Saturday, December 7, 2019


Sorry we missed Isaac's party. The coke party was fun. They had an accopella group come. It was a little America. We had to wear a dress so I went to JC Penney's and got a new dress. I'm tired now. Hope everyone has a good Sunday 😊

Friday, December 6, 2019

Safe and sound in kamas

We made it safe and sound to kamas. Karen is official done with her classes. That has to feel good. I am impressed with the towers out of cups. Robin have fun at the work party tomorrow. I am sorry issac has to have his feet casted. Poor kid. We are on our way tomlogan in the morning love mom

Busy Day

Today was busy day.  Isaac had a runny nose and didn't sleep last night so we were tired today.  We decided that he could go to school, he had a lot of test, and come home if he felt bad.  I finished putting the binding on Robins quilt and it looks really nice.  I like that batting now, the quilt feels really nice.  Good job.  We went to exercise class which was nice.  I helped in Oliver's class and then checked on Isaac, he was doing good.  Oliver class was doing an ABC Train so Casey watched Ruth and I went and helped Oliver.  It was fun and the trains are really cute.  I dropped Oliver off with Casey and I took Isaac to the foot doctor about his bunions.  They are caused from his toe walking.  They took xrays of his feet and his bones are in an ok position but his toes are curling.  We decided to cast his legs for 4 weeks to stop his toe walking.  They are going to put them on next Thursday.  It breaks my heart but I think it will be good.  It is like taking out their tonsils, it is so hard but he is so much better for having done it.  After dinner we went to Sub for Santa and sorted bikes and made a list of what parts we need to buy.  It was fun and we will work on getting the bikes fixed next week.  Casey made Isaac a cake and we decorated it when we got home so we are set.  All of Isaac's friends are excited for the party.  They all came and talked to me about it.  It should be fun.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad.


The boys had their coats on backwards

Sound asleep

So I feel sound asleep watching TV and never woke up, I just went to bed.  I am d glad you all had a nice day.  We are going to Kamas after work and decorate for Christmas.  I thought that would be fun.  We will leave from there for the birthday party.  I am super excited for that one. Be careful out there it is suppose to be super foggy this weekend.  Robin where is your work party?  I hope it is a fancy one.  Win lots of coke for us  :)  Have a nice Friday  LOVE MOM

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Good luck with your test Karen.  School is really stressful.  You are doing a great job.  Sorry it is late.  I had book group tonight and it went late but it was fun.  In December they do My favorite thing gift exchange and it is fun.  We had a good day.  We just played board games this morning and that was fun.  I helped in Isaac's class this afternoon.  I like to help and see how it is going.  The kids have been a lot calmer this week which is nice.  They were playing under the stairs and Oliver found a fake flower.  He wrapped it up and gave it to me which was really sweet.  Then Ruth went to Lees with Casey and bought me a flower.  They are cute kids.  When they were under the stairs they found the cups left over from Thanksgiving.  We started making towers and pretty soon we used all the cups.  It was fun and kept them busy all night.  Love you guys and have a good Friday.


one more day

I'm so glad tomorrow is friday. My day went by fast. I started watching the make it to show and it's funny. It's a crafting competition and Amy pholer is the host. Jenkins was barking at me all night. He just wants to out side all the time.


One more

Well I made it thru my tests today, just one more tomorrow and then I am finished. So it was stressful taking the tests but I am much more relaxed now. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


My day was good. Work was busy so it went by fast. Then after work dad helped me with my last computer lab, then I studied for the 2 finals I have to take tomorrow. Wish me luck on those. Then I have one more final Friday then I am done with the semester. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye


I finally finished making all the baby Jesus's.  I am so relieved that it is done.  I just have to hand it off to the next lady and she will put the tags on.  It was really foggy today and I hate it.  We had a good day.  The kids love the countdown calendars and it is fun in the morning doing them.  My visiting teachers came this morning so I missed exercise class.  I helped in Oliver's class this afternoon and that went good.  The kids are cute.   We just played at home this evening.  The kids were playing really cute with each other which was nice.  Love you guys and good luck.



Today was our work party it was ok. They brought in Chinese food we are getting our new office set up. My office I'm sharing with one other girl so we have a good sized office. My boss gave us their old couch for our office so it looks cuter now. It was nice. It says it is going to ice rain tonight so hopefully the drive is ok tomorrow


Hump day

This smog makes it hard to get up in the morning.  After I blogged last night I applied for 2 more jobs.  I told Gary, I guess I need to check my messages more often and low and behold I had a request for a phone interview for the 1st job I applied for.  I called them this morning and I am not sure how it went but I thing it went OK.  He said it would take a month to go through HR so I am not quite sure what that means.  He said he would let me know either way.  I think that was a no.  He didn't say I would get an interview.  Oh well it is a step in the right direction.  Work was OK.  I just can't get caught up.  Everything just keeps being high priority.  We just vegged after work.  Dad helped Karen with her home work.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, December 3, 2019


I like your decorations also Robin and I am really glad that you don't have to have surgery Karen.  I hope that your feet feel better though.  We had a really fun time with Mom and Dad tonight.  I love looking at Christmas lights.  It was really nice to walk around, thank you.  This week is going so fast.  Love you guys.



