Saturday, December 18, 2010

eight maids a milking

I waited all day for a phone call so I could rush off to the hospital. baby demerit #1 my new date is the 23rd. If he is born on the 23 I will forgive him for not being born today. :) I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well though. Today was a two show day so I am pretty beat. Tomorrow I have the whole day off. woot. I'm glad the christmas carols were awesome karen. well I guess nothing else for the daily report. signing off



Karen, Good job. I was just the opposite. I am inspried by you. I slept in and watched the last three episodes of Dexter. This season wasn't as good as the others have been. I did wrap all my Christmas presents so I am good to go. Then Casey went to work and I went with him and watched him work. Then Mom and Dad picked us up and we went to dinner. It was a nice day. We took a bet at dinner to see who can guess the babys birthday. If anyone wants to join they can. Grandma took the 22nd. Mom took the 28th. I have the 29th. Casey the 31th. Dad took everything until he is born so his doesn't count. Robin did call the 18th but that has passed so you can choose a different date.


I forgot to say that the Forgotten Carols were amazing and I had a great time.


Well I have been productive today. I went grocery shopping, cleaned my bathroom, saw a movie, and now I am doing laundry. Wow I know. I even fit in a trip to the mall just to see how many people where there. There were a ton. I also got me some nuts at the Totally Nuts place. They are just so yummy when they are warm. It has rained here all day. I guess that means you have snow up north. I am hoping that you don't have too much. I may have to find my ice scrapper. Well have a great one.

Friday, December 17, 2010

nine ladies dancing

Well today was good. I beat the end guy on level 5 and then a few girls from work needed dresses for a wedding they are going to so we went to the gateway to look around. They didn't have anything, dress shopping is terrible. Then at work a dancer caught the flu and had to miss. but everyone handled it really well. hopefully she fells better tomorrow. its a two show day. I am glad that the baby is doing well. If he's born after christmas does that mean we all get to open one of his gifts??? :) just kidding. I hope the forgotten carols is good karen, I love that music. well not much else with me. I'm excited for christmas.


Nice Day

Well we were in Logan all day and it turned out good. We got the ear wax out of grandmas ear went to lunch got her money for her cards and went shopping got her hair cut and went to dinner. It was a busy day. I am staying for a party at 6 tomorrow night but it the weather gets too bad I am going to come home before dark. I don't want to drive in the dark in a snow storm. I can stop by Debbie's house on the way out. I will just play it by ear. Well not much else to report. I hope you had a good time Karen and Rachel I am so glad that all is going well. You are doing great.



I had a doctors appointment today and it went good. Isaac's heart sounded good. I was 70% effaced and a finger tip dilated. He kept teasing us that we are going to have to name him Nick, because he will be born on Christmas. I have another appointment on the 22nd and he said that they do a stress test on the baby to make sure he has enough fluids and is holding up alright. I am jealous that you are going to the forgotten carols Karen, that will really put you in the holiday spirit, have fun.

Its raining its pouring

Well it is raining here not now. I am just killing time until Forgotten Carols start. Work was good today. I am glad that it is over though and it was payday so that was good. I am glad that you made it to Logan safe mom. I hope that the weather is nice when you have to drive back. So far the weather looks nice when I am coming up. I hope that it stays that way. Well I hope that everyone as a great weekend Bye

Thursday, December 16, 2010

In Logan

We made it safe and sound in Logan. Dad stayed in SLC. He was too busy. It was hard to come up. I feel like I was coming up all alone again. Weird. Good luck at the doctor's Rachel. I hope all goes well. The baby is covering up the 40 that is good. Karen you will love the Forgotten Carols that is fun you are going. Well wish me luck tomorrow. I am going to sleep in. That will feel good.



Karen, I love the forgotten carols, that is so fun that you got tickets to go. I am jealous. Good job. I had a good day, the temp called in sick again so I had to do the reports today. Tonight me and Casey went Christmas shopping, we are all done now. It feels good to be done. Well I have a doctors appointment, I will let everyone know how it goes.


Forgotten Carols

Well I was spontaneous and bought a ticket for the Forgotten Carols tomorrow. I heard the advertisement on the radio my decided to go. It was rainy here most of the day. Work was busy today and filled with random jobs. But at least it went quick. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday and payday. Just one more week until I get to come up for the holiday. I am excited to come up and see everyone. Hope you all have a great Friday.BYE

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

hot dog

Today I had a two day show. The first show was a school group and they are fun because they have bigger reactions. Then during intermission we went to hot dog on a stick it tasted really good. I love their hot dogs. well other then that its same ole same ole. 10 more days till christmas


Alyssa's dance recital

Me and grandma went to see Alyssa's dance recital. It was really good Kyle got to go also and that was fun. He enjoyed it We took them to Leatherby's afterwards because Julie had to take Kyle home. It was nice to be with the kids. I am going to go to Logan tomorrow night or Friday morning. Grandma has a doctor's appointment on Friday and so does Gary. Gary might cancel and go another day. We will see what is going on tomorrow. I am glad you got to rest Rachel. The seats weren't very comfortable. Julie told me that Robins show got continued for an extra week. I thought that was good news. Excited for you to come home Karen.



