Friday, July 1, 2016
Lovin it
I had a really nice day off. I was productive this morning and cleaned up a bit and did a batch of laundry and dishes. It gets so hot in here that I can't do laundry all at the same time. Just a batch once in awhile. I read a book that Karen got me and it was really good. There were four of them and I finished the first one. I am excited to play tomorrow. We aren't getting up early we will jus mosey on up. LOVE MOM
Well my day was good. I slept in, meet mom, dad, and Robin for lunch. Then i qent grocery shopping. Then i came home and did laundry and dishes so I do feel productive at least. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Today was Isaac's last swimming lesson. I was trying really hard to be on time today since we are always a little late and we got in the car and Oliver had pooped in his swimming diaper. It was such a mess and got his swimming suite all messy. Isaac was really upset that he may not be able to swim afterwards but I took it to the bathroom at the place and cleaned it up so it was fine. But it ended up raining so only Isaac went swimming afterwards, the rest of us were too cold. He was insistent that he was going to go so he swam for a while. It cleaned up and was hot the rest of the day. We got the pool and slip and slide out. It was Collins birthday so we went out to pizza and then up to Randy's house for cake and icecream. It was fun. I think that tomorrow we are going to up with them and watch the fireworks above their house. I think it will go better for Isaac and then Oliver can go too. I am up for Saturday also. Do you guys want to go to the cruise in?
Me to
Today was busy. I am taking tomorrow off so I tried to get everything done. Then I worked at scheels. Are we doing lunch tomorrow karen and mom? I wasn't sure if that was still a thing or not. I'm good with whatever. I am ok meeting up on saturday I am free. Let me know what works best. Have a good one
My Friday
I am taking tomorrow off also and going with dad to the stomach doctor. It is his yearly checkup but I am hoping they put him on an antibiotic for his stomach. Work was crazy busy today and it went by fast. I am excited for the weekend. I have yet to plan anything so I am just going to wing it. See what comes up. Everyone have a great 1st of July. I don't know where June has gone. That was quick. LOVE MOM
Well my day was good. Work was busy so it by quick. I had a meeting at lunch for the kingdom ball. So i stayed a little late to make up time for that. Then I put round up on all the weeds in my front yard. I hope they die quickly. I took tomorrow off so I am going to sleep in. I hope everyone has a great Friday. Bye
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
This week is going fast
Thanks for the video Karen, that was really cute. I hope that you are feeling better Mom. I don't have any plans this weekend either. The fireworks in Logan are on Friday, the cruise in parade is on Saturday. That is all I know that is going on and I am up for anything. I have to teach my lesson on Sunday. Today was a busy day. Casey had insomnia last night so he stayed home and got some sleep which was good. We had swimming lessons in the morning which was fun. In the afternoon they had a magic show at the library. Oliver was asleep so I left him with Casey and took Ruth and Isaac. He does a good show and it was fun. This evening they had a primary water party at the church. Isaac had a really fun time. They were really organized and had some fun things to do. It was a fun day, this week is flying by. Oh Ruthie is sitting up by herself. She still will tip over easily but she is doing it. She is getting big. I also finished the bag Mom got me at the quilt show. It is humongous. I don't know when I will use it, I have never seen a bag so big. Crazy.
Almost there
I am glad we made it through hump day. That was a silly video Karen. Thanks for sharing it. Today was good. Dad was asking me what we had planned this weekend and I didn't know. Does anyone have a good idea. I am up for anything. It was really cloudy here today. I am hoping it will rain and cool things down a little bit. I hope Isaac has fun on his last day of swim lessons. LOVE MOM
Well my day has been good. Work was busy so it by quick. I am glad that the weekend is getting closer. I really want to sleep in. Someone at work show a cute commercial from Australia. It is called "Dumb ways to die". I put the video below. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow.
Sound asleep
So I fell asleep on the couch at 7 and just went to bed. I woke up with the headache so I thought I would blog. It was a good day. I am starting to see some daylight at work. That feels so nice. Have a nice hump day. I am looking forward to a long weekend. LOVE MOM
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Well my day has been good. I made it thru work. I had 2 meetings today so I don't feel like I got a lot done. I did put my lego plane together. It was fun. The blades turn, the flaps move, the flaps move up and down, and it drops lego water. So i think it is pretty cool. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.
We had another good day. I am liking swimming lessons and swimming all morning, it has been a lot of fun. Isaac isn't swimming with his floaties anymore and is come so far in the last two weeks. After lunch I sewed with Jenn, we haven't done that in a while and it was fun to talk for a while. Isaac had a play date with a neighbor boy and he had a fun time. Casey had scouts tonight and we just watched shows downstairs. It was so hot today but the ac is keeping up pretty good this year. The part came for Dad's jeep but it is the wrong one so Casey ordered the right one. I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.
Tic tac
Today was good nothing to exciting going on. I worked at scheels tonight so I don't have alot to report. I hope everyone has a good tuesday
Monday, June 27, 2016
Slow mo
Today was busy. I ended up staying 2 hours late but hopefully tomorrow I am productive. Me and Walter had cafe rio for dinner it tasted good. I was really tired so I am just watching Netflix and playing computer games, have a good night
I am glad the kids had fun with the water toys. That will keep them cool and you also. Thanks again everyone for the nice birthday weekend. I am spoiled. I wore my watch all day and I walked 4976 miles. Not much else going on with us. Dad took grandma to the skin doctor and froze off some skin cancer. It is suppose to be really hot tomorrow also. Robin I hope you had a nice day. Thanks again for everything. LOVE MOM
Thank for the nice weekend. I didn't get any pictures of the air show but I did of fat cats. I hope that you are feeling better Robin. That was sweet Karen to give that gift, good job. I hope that you had a good day Mom. Today was good. Ruthie woke up early which was lame but what can you do. The boys slept in and I had to wake them up for swimming lessons. The missiles were a hit at the pool and all the kids were playing with them. The little boy couldn't play today so we rescheduled for tomorrow. It worked out because we had all the new fun water toys to play with, thanks Mom. Our peas are on and the raspberries are starting to turn which is fun and delicious.
Well i got an email today telling me that i have to call in July 10th thru the 20th to see if i have to report for jury duty. So lucky me. Other than that it was just a usual Monday. Made it thru work, really wanted a nap, and then came home. I took the motorcycle thing I made over to my visiting teacher, she really liked it and thought it was cute. I hung out for a little bit and then came home and made tacos. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...