It must be a day of the doctor.  We went to Ogden to see dad's RA doctor.  It went well and then we met up with Rachel and kids for dinner and we went and walk around the lights at the court house in Ogden.  THey have the prettiest lights.  It wasn't very crowded and it was nice to let the kids run around a little bit.  Usually you can hardly walk.  Robin, I like your decorations.  It is better than what I have done.  Karen, I am glad that you don't have to have surgery.  I was wondering if she offered to make arch supports for you?  I am glad that tomorrow is hump day.  Me and dad are going to Karen's house Friday after to work to help her decorate and then going to Logan for the birthday party on Saturday.  LOVE MOM


I didn't sleep well last night so I was tired. Work.went by so slow it was painful lol I came home and set up a mini Christmas area. It's humble :) 


My day was good. I went to the foot doctor this morning and yes I have bunions but they aren't bad enough for surgery. She did reccomend different shoes. Then I came home and took a nap. It was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, December 2, 2019


I had to go in at 6 this morning to get payroll done.  It was hard to get back to the real world.  I am going to use the extra time for tomorrow to take dad to the doctor's in Ogden.  Rachel and crowd are meeting me for dinner.  Robin that is too fun that you started survivor Christmas.  You are too cute.  I am glad that Jeramy loved it.  I just knew he would.  That is funny that Jenkins is snuggly.  He might be cold.  Rachel it is so hard to walk in the snow.  That makes is easy to fall.  I can't believe the doctor says he sees well enough for a kindergartener.  I want him to see perfect.  I might be over reacting on that one.  I am glad you got to go sledding.  The kids loves that.  Karen good luck tomorrow at the foot doctor.  If you need anything just let me know.  Just think 4 more days and you are done with school.  Not much else to report on my end.  We went to Walmart to get some capsacin patches and they still had some black Friday deals.  I thought that was interesting.  LOV MOM


My day was good. It went by fast for a Monday. I am glad that Oliver isn't blind. I go to the foot doctor tomorrow. Other than that it is just the usual here. I am glad Jeremy is liking survivor Christmas, that is a cute idea Robin. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye


 Glad Oliver's eyes were ok. I felt scattered at work so it felt like a long day. It's hard to go back after 4 days. Last night my star light showed up so I launched survivor Christmas. Its technically December lol. I was excited. Jeramy loved it we slept in our sleeping bags. Jenkins has been super snuggly lately he's so cute.


Today was good and busy.  I walked this morning and it is harder with the snow, not everyone has shoveled the sidewalk.  Ruthie had a hard time falling asleep last night so she was tired this morning and they had to get up early for the eye doctor appointment.  She was not a happy camper but we made it on time.  The doctor was really cute with the kids and they had a good time.  I attached pictures of them meditating beforehand which is funny.  The doctor just said that for kindergarten he see good enough and doesn't need glasses.  I was glad about that.  I was convinced he was going to be blind.  We went to Walmart afterwards to get a prize and they ended up getting a paw patrol movie.  I had to get some stuff for Oliver's class also, they are making abc trains on Friday but needed to bring the stuff today.  We had a sandwich as a snack and it revived us.  We went to the cheese factory to get some chocolate milk, we were out.  While the kids were at school I had a couple more errands to run and then I made more baby Jesus's so I didn't get to sew.  We handed out all the invitations for Isaac's party which felt good.  It will be fun.  Casey came home around 5 and we went sledding after dinner.  It was really icy and the kids were going really fast.  We stayed until it was bedtime.  Love you guys.  We are meeting Mom and Dad for dinner tomorrow.  We will leave after school.


Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lazy day

WE set the alarm to go to church this morning but dad didn't feel good so we just vegged all day.  I was a lazy lump for sure.  I did make meatloaf for dinner and that tasted really good.  I haven't made that is a long time.  I am so glad you had a quiet day Rachel.  You really needed that.  Congratulations on you paper Karen,  I am glad you did good.  Wow one more week and then you made it through another semester.  Way to go.  Robin, I hope you are doing well also.  Did you go down to Lehi to see his mom?  There was a roll over yesterday and I guess traffic was backed up for hours.  I was hoping you weren't sitting there all day.  I have payroll Monday and it should be a big one.  I haven't worked since Wednesday morning.  I am going in at 6.  Wish me luck.  I hope that everything goes well with Oliver's eyes.  Thanks for keeping us updated.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that the wait for the count down calendars is over. Things are good here. I got my laundry done and I even cooked dinner. This is my last week of classes this semester so wish me luck. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


The kids were really excited to open the countdown calendars today.  Thank you Karen.  It is always fun to build them.  Casey didn't work today and went to sacrament meeting which was fun.  I helped carry a big box of books in which was nice.  Casey helped paint some baby Jesus's heads and I was able to put about 60 together so that felt really nice to get some of that done.  I also got two speakers for a meeting next week.  It was nice to have a slow day.  Oliver has his eye appointment in the morning.  I will let you know how it goes.  Love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...