Robin, I bet you have never had such a quiet Halloween. I am glad you got trick or treaters. We had a really nice day. We got up and had free breakfast and than swam and checked out. I helped Rachel get rid of some toys and books. There were tears but we did it. We went to Hu Hot for lunch and then did a corn maze. I love corn mazes. It was a lot of fun. We came home and even got some trick or treaters. Just one group but there were a lot of them. We watched Arsenic and Old Lace and that was fun. Don't forget to fall back. You get a whole hour of extra sleep. The ceramics we did the other day are done so I think we are going to go pick them up and meet Karen in Park City. Robin if you are working from home on Thursday we will be down there all day. If you want to go to lunch we will take you out. The dentist is right by Walmart. The weather is so nice. Enjoy that. LOVE MOM
Saturday, October 31, 2020
My day was good. I slept in and the I worked on my technical writing homework. I did take a break and took a walk this afternoon. Other than that it was just school stuff. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, October 30, 2020
Nice day
I had a nice day. We took Ruth craft shopping so when me and Rachel did parties her and grandpa had something to do. They made bath bombs. The parties were really fun. The kids both said they were awesome. We went to indian oven for dinner. They were slammed donut took some time but it was good. We went swimming afterwards. It was s big busy day. Have a happy Halloween. Love mom
Made it
I went into work early again this morning. I got to leave at 2 though so that was nice. It was a good day. I finished the training I was doing about 10 and then just got caught back up on stuff the rest of the day. I was tired when I got off work so I took a nap. It was nice. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye
Thursday, October 29, 2020
Safe and sou d in logan
We went into work early today also and then drove up to Logan. Rachel made us dinner and it was so good. We just played and it was fun to be here. Tomorrow are class parties. We rent a hotel room so we could go swimming. That will be fun. That was quick in the ceramics. I can pick them up in sunday. Love mom
I went into work at 7 this morning to help train. It was early but I made it. I still stayed until 430 though. So I might leave early tomorrow. I am going in at 7 tomorrow also to finish up training. It made the day go by fast. Mom, the ceramic place called and our stuff is ready for pick up. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
I worked from home today and that was nice. I went to Smiths on my lunch hour and that felt nice to get out. I made mongolian beef for dinner and it is so good. I found this bottle of sauce at Smiths and I love it. I finished up getting everything ready for Halloween for Logan and we are ready to go. I think we will try to leave after work if the traffic isn't too bad. If traffic is bad we might go home and wait until a little later. Not much else to report on my side. Robin, I hope you had a fun mini vacation. That is nice you got to do that. Karen, I am glad that you got your test done. It was warmer today. I didn't have to use my space heater at all. LOVE MOM
Today was warmer which was nice. Everything was pretty normal. I walked, went to exercise class and did math. We walked to pick up the boys and it was so nice outside. Ruth started to tell me all the things she is learning at dance class which was fun and cute to watch. I cleaned and folded laundry. Oliver made a tower out of boxes. The young men and women delivered treats for the kids so they dressed in their costumes. I have to dress up for preschool tomorrow so I made a pumpkin hat and am going to wear a jackolatern shirt. It might be dumb. Love you guys.
It is still cold here. It was 18 when I got up this morning. Tomorrow I have to go into work at 7 to help train someone how to enter part numbers into the inventory system from one of the companies that we have acquired. It will to hard to wake up early but it should make the day go by faster. I took my quality midterm tonight. I think that I did good on it, so keep your fingers crossed for me. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
fun day
I did have a fun day. Thanks Karen for taking me painting and using your birthday gift card for lunch. It was so nice to play hookey. Robin, I am so glad Jeramy finally got his birthday present. I hope it is a good one. I love that rocking chair. You have always wanted to rebuild furniture. That will be fun. Rachel, I am glad you had a quiet day. You needed on of those. You have been running. Everyone enjoy hump day. I am not working on Friday either so I am super excited about that one. Karen, I hope your test goes well. LOVE MOM I forgot to say that Isaac wrote me a thank you note for helping me when he had his tonsils out and it was just beautiful. It made me cry.
I am glad everyone had a fun day. That is awesome. We had a good day but not as fun as everyone else. I walked in the dark this morning. Tuesday's are my slowest day which is nice. I got a lot done on my math class and I sewed a bit which was nice. This afternoon me and Ruth did crafts and read. We walked to pick up the boys. I had a two hour primary meeting this evening but it was on zoom so I was in my sewing room and puttered a bit. Love you guys.
I had a fun day. Last night we went to the comedian. He was funny. This morning me and mom went to the container store, the we went to red lobster for lunch. After lunch we went to color me mine and painted snowmen. It was fun. Then we had dinner and I went home. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, October 26, 2020
Fun time
I went into work early. One of the girls thought she had covid but the test came back negative so I don't think I will have to go in early until Thursday. Karen came down and we went to Costco and then we went to Spaghetti's Factory and then she bought tickets to go see a comedian at Wiseguys at the gateway. it was fun. We had a really good time. Karen is spending the night. LOVE MOM
It was cold this morning but I got all my winter stuff on and it was great. No was worried about Tony so we didn't go far but he seemed fine. I forgot to get a treat for Ruth to take to school because she is super star today. So we ran and got one before school. Isaac was nervous that he would be late but it was fine. Exercise class was fun, we did high today. I did math and we went over Newton-Raphson, it helps you find the minimums. Ruth got to wear her witches costume to her dance class and she was so happy and excited. She had fun. I took Tony another walk while she was gone. It has been so cold and the kids don't have coats that work. Oliver's zipper doesn't work. Randy got a job at the sportsman so we met Casey there to look for coats and say hi. They didn't have any so we went to Al's and they were really expensive. We ended up at Kohl's and got the kids nice coats. Oliver looks sad in the picture because he is going to miss his old coat. Casey had to go back to work because he had a late meeting with Australia. Me and the kids did homework and watched a show for a bit. Love you guys and have a fun week off Robin.
Sunday, October 25, 2020
It snowed here. I bet we had 2 inches before noon. I think we got lake effect snow. We went to the new target on Redwood Road today to get better glue dots for the halloween parties. We also went to Joanns. it was nice to be out and about. We went to Arby's for lunch. Dad has been craving that. I made chicken and dumplings for dinner. It tasted good. Warmed us up. Be careful in the cold weather. I think fall allergies are for sure done now. Karen is taking us to a comedian tomorrow night. That will be fun. One of the girls in our office things she has COVID and is getting tested tomorrow. I am going in early 3 days this week to help with screenings. Have a nice Monday. I can't believe how fast October has gone. LOVE MOM
My day was good. I got a little snow here as well. You can still see the grass through it though. I just had a lazy day. I did watch school lectures so I was a little productive. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
It is so cold. It snowed a tiny tiny bit and the kids were so excited. They got all their winter stuff out. Casey went to Clifton to cut wood. They had a good time and he was back for dinner which was nice. We went to church this morning. Oliver slept through most of it. I had a meeting and that went good. After lunch we walked to the park. It was nice to get out. Tony loves going to the park and was so excited. Isaac wore shorts and no gloves so he was cold so we didn't stay super long. Oliver was running around with Tony downstairs after dinner and crashed into the garbage can. He has a big bruise on his chin. I can't believe it is almost Halloween. I hope everyone has a good Monday.
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...