I had a good day. I didn't go to the dance recitial tonight. Casey wasn't going to work but he ended up working. I atedinner and fell asleep. It was nice and I feel better. I don't have much else going on, I hope that everyone had a good night.

Lead anyone

Well at work today I worked on tracking down solder with lead in it. It was a rather involved project. But it kept me busy so that was nice. It was cloudy here all day. I thought maybe it might rain but it never did. Just one week left until I get to come up. I am excited. I am glad that mom and Rachel had a good time sewing. The baby is going have about a millions blankets. He will have to have an extra room just for cloths and blankets. Have a great one bye.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Good Times

I had a good day. We had a work Christmas lunch and it was fun and the food was really good. I ate a ton of food. Me and Mom did sew and her blanket it really cute, I love it. Isaac is spoiled. I worked on my Sea Urchin quilt and got a lot done. I didn't make enough of the middle pieces but when I got home I found fabric for the 5 I am missing. I don't know what I was thinking, it will be fast to get caught up again. I am excited for you to come up next week Karen. It will be fun. :)

Going to Snow

It is suppose to snow tonight. I don't like that. I hope they are wrong. Rachel and I got to sew and I sure like that. I made the cutest monkey blanket from material I got in St. George. I even cut to finish by myself. That made me feel good. I feel good I could do it all by myself. We are going to have a birthday dinner for Robin on Sunday because she has to work on her birthday. Karen I thought since you were coming up on her birthday we could take her out late and do something fun. I thought would be good. We will see how it works out. Unless Rachel decides to have Isaac on that day. I am glad it is Wednesday tomorrow. I have friday off so it will make the week go really fast. Not much else to report. I am needing to wrap some presents but I'll get to that someday I hope.


11 days

Well there are just 11 days until Christmas. Things are going good here. I got 15 minutes over time today at work. I hope that you guys are having fun time sewing tonight. It gets dark so early now. It is dark by the time I get home. It makes it feel like it is late at night when it is still early. Have a good one.

Monday, December 13, 2010

copy cat

Well today I worked at the theater. I am really tired yesterday was kinda a joke. but I made it out a live and can add that to my list of battle scars. Hopefully the rest of the week is smooth. Nothing else to crazy. I am glad that christmas is 12 days away. I am sooooo ready for december to be done.

love you


I couldn't think of a good title either. Robin was really tired. I hope she gets some rest. I had a good day also. I went to work early today. I am tired tonight. I am excitd to sew tomorrow. I am going to make another baby blanket. The one with Monkeys. Not much else going on. I did take Grandma to Smith's and we got a table cloth and a new wallet for her. Well have a great tuesday. LOVE MOM


I couldn't think of a good blog titile today. Today was good, work went by pretty fast and it was a good day. Casey was home tonight and we just took it easy. We are having a work christmas party tomorrow, it should be fun. Everyone stay safe.


Well today was good. It was colder today than it was all weekend, but I guess that is winter for you. I got me some clemintines oranges and they tasted good. They are another thing that I love about this time of year. Work was good today. I kept busy for the most part. I am ready for Christmas to be here. Well I hope that everyone had a good Monday. BYE

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Good Sabbath

We had a good day. We finally made it to church this week, I haven't been very good about getting up to go. It was really nice and felt good to go. Afterwards we napped and just took it easy. We went up to Mom and Dad's for dinner and it was really fun. The lasagna tasted so good. Yesterday Casey worked and I did a little Christmas shopping but was mostly lazy. I did get some sewing done and that felt nice. I am so close to getting done with the Sea Urchin quilt. I also played a lot of Donkey Kong. I am on world 6 now. It is a fun game.

Safe and Sound back in SLC

We made it back safe and sound. It was nice to go to Logan. It is really warm here also. We visited Grandma Bodily on the way back and it was nice to see her. She is having a hard time. I made lagsana tonight for dinner and it tasted really good. I have to go to work early tomorrow to work on some data but I am going to take Friday off so I won't go over my hours. I am excited for Christmas to come. Won't be too much longer now. Robin I hope you had a good time with your movie. Get some rest. Karen I am glad they gave you the program now you can get them all done before you leave for coming here



Well they didn't give any information for the program this week so i didn't make a program. So a little while ago the Bishop called and gave me the speakers for the next 2 weeks. So I am set I guess. Church was good it was the Christmas program so the ward choir was in charge. It was another beautiful day outside. You didn't even need a jacket in the afternoon. I wish it would stay like this all winter. I hope that mom and dad had a good trip back to SLC. I also hope that Rachel, Casey, and Robin had a good Sunday also. Have a great week. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...