Friday, October 16, 2015


Those are cool projects Robin, that is really fun you can do that.  We had a good day.  Isaac woke up feeling like he had to throw up.  Casey googled it and it said that he may have low blood sugar in the morning from not eating good the night before which makes a lot of sense.  He felt better so we went to story time and then grocery shopping, that took all morning.  Me and Isaac played legos most of the afternoon.  After dinner we played trains outside but it gets dark so early.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow, it should be fun.


REady to go

Robin I love that sand bucket.  That is so much fun that machine.  I love it.  I am glad it turned out.  Karen you had about as excited of a day as me.  I just had to make meetings with people that have no openings until December for next week.  I am excited to go to Logan tomorrow also.  It will be fun to do Halloween things.  Robin has fun working tomorrow.  Just think three more weeks after this one and we will be moving you :)  Everyone be safe  LOVE MOM

Life's a beach

Today was good. Today we had a beach party for a girl at work. I forgot until late last night so last night I cut vinyl for a bucket mom bought me and made sand pudding. The pudding turn out really good everyone ate the whole bucket. I out a picture below. Karen mom also found this cool brow sugar container that has a button to seal the top. So I cut some vinyl today and I put the sugar in. I will give it to you the next time I see you :)

Mom the photoshoot was a serial killer thing she just needed some bruises and cuts. Well tomorrow I work at scheels. Have a good weekend


Well we made it to Friday. My day was good. Although I did have to explain a bill of material to someone. It lists the total quantity of an item in an assembly in a BOM. So when it says there is 30 feet of wire and the exploded view shows 3 wires it does not mean that there are 3 thirty feet wires, but 3 ten foot wires. Exciting times I know, but some people say that I don't tell enough about my day so there you go. I am all set to go to Logan tomorrow. It will be fun. Have a great weekend everyone.

Here is how waking up went for me this morning
Image result for snarkecards

this one goes with Rachel's joke from yesterday
Image result for snarkecards

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Nice Day

It was a nice day.  I slept in and then worked late.  I went grocery shopping on the way home.  That was nice.  I got a pumpkin pie because they are suppose to be rare this year.  Rachel that is fun to do crafts with the kids.  I love crafts.  Robin what did you do for the photo shoot?  I was curious what you ended up doing.  Karen did you decide if you wanted to drive or meet in Logan on Saturday?  Not much else going on with me.  Have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Isaac has been wanting to make a stock car and paint it so we went to the hobby lobby this morning and they both got one and we made them when we got home.  It was fun to walk around the store and fun to do a craft.  Casey got done with his class at 3 so it was nice to have him home early.  We spent most of the day outside or doing crafts.  I didn't take any pictures today, I need to get my act together but I have some jokes, enjoy.


Run away

Today was busy. I had a photoshoot afterwork. So I did that. Then I thought I would run some errands. I forgot how much I had to Do. Tomorrow we are having a birthday party and I'm making sand pudding. So I still have to make that tonight. But I guess it's good to be busy. I am glad tomorrow is friday. Have a good one


Well my day has been good. I got my pumpkin for our works craving contest. They are doing it next week on Thursday. I will have to find something good to do. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

hump day

We made it through the middle of the week.  Good luck on your photo shoot tomorrow Robin.  You will do a great job.  Karen, I never did get an email from you today and I sent you three.  It is weird.  I am going to reboot my computer in the morning and see if that helps.  Rachel enjoy the weather.  It looks like this weekend it is suppose to rain and then turn a lot cooler.  Karen do you want to go to Logan this weekend?  Not much else going on with me.  We just vegged tonight.  I did make blueberry muffins.  LOVE MOM


Today was good nothing to crazy. I worked at scheels tonight. It was busy though so that was nice. I like Isaacs costume it's really cute. I found some cute embroidery sun bonnet sue for ruth. I am waiting till I have a sewing room then I Hopefully will get a quilt done by she arrives. Just don't come early :) tomorrow I have a photoshoot with Joe. He decided to do another idea then the veins we were planning so I'm not really.sure what the final product will be. Have a good.night



I didn't get a book either.  It must be coming our way.  That is weird.  I like Walter's new car and I am glad that it is working out well for him.  Thanks for looking for cute girl things for Ruth.  I am excited to see what you found.  I am so glad that you are feeling better Mom, that is so nice.  We had a pretty good day.  Isaac had school this morning and me and Oliver played and read books.  Casey had a long lunch so I picked up Isaac and we met him for lunch, it was fun.  Oliver took a really long nap today so we just hung around the house in the afternoon.  When Casey got home we shipped his ebay packages and went to lowes to get new sand for the sand table.  We saw a cat peeing in it so we cleaned it out and are going to keep the lid on it.  Oliver is not happy about having the lid on when he is done.  Isaac doesn't have school tomorrow so I think we might go on a hike or something fun.  I hope that everyone has a good night.


