Saturday, February 16, 2013


today was good. I woke up at 9 this morning and then I decided I wanted to sleep more so I ended up waking up around 1. then watched some netflix and the clock said 3. I literally did nothing. I didn't even eat till 3, so I wasted the day basically. it was nice. I can't complain, but nothing productive was done on my part. some photographers posted some pictures. I put some of the ones I liked here. That is cool casey gets to go to paris. YOu should fly out and spend a week there with him rachel. I would go to paris any day. I'm glad that you got your apartment out of your life karen. well not to much else with me have a great sunday.

Quiet Day

Thanks Karen for the planter.  I am excited to have it on my patio.  That was sweet of you to bring it down.  I did errands today and it seemed like the day went too fast.  I did make a really good salad for dinner.  It was with acni de pepi.  It was pretty outside today.  I did sleep in a little bit and that felt nice.  Have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. i got my old apartment cleaned up and turned in. Yeah so that is over with. Then I took the planter I had on my patio down to mom and dad's place. Then we went to Sam's and Walmart. It was fun. It was so nice outside. I love the sun. Rachel I am good either coming up or you coming down. What ever you like. I could come up to Logan after work the night before and spend the night also. What will be a good day to come? Well I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE

Friday, February 15, 2013


Today was good. Last night my charger broke for my phone my car and wall charger. It was quite the deal. so I had to wake up early and head to walmart to get new ones since my phone died and had no way to charge it. luckly my computer had an alarm I could set. but the photoshoot went well. I wasn't in love with the rose but it was fun. THe black girl was better.I posted the pictures I took on my phone. hopefully some better ones will surface. I am excited for your bed rachel that is super fun. NOt to much else with me. I am hopefully oging to sleep and work on taxes tomorrow. have a great one Robin

Counting Sheep

Yeah for the new mattress.  You are going to love that.  You won't have to count sheep anymore.  You will just fall asleep in pure luxury.  I am so happy for you.  You will get it just in time for Casey to have to sleep on an air mattress all weekend.  I hope Casey gets to go to France.  That is super fun.  Robin I am so excited to see pictures.  I hope it all went well.  Karen good luck cleaning your apartment tomorrow.  I am going to run errands and then work on ironing and getting dad ready for China.  We are becoming a world flying family.  Well my day was good.  Just a normal day with no great stress in life.  I really liked that.  Have a great weekend  Isaac looks so big that picture.  He grows so much every day.  He is so dang cute. 

A New Bed

Today was good.  Casey rode his bike to work so me and Isaac took the truck to pick him up.  We decided while we were out to look at beds for a minute.  There was a place by where firehouse pizza used to be that we stopped.  They had really good deals and 6 months no interest so we bought one.  We are just going to pay it off when our tax refund comes.  They had a good deal also so we were able to get a nicer one than I thought.  It is a memory foam king size mattress.  We are really excited.  We are picking it up tomorrow morning before Casey goes down to SLC.  It should be amazing.  Casey might be going to Paris France for his work in a couple of weeks.  Nothing is definite but I am excited for him.  I hope that your photo shoot went well Robin.  You looked really pretty on Facebook.  I am excited to see the photos.  Karen I would love to have a nephew day.  We can even come up to Kamas and spend the day.  I would like that.  Whatever works best for you.  Well I hope that everyone has a good weekend.  If you need anything for your surgery Robin let me know.   Isaac looked cute this morning so I attached a picture.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Fun Valentines

We had a really nice day.  Casey made Salmon for dinner and it tasted so good.  I made black berry cobbler for desert also.  It was really fun.  I love your hat Robin.  I think that your photo shoot will go really well.  I love all the ideas that you had.  I am excited to see the pictures.  Everyone have a good night :)


Well my day was good. i am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. I liked your hat also Robin. I am sure that your photo shoot will be awesome. Work was good. i am staying busy so that is nice. I am ready for a weekend. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. BYE

Love the hat

Robin I love your hat.  I think it turned out really good.  I hope everyone had a good Valentines day.  I did.  We just stayed home and vegged.  It was nice.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday.  I am just going to stay in SLC and get ready for the crazy week.  I thought I would get ready for Gary leaving for China.  Robin what do you need help with.  I bet your photo shoot is amazing tomorrow.  Have a great time.  LOVE MOM

valentines day

happy valentines day. my day was good. nothing crazy. I have my photoshoot thing tomorrow. I hope it goes well. I should have everything done. i think. well nothing else to crazy with me. hope you had a lovely day robin

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


today was good. I keep getting angry at work but I am blaming my gallbladder. Then I meet up with mom, dad and karen for dinner. it was fun. In the mail I got my hat base I ordered for my makeup stuff on friday. I went to jo anns and got feathers and stuff and decorated it. I put a picture below. Don't mind the black doll, I am working out some makeup ideas on her. Thanks for the pillows rachel that is really sweet and thanks for the movies karen I will watch them all. You guys are sweet thanks for everything. have a great valentines day robin


Rachel I had the opposite problem. Sunday the guy from the bishopric said that they were going to come over on last night and visit, but they never showed up. Oh well such is life. I had a fun day with mom. The doctor sucks but that is nothing unusual. Rachel I was thinking of taking a child day sometime in March and coming up to Logan to play. Is there a day you would like? I could play with Isaac while you and Jen sew...or if there is a class you want to take....or we could all just play together. What ever you like. Well have a good one. BYE

