We made it home safe and sound. The kitchen looks amazing. We were wonderful. Have a nice relaxful Sunday. If you want to spend the night Rachel just let me know. WE would love to have you any time. Thanks for the nice day.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
work was good I worked a little late to finish an order that had to go out today. But there was a funny banner, it said "drive though Prayers" ha ha I thought it was so odd. but I guess you can drive through and pray. good times. I am not going up to logan until saturday. I have an orientation that I have to go to for lagoon. it starts at 10 hopefully its done by 12 but we will see. Well not to much else happening have a good night
Cone of Silence
It was a beautiful day. I loved it. Dr. STrong said there are some mineral pools at the homestead called the cone. It said they are really fun to go to. I think as a prize for working hard in the house I would like to take everyone swimming there one day. I thought that would be fun. I will have to research it more but I will keep you posted. Have a great Friday and we will leave when Karen gets here. LOVE MOM
The weather was so nice today, I love it. I got a lot done today, it seemed to be a busy day. I got a lot of cleaning done this morning and I worked on the raspberry's while Isaac took a nap. After his nap we just spent the afternoon outside walking around. When it was time for me to make dinner he would not come inside. He had a rough time while I got everything ready. Casey came home and we went to best buy. Collin sold some of Casey's grandpa's ammunition and he gave us half so we made an impulse buy. It is a box that lets you connect to the internet on your TV. We are going to put it in our bed room so we don't have to watch the same truck movies all the time. You can get netflixs on it. I hope that it works. Well I am excited for everyone to come up tomorrow, thanks for all your help. I owe you guys big time.
Getting closer
Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good. I am all set to come up tomorrow to help finish the floor in Rachel's kitchen. I am going to leave after work tomorrow. So I will be in SLC for dinner. Well I hope that everyone had a good Thursday. BYE
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Numa numa
I have been listening to my old CD and they are awesome. It has been fun to remember all the fun times. It was really nice to have Mom and Dad come up. I had a really nice evening. Isaac enjoyed all the attention. Casey did our taxes tonight and we get a lot back so that was a nice surprise. I watched Twilight. I liked the last movie better but this was still good. Well I am glad that everyone had a good day.
Home safe and sound
We made it home safe and sound from the doctors. Bottome line who knows what is wrong. I guess we are in the wait and see mode. It can be fustrating for sure. It was so nice to the the Logan bunch. Isaac was so cute. I had a nice day. I am not looking forward to working all day tomorrow but I am tough and can do it. It was so beautiful outside today. Robin I am glad your job is going good. YEAH. Karen I am glad you got to go to Walmart. I love Walmart. I need to come up and go with you soon. LOVE MOM
today was good. I had to get a drug test today before work so that was fun. I hate doing that. but then I worked, I brought my ipod today so it was alot better. I like that I can listen to music as I work. big bonus. I put the new album mat kearny on that rachel gave me and I listened to it for a bit. I liked it. well not to much else just work tomorrow.
I am glad that your new job is going good Robin. My job is going good as well. Nothing too exciting to report. It is actually pretty nice outside today. The sun is shining, it is not snowing, it is almost warm, and most importantly it is not snowing. I did run to Walmart after work and got my grocery shopping done. So that is nice to have over with. Well I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
work is good I think I will like it everyone is really nice. I am in the banners department so I am sewing banners. Its just a straight stitch so its super easy. The machine goes a millions miles a minute so sometimes it hard to control. i am getting better. well not to much else have a good trip to logan mom and dad and have a fun wensday
nice day
It was a quiet day today. Just a normal day and it was nice. I fell asleep and I am going to back to sleep. Have a nice hump day. Don't work to hard. I only have to work 1/2 a day tomorrow. I am excited to go to Logan LOVE MOM
On fire
I am so excited for your new job Robin, I hope that you love it. It will be nice to have the money in any case. I did a lot of sewing today, not of much as Robin did though. Isaac took an early nap so I got the sew for and hour and a half, then Jenn came over and I sewed with her for two hours. Isaac was so good while she was here, he entertained himself really well. He is feeling a lot better and acting a lot more like himself. He is having some crazy tempertantruims though but I think that has to do with his age and not being sick. Mostly he is his sweet self again. Well that is all my news. I am excited for Mom and Dad to come up tomorrow, it will be really fun day. Maybe Mom you could help me find a new pediatrician in Logan.