Oliver was being silly on the stairs

No Book

Well I didn't get a book. Now I can't join the book club. Oh well. My day was good. I don't know why our emails were messed up mom. I did email you though. It seems like it is getting darker every morning. It makes it seem like I am waking up too early every time my alarm goes off. Rachel I think that is a great ghost costume. Good job. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Fun times

We met up with Robin and Walter tonight it was a lot of fun.  I like his car.  Work was good and not much going on which is good.  I am glad you got the costume made.  That is really cute.  I did find some werewolf fur at JoAnn's tonight.  I felt so good today.  It was like I woke up and I was all better.  Can I just say that was nice.  I was worried because I got a flu shot but it turned out good.  Not much else going on with us.  We got the exact same book in the mail.  I thought that was really weird.   LOVE MOM

The great controversy

Today was good. Walter got a new car so that was nice. I put a picture below it's a chrysler. I think it will be a good car for him. Then we met up with mom and dad for dinner. It was fun. After we went up to Walters parents to show them the car. In the mail I got a book. The great controversy. I guess it's a religious novel. So of anyone wants to read it I will let you have it :) lol have a good one


All Set

Sorry I missed your email Mom.  I will email you first thing in the morning.  Casey took a class today and he has it the rest of this week.  He gets paid overtime for it which is nice but it is a long week for him.  We went the shopping this morning and got everything we need for Halloween so we are set.  This evening Isaac really wanted to make his costume so we did that and I think it will work out good.  I got a long sleeve white shirt to go under it so I think it will look nice.  They wanted spider man buckets for trick or treating so we got those also.  It was fun.  I sewed with Jenn and that was good.  It was harder with Casey gone but I still got some sewing done.  Afterwards we went to the park and they played for two hours.  Their was a boy from Isaac's school and Imogean so they had a fun time.  Thanks for everything guys and have a nice night.


Isaac made a cute craft


Well things are good here. After work I went to Heber to get my prescription. I went by highway 40, because of road construction. It was longer, but faster route. It was also less annoying that way. Work went good today. Nothing too wild and crazy. I hope everyone had a great day.

Image result for road construction jokes

Image result for road construction jokes

Monday, October 12, 2015


Today was good.  Tiffany was still in town, they are leaving tomorrow, so we spent most of the day with them and it was fun.  We were going to meet them for breakfast but ended up meeting for lunch after Isaac was done with school.  We went the Mediterranean place where papa Kelsey's used to be, it was alright but fun to try somewhere new.  Isaac and Casey went up to Randy's and I stayed home with Oliver while he napped and was able to sew for a while.  It was a nice afternoon.  We headed up their after he woke up.  We went to first dam and fed the ducks and hiked a bit.  Then we just hung out at their house.  Tiffany has a cute little cat she saved from Clifton and Oliver loved her, it was cute.  It was a late night.  I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.


Made it

I made it through Monday also.  Love the new towels Robin. They are going to be fun.  Work was quiet today and that was nice.  I got some work done.  They had flu shots today and if you don't have one they fire you so I got my flu shot today.  It was under protest is all I have to say.  Not much else going on with me.  It sure is pretty outside.  LOVE MOM


Today was good nothing to crazy. I worked at scheels tonight so that was my excitement. I tried to sign up for my new gas and electric for my new place. Let's hope it all.goes well. I have my router shipping to my new place so I have to call tomorrow to.get it to my place I'm at now. I am tired. I need another weekend to just sleep. I started on November towels. I finished one so a put a picture below..have a good night



Well my day has been good. It went by pretty fast for a Monday so that was nice. I was going to go to Heber after work ro get my prescriptions. But they are doing road construction and have it blocked to one lane. So after waiting 10 mintues for them to let traffic go, i got annoyed and just flipped around. Next time i am going the long way by highway 40. I hope everyone had a great day.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


RAchel that quilt is amazing.  I love it all put together.  It is just beautiful.  You are going to love that one.  We had a nice time with Grandma.  Thanks Karen for taking us to lunch. I really liked the Martian show.  It is worth a watch when it comes out on DVD.  Grandma kept saying what a good day she had.  It was windy in Park City but it was nice to get some sun.  Robin, I hope that you and Walter had a good day also.  Tonight is the first time my head doesn't hurt.  That is a good sign.  I am hoping that stays.  Not much else to report.  I think it is suppose to be hot all week.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that everyone had a good weekend and I am glad that you are feeling better Mom.  We had a good weekend.  Tiffany, Max and Randy floated the snake river yesterday so they were gone all day.  We ran errands in the morning, we got more chocolate milk and went grocery shopping.  At the store we got more glitter stickers and did that while Oliver was sleeping and then played outside.  After dinner Imogean wanted to play so Andrew and Casey with the kids went and fed the ducks, they had fun.  This morning Isaac threw up so we skipped stake conference and just rested at home.  It has been so hot outside, it is weird weather.  I have been working on putting together my sampler quilt at night.  I have 5 rows together and have 9 more to go.  It is going to be a big quilt.  It isn't perfect but I love how it is coming together.  Everyone have a good Monday.




Well my day has been nice. I meet up with mom, dad, and grandma for lunch. We went to Red Rock it was yummy. Then we went and saw the Martian movie. It was good. I would recommend it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...