Nice time

We had a good day.  It was nice to have a day off.  It did feel like Saturday.  Karen's doctor went OK.  Her counts were high but when he heard she bought a house he seemed to understand.  We went to IKEA and walked around.  We didn't see anything we feel in love with.  We met Robin for dinner and there was a drug bust in the parking lot.  That was interesting.  Dad's Ipod doesn't work in his car anymore.  We can't decide if it is his IPOD or the car stereo.  It works on just headsets so I am leaning towards the car stereo.  Dad leaves at 12:30 a.m.  next Friday morning.  He thought it was Friday night.  I think he will be OK.  I think I am just going to stay in SLC this weekend and work on getting dad ready to go.  I can change my mind if you want to do something.  Well have a great Valentines day.  I would advise against eating out tomorrow. It will be crowded.  LOVE MOM


Today I forgot my visiting teachers were coming at 1.  So I put Isaac down for a nap and put in my headphones and listened to Josh Groban.  I didn't hear them ring the door bell or knock.  Then they called me and I figured out it was my phone after they hung up.  So I went outside and caught them before they left.  I didn't clean up the front room so it was a mess of toys.  I felt bad.  Other than that it was a good day.  I made two stomach pillows for Robin since I could make tow out of a fat quarter.  I hope that they work for her.  We went to look at Edwards tonight for mattresses but they had closed.  So we walked across the street to the book table.  It was fun to walk around, they have toys up stairs so we got Isaac a new train.  They had some fun buildings for the train table.  I think that we might get one for Easter.  I hope that they doctors we went well for you Karen and you had a good day off Mom.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lock Down

Well today in midvale some guys shot three people and were on the run. So they locked all the doors at work so incase he was in our area no one would get hurt. but all is well. I guess they didn't catch the guy yet but it looked like an isolated, drug thing. but other then that things were good. I went grocery shopping I had Zero food. and I went to savers to look at dresses for the shoot on friday. I found some, for the white girl I found a simple wedding dress it was 25 bucks. So I bit the bullet and bought it. hopefully its not to tacky. then I came home and my place was a mess. I was so anxious and stressed so I figured I would clean instead of worry about photoshoot stuff. I think it was the better move. I did laundry and cleaned it feels nice, Its only messy now not hoarders episode 101. But its more relaxing now. so that is my day have a great wensday.

A cold day in February

Good luck tomorrow at the doctors Karen, I hope they don't make you wait too long.  We had a good day. We had story time and went grocery shopping.  Jenn came over to sew and I finished a quilt for Mom, I need to quilt it now.  I also worked on my mystery quilt.  Isaac only took a hour nap but he was really good to play while we sewed.  I called the insurance and they had never received a claim for Isaac's doctors appointment so I called the pediatrician and they are going to resubmit it.  It made me feel a lot better.  Everyone have a good night.


same old same old

I did good at work today and got a lot done.  I am looking forward to a day off.  I didn't do anything spectacular just a regular day.  I am doing laundry and that is about as exciting as it gets.  I am glad you like the Josh's CD.  I think it is a lot better than the last one.  I am going to go with Karen to the doctor tomorrow and then drop by and see Jeff and make sure he is OK.  He is getting the rest of his teeth pulled tomorrow.  Then I think we are going to Heber to finish up the apartment and be done with that.  That will be good.  Have a nice Hump Day.  LOVE MOM

Moving right along

Well things are going good here. It snowed a little bit here today and it felt super cold. Work is busy so it is going quick. It was also Mardi Gas so we had lots of treats at work today. I am waiting for the bishopric to show up. They said Sunday that they would drop by tonight. We will see if they remember. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Monday, February 11, 2013

Sunny Day

I agree with Robin, I think it is me in that picture with Karen and Casey.  I can see Mom also in it.  That is fun.  Thanks for sharing Karen.  I don't have much else to report either.  We had a good day.  Isaac didn't get much sleep but he was happy today and we had a good time.  I am excited for your skirt Robin.  That is so fun.  Everyone have a good day tomorrow.  Good luck with the long days Mom.  Also I LOVE the Josh Groban CD.  It is so good, thank you Mom.


so you say

That is cool about the video, but I didn't go so it was probably rachel you saw instead or karen. BUt today was ok. My boss decided to take the day off again today with out telling me. It really pissed me off. But I mellowed after a while. then class went well. I started a skirt pattern. Hopefully it will look good at the end I will post pictures when I get the final project done. not to much else the rest of the week will be getting set on the shoot on friday. have a good one robin

We are famous

Karen put a box around you guys so you can see you are famous.  You are on the discovery channel :)


Dad took me to work this morning so I got there really early.  I got a lot done today.  It was so nice and quiet.  It was nice to feel like I got things done.  I don't have any news.  I sure had a nice weekend.  It was fun to have everyone together.  It was nice just to play for awhile.  I am excited to have Wednesday off to go with Karen.  I think we are going to go clean up the rest of her apartment and just play for awhile.  I am going to work late tomorrow also.  When everyone goes home I get a lot done.   Have a great Tuesday.  It is suppose to have some sunshine.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. Work went by quick so that was nice for a Monday. After work I made spaghetti and started laundry. The spaghetti tasted good. And the laundry is still going. I have started a new series on netflix called Warehouse 13. So far it is a pretty good show. I have only watched like 2 episodes but still. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Banana Belt

Karen we got at least 5 inches of snow and it snowed most of the day.  I was so glad you made it home on Saturday because it would have been tough to get home on Sunday.  I am glad the bishopric is coming over on Tuesday.  That will be good to meet some people.  We went to chuck-e-cheese and all I can say is the puppets were a real disappointment.  The pizza was good and the games were really nice but I thought the puppets would talk at least once.  We had a good time.  Just as Casey and Rachel were leaving there window wipers came off so dad and Casey went and got some new ones.  It is going to be late before they get home.  Thanks for the fun weekend.  I had a really good time.  I will see you on Wednesday Karen.



Well I made it to church. Yea for me. The bishopric is coming over Tuesday night to visit me. It has snowed a little here but not much. I would be surprised if the total amount of snow Kamas has got since Friday had totaled over .25 inch. I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...