Thursday, February 1, 2018

So Close

Well we are almost to the weekend.  Tomorrow is groundhog day.  I hope he doesn't see his shadow.  I am loving this spring weather.  I hooked up with Robin and Kay tonight for dinner and we walked the mall.  It was nice to get out of the house.  They had their calendars for 75 percent off so I got some for the kids.  They still had a good selection.  Drive safe tomorrow Rachel.  I sure hope Casey gets feeling better.  He has had it tough.  I feel bad for him.  Karen, I am glad your toe checked out.  LOVE MOM


Today I went to the foot doctor to look at the toe that keeps getting red. I have a slight bunion so my 2 toes are rubbing and she thunks that is whats causing it. So she gave me a spacer so I will see if that helps.  Then because I was being lazy I took the rest of the day off. I did go to Walmart but that was about it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was busy but good.  Casey was still fevering so he stayed home.  After we dropped Isaac off me and Oliver went to the store and got him some medicine and drinks.  Oliver had school today and I had to picked up Isaac early so me and Ruthie went to Joanns for a minute to get some thread.  Then we had to pick up Isaac and then Oliver from school.  Isaac has been dying to make those valentines cookie mixes so we made that.  He ran one over to Imogene which was nice.  I made some chicken and wild rice soup.  It tasted really good and we will eating it forever since only me and Casey would eat it.  Isaac had parent teacher conference tonight.  Casey wasn't feeling well so I took the little kids with and they did really good.  Isaac is doing really good at school.  The had a hard part of math so that was lower but everything else he got a hundred percent on.  I took the kids to cold stone for doing a good job and it was fun.  We are coming down tomorrow.  I messages Sharon and she said that the party starts at 12:30.  Jani is making a video if anyone wants to do that.


Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Today was good nothing too crazy. I'm sorry Casey is sick a girl at work had it and was out for 4 days. The flu is terrible. Well not much else with me sorry work is over shadowing life so I don't have a lot going on lol

Hump day

Karen, I am glad nothing was too wrong with the sink.  I always love easy fixes.  Rachel, I am so sorry that Casey is so sick.  This flu stuff is horrible.  It takes so long to get over it.  Me and dad walked around Borders tonight and found a really cute cook book for Isaac.  That is fun he is cooking. You guys loved to cook.  Not much else to report.  Good luck at the foot doctor tomorrow Karen.  Kay wants to meet for dinner tomorrow so me and Robin are going to the fashion place mall and meet up with her.  Everyone stay safe.  LOVE MOM


Casey is still pretty sick with a lot of fevers, he did seems slightly better today.  We are hoping for a miraculous recovery tomorrow.  Thanks for the help Mom.  He ate some ginger after you called.  It has been warmer so we played outside for a while this morning.  I volunteered at school and we stayed for lunch.  I took the little kids to Chic-filet for lunch and they loved it.  They played in the playhouse for an hour.  They were playing so cute together I loved watching every second.  It was so nice.  Isaac cooked banana pancakes for dinner and they were good.  Oliver is growing like crazy and he ate three pancakes.  He was starving again for a bedtime snack.  We painted for a long time after dinner and that was fun to do.  I hope that everyone is doing well.  I am excited to see everyone this weekend.



Well this morning as I was leaving for work I noticed that the sink in my basement was leaking. I had left it dripping for winter. It was just a loose nut on the  drain so it wasn't too traumatic. I was a bit late to work but not too bad. Other than that my day has been good. I found a recipe for chili without beans so I am going to try making it tomorrow. Wish me luck it turns out. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


Today was good. I got alot done which was weird. I usually don't feel like I have alot done. Not much else with me life is pretty easy going



My day was good.  Not much going on with me.  Work was work.  It is just weird for them to ask me to head projects and I keep wondering how long they will let me do that since I am not in their group anymore.  It just seems weird.  I guess I am getting paid and doing the same work so it is working out.  Just weird.  Rachel, I am so sorry that Casey is so sick.  That is scary.  I hope he gets feeling better soon.  This stuff is rough.  Karen is was nice to talk with you tonight.  Robin, I hope you got some rest and got home before 9.  Those are long days.  Not much else going on with us.  We did stop and get firehouse subs tonight for dinner and they tasted really good.  LOVE MOM


Well today was meeting day for me. I had one at 10 until lunch, then i had a conference call from 1-2, and then i had another meeting from 3 untul I left. So it wasn't too productive of a day. After work I went to Walmart to pick up a prescription. It turned out that my refill got turned into the park city one not the heber one. So i had to wait about 20 minutes while they transfered it. Oh well. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. I also hope Casey gets feeling better soon. Bye