Happy First Day of Spring
Well it is the first day of spring today. I sure if you look past all the snow you could see that. I hope that you had a good first day of work Robin. I can't believe that march is almost over. Time is just flying by. Things are good here. Work is just trucking right along. I hope that mom and dad have a good trip to Logan tomorrow and that dad's doctors appointment goes well also. Well have a great one. BYE
Monday, March 19, 2012
well tomorrow I start at sugar house awnings. I hope it all works out, I'm way nervous with lagoon and all. I wrote my boss a letter about it so hopefully he doesn't hate me. but o well I guess we will see what we will see. But nothing else to crazy I did laundry today so that was nice to have done. have a good one
long lunch
I had a long lunch today because we met the accountant to get out taxes done. YEAH. I worked late though to make it up. I was a good girl. I wish Isaac would get all better. Poor little guy he has had a rough go. I bought him a pair of shorts today at Old Navy. They are cute. My head is feeling better tonight. That is good. Well have a great Tuesday. I have meetings, meetings meetings.
Well we didn't get that much snow. It did snow over night but it was all melted by this afternoon. Isaac was kind of moody today so we didn't do much. He took a two hour nap so I got some more sewing done which was nice. It is still light when Isaac goes to bed so I got some curtains for his room today. They work really good. Now I just need to put in hooks on the side to hold them open in the day. I also got a white noise generator to hide some of the noises. Well everyone has gone to bed so I am going to farm and then sew. Everyone have a good night.
Well we got about 3 inches of snow yesterday. So it was a slow drive to work this morning. My hands nearly frozen scrapping my windows off this morning. It did warm up in the afternoon though. So I am hopeful that the snow will be gone soon. It was quiet at work today. A lot of people took the day off. I guess it was a good day for snow activities. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE
Sunday, March 18, 2012
missed it
sorry I forgot to blog last night but my photoshoot went well. It was fun. today I didn't do anything just watched some movies. IT snowed here for a bit to. but its all melted. I love your quilt rachel very nice. well not to much else have a good night
Quiet weekend
I am so glad that Isaac is feeling better. Eating is a good sign. I hope it is over the worse of it. It looks so sick. Poor little guy. I love the quilt it is really nice. Good work. That is nice that Casey was able to get all the cabinets up. That was nice of him. Now we just need to finish up the floor and the kitchen is done. YEAH. I had a bad headache in the middle of the night and slept in until 11. I just read and rested all day. It was nice to have a quiet weekend. It snowed here all day also. I did make chicken enchiladas and they tasted good. I made brownies also. I made a whole bunch so I will have them all week. DAd got Casey's w-2. I will give them to you this weekend. We are meeting with Tom tomorrow to do ours. I am really nervous about it. Well have a great Monday. LOVE MOM
Snow, snow, and more snow
Robin I hope that your photo shoot went well yesterday. Rachel that quilt looks awesome. i am way impressed. It has been snowing here most of the day. I made corn beef and cabbage for dinner and it was really good. I also got my laundry done so that was nice. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE
Getting better
Isaac had a bad night last night but he didn't fever at all so that was good. He ate breakfast and lunch today. After lunch he started acting really good and has been acting normal the rest of the day. He took a 3 hour nap. Casey had a to work a bit today, when he got home he watched Isaac so I got a lot of sewing done with the long map and Casey watching him. I finished my blue quilt. Casey also finished hanging the cupboards up and nailed the banister. I made a roast for dinner, it was a really nice day. Even yesterday was really nice. It was nice to just have a quiet lay around the house day. Here are some pictures of Isaac's when he was sick.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...