Thursday, March 22, 2012


The weather was so nice today, I love it. I got a lot done today, it seemed to be a busy day. I got a lot of cleaning done this morning and I worked on the raspberry's while Isaac took a nap. After his nap we just spent the afternoon outside walking around. When it was time for me to make dinner he would not come inside. He had a rough time while I got everything ready. Casey came home and we went to best buy. Collin sold some of Casey's grandpa's ammunition and he gave us half so we made an impulse buy. It is a box that lets you connect to the internet on your TV. We are going to put it in our bed room so we don't have to watch the same truck movies all the time. You can get netflixs on it. I hope that it works. Well I am excited for everyone to come up tomorrow, thanks for all your help. I owe you guys big time.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...