Tuesday, July 9, 2019


Today was good. Work went by so slow. I was over it. Then I came home. My place smelt so bad. I think the garbage went bad. So I was airing out my place. I had a fly go in my house so I grabbed my electric zapper. But couldn't catch it. So I just watched t.v until Jeramy came over. I noticed I had not seen Jenkins in a few minutes. Usually when I'm around he will check in with me and stay close . So I walked around and he was sitting behind the couch with his ears down and he looked scared. I figured it was the fan noises so I turned them off. But he still wouldn't move. I couldn't figure it out. Then I figured it was the zapper. So I brought that over and he coward away. So I put it away and it he was alot better. Jeramy came over and turned the fans on and Jenkins was fine. So I brought out the zapper again and he ran away. Lol so no bug zappers I guess. I'm not sure if he was hit by a paddle before that is the only thing I can think of. Hope everyone has a good night

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