Friday, April 12, 2013


I am excited to go up to Logan.  That will be fun for all of us to hang out.  I will be ready to go when you get here Karen.  Not much going on with me. I worked late tonight but next week I am working a normal shift.  At least I think I am.  It is so pretty out tonight.  We went on a little walk, it felt so nice.  Well we will have fun tomorrow.  Isaac will be happy to have all his people with him.  LOVE MOM


Robin that is so pretty. I am impressed. I am so glad that it is the weekend. I found out the the tulip festival at thanksgiving point starts today and goes thru the 27th. So I want to go next Saturday. If anyone else wants to go let me know and we can make a plan. I am excited to come up to Logan. i am going to leave here about 830ish. So I should get to mom and dad's place about 915ish. I added the ish cause you just never know how fast I will move in the morning. Well see you all tomorrow. BYE

Thursday, April 11, 2013

we will see

I might have saturday off maybe. If you guys leave saturday I might be able to tag along ;) well work was good but crazy I made it out alive. Hopefully tomorrow we can stay ahead and get things together. well I worked on my wood burning, I posted a picture below I am going to get some stain tomorrow so the wood part will be darker. COngrats karen on the raise that is awesome. have a great night robin

Almost there

Let's plan on going to Logan then.  That will be fun and we can play up there.  The weather isn't suppose to be wonderful but we can visit and work a little bit if weather allows.  Not much else to report from me.  I did go to the store and buy bread and some apples.  I am tired tonight.  I am glad I get to sleep in a little bit tonight.  Dad's doctors appointment isn't until 9.  This one is his stomach doctor.  Have a great day.  It is Friday.  Congratulations Karen.  I hope you get your dishwasher fixed Rachel.  We can help on Saturday if you need us to.  LOVE MOM

I love it

I would love Karen and Mom to come up on Saturday, that would be really fun.  Thanks guys.  Congratulations on the raise Karen, that is awesome.  That is a big one, I am excited for you.  Robin I hope that work slows down for you and I am glad that you are being creative.  That sounds like a lot of fun.  I am glad that Dad's doctor went well Mom, good luck tomorrow.  We got the part for the dish washer and Casey installed it last night but we haven't gotten it working yet.  We just need a little time to look at it.  We had a good day.  We didn't have any obligations and it was nice.  Isaac woke up super early this morning and that wasn't great.  So he took his nap at 9.  I finished the table runner and it looks cute, I like it.  We meet Casey for lunch and then we went on a long walk. A girl and her daughter from playgroup were at the park so we talked for a while and that was fun.  After that we walked a long ways and Isaac walked the whole way.  I made stir fry with my julienne peeler tonight and it was really good.  I am going to make that more often.  My peas are coming up and I am excited about that.  I attached a picture.  Everyone have a good night.



Well I had my year review today. It is a little strange that they start counting your year after your 60 days trail, but what ever. I got a raise so that is nice. It starts Monday which is the beginning of the pay period. So that worked out nice. Robin I hope that your work went from insane back down to crazy. My work was a little quiet today, but I made it thru. Rachel is it okay if me and mom maybe...tentatively plan on coming to Logan on Saturday? I will have to take you out to dinner to celebrate my raise. Well that was my excitement for the day. I hope that everyone has a great Friday. BYE

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

wurk it

Yeah for pie I was thinking about it the other day actually I think I need a piece ;) Sorry about your flowers in the snow. mother nature is angry. I would love the table runner rachel it looks cute. I am not sure about this weekend yet work has imploded. and i might have a photoshoot ??? I will know more on friday. sorry. But its so busy at work. strike that its insane. so hopefully we kick butt the next few days. at least I getting over time. ALso last night I got the artsy vibe again so i drew a little sketch in my notebook and now I am turning it into a wood burning its still in the works I will post pictures when it looks more put together. and speaking of pictures. I forgot to get you photos karen of the easter egg hunt for your work. I will work on that soon :) robin

I get to sleep in

I worked a long day today but tomorrow I get to sleep in until 7:30 and then take dad to the doctor.  That does seem so nice.  I had to be at work at 7:15 today to help with the interviews and left at 5:15.  I don't like working those long days.  I will be glad to go back to a normal schedule.  I finally passed my level on candy crush. I know I am just so exciting.  I am glad you got your books Rachel.  You do have your reading cut out for you.  What are you going to read first.  Dad asked me if you got the dishwasher part yet?  He was worried about you.  I am glad enrichment turned out.  Karen I am ready for strawberry pie anytime.  That is the best.  I don't have any plans for the weekend.  Does someone want to do something?  Finish laying brick, cut down pine trees?  I don't know just the normal everyday weekend.  Let me know what you would like to do.  Have a nice Thursday.  It is suppose to be stormy tomorrow but then have a beautiful weekend.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Holy Reading Batman

Yesterday I got an email saying the odd thomas book was ready for me to pick up.  Then today I got an email saying the Robert Jordan book was ready also.  So I went and picked both of them up today.  I have a lot of reading to do.  I can always renew them if I can read them fast enough.  We had a busy day today.  We had play group this morning and that was fun.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon.  I finished the mystery quilt table runner, I just have to bind it and hand sew some flowers on.  I was going to give it to Robin if you still want it.  I think it is cute.  I will put a picture up when I am done.  After she left I made biscuits for enrichment.  It  took about an hour to do.  I have a ton left also, I am going to send them with Casey tomorrow.  Enrichment went really good.  We had about twenty people bring a sample of a recipe and the recipe to go with it.  There was a lot of food and it was fun.  My demonstration went well, it wasn't too long so that was nice.  Overall everything worked out and it turned out to be a good day.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.


I agree

Rachel that is a really cute video. He just gets cuter every day. Also tell Casey thank you for fixing my dish washer so it doesn't fall forward any more. That has been really nice. My day was good. It is still really cold here though. I am glad that the weekend is getting closer. Are there any major plans for the weekend? Robin I forgot to tell you that Saturday when I went to Walmart I passed the Hub and noticed that the Strawberry pie is back. You asked me about that last time you were here so I thought I should update you. Well have a good one. BYE

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

So dang cute

Rachel that was so cute.  He is just so smart.  I am glad that bears went well.  I knew they would love the activity.  You do a good job.  You have a right to be nervous 8 year old little boys.  They can give you a ride for your money. Good luck tomorrow with enrichment.  I am glad that Casey is feeling better.  Karen, I am sorry you have snow.  It will be warm someday (I hope).  It was so cold and windy today.  Robin I am glad you got to veg.  I can't believe Le Mis is already here.  When you talked about it, it seemed like that was so far away.  Work was really busy today.  I didn't get much done but I did get a lot of meetings done.  I was involved in interviews.  I find them really hard to do.  It is hard to tell how people are going to be with a half hour interview.  WE went shopping after work because the person's last day is Thursday.  It feels nice to have the present all bought.  I am not so worried.  Have a great hump day.  If we can make through Wednesday we are almost to the weekend.  LOVE MOM


that is a cute video rachel. I'm sorry it snowed in kamas karen that sucks. it was so cold today I didn't like it. My class goes until the first part of may. but les mis starts the last week in april so I am going to miss a few days. but what can you do. today was good. I worked and then rested and watched hunger games (its on netflix) It was nice to chill for a while. well have a great one hopefully its warmer robin


Today was pretty good.  We got some snow also but we didn't have to shovel.  It mostly melted by this evening.  Casey was still tired today so he came home early and was able to take another nap.  He