half an hour. So it was a long night. I did get a nap though so that was good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


That is crazy that you have had your jeep one year Karen, congratulations.  That is fun about Dad's printer, good job.  I am glad that you are doing some fun things Robin, you are awesome.  Today was good.  The kids got up early because they were sleeping in the tent but it was a nice morning.   We played some card games and they played hot wheels.  We went to church and Casey went to work.  Ruth loved the new shoes that you got her and wore them with her new dress.  I got next week taken care of so I can miss and go to Bear Lake.  Isaac wanted to use the new quilting machine so we used the one yard cuts that Mom had bought to make a small quilt.  Isaac quilted the whole things and it turned out cute.  Ruth and Oliver wanted to do it also so we made Ruth a quilt.  Oliver wanted to make a cape and sit on my lap while using the old sewing machine so we did that.  Then he battled Casey who was the bad guy, it was cute.  Good luck tomorrow, I can't believe it is almost the wedding.


I finished piecing this quilt and I now I need to quilt it

The garden is looking good this year


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...