Super Blue Blood Moon

Casey is still pretty sick and fevering a lot.  He stayed home and was in bed for most of the day.  His work is pretty awesome and gave him some leave for the time he is missing.  The kids I babysit for were sick so we just played this morning and it was a nice break.  Ruthie loves to do puzzles so we did that a lot.  We went on a walk much to Oliver dismay, I think he was hungry.  It was nice to get outside.  Oliver had school and that makes him super happy.  Ruthie took a good nap again today.  I left her with Casey and picked up Oliver and we went and got soup for Casey.  When Isaac got home we did more baking, we made these biscuits with apples inside rolled in cinnamon and sugar.  I liked them the kids didn't.  I took the kids to young women's with me but Oliver was grumpy and it wasn't great but we were doing much so it was ok.  I hope that everyone is doing good and have a good Wednesday.  The moon is pretty cool and it will be a blood moon at think at 6:30.  Isaac wants to get up for it but I am not sure I can do it.


Monday, January 29, 2018


Casey was sick today.  He went to work but ended up coming home at lunch.  He called the ihc connect and they called in some flu medicine so I am hoping that helps.  I babysat this morning and it was fun.  Ruthie was telling Eva about her big girl bed so they went and looked at it and everyone played in it.  It was a warmer day so we played outside also.  Oliver had school and he had a blast.  He was really happy afterwards.  I didn't think Ruthie would take a nap so I didn't push it but after we picked up Oliver she was really tired and took a good nap.  The girls next door came over to play after school.  They played the switch and it was fun to have Isaac show off all his knowledge.  I keep forgetting to say that last week they moved him up to another level in reading but now it is chapter books and he brought home three of them so we have been reading like crazy to get them read by Wednesday.  It is a lot but he id doing great.  Isaac wanted to bake something and he had been reading the kids cook book he got last Christmas I think so we made some Popsicle without sticks because I didn't have any, they were good.  I had to ship my broken phone back so I took the kids to do that and we picked up Casey's medicine.  The kids were wild but they had fun.  Everyone have a good night.



I made it to work today and worked full time.  Dad stayed home and rested.  He did do laundry so that was really nice.  Work is hard because not one cares and is worried if they will have jobs.  It is really hard.  I did get some stuff done so that was good.  I came home and we made bacon and tomato sandwiches.  I even made guacamole to go on it.  They tasted so good.  Robin, I am glad that you are feeling better.  That is one long day.  You are going to be tired tomorrow.  Karen that is fun you got a new purse.  Way to go.  Everyone have a nice Tuesday.  January is just about over with.  LOVE MOM


Work was busy. I had a hard time.getting into the groove so the morning was bumpy. I stayed at work late and we are making Valentine's boxes at work. So after I went to Michele and Joanns. I didn't get home till 9. So it was a late dinner. I hope everyone had a good Monday.



My Monday has been good. Work went by pretty quick, so that was nice.  Then after work I came home and the new purse I ordered had arrived. So i moved all my stuff into the new one. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Quiet day

Robin that is sad that you got food poisoning.  I hope you get over it quick.  Karen we had a quiet day as well.  I think we are doing better.  At least I hope.  Tomorrow will tell when you have to move for more than a minute.  Our little girl is growing up.  I am glad she liked her new bed.  I hope it helps her sleep.  At least she can get up and get her own toy if she needs to.  She really notices everyone's bed and now she is like everyone else she will really like that.  Well have a good last week of January.  I am so glad this month is over with.  It has been a long month for sure.  LOVE MOM

Hot pocket

I had a hot pocket for lunch and it gave me mild food poisoning. I felt lousy all day. I started to re coup by dinner. So it was a lame sunday hope everyone has a good week



I slept in today as well. It was nice. It was just a quiet day for me. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Today was good.  Everyone but Isaac slept in which was nice.  Isaac has this idea to made mixes for people for Valentines, he worked on a box for a long time today and this evening we landed on maxing mason jar mixes so we printed everything we needed and will make them another night.  We made Ruthie's bed into a toddler bed and she likes it.  She went right to bed also which was really nice.  I hope that it is a good move for her.  Casey started to not feeling good at lunch time so he stayed home and I took the kids to church.  Oliver still doesn't like sunbeams and I sat with him for half of it with Ruthie because she doesn't like nursery.  Ruthie came to my class which was fine.  It was a relaxed day and it was nice.  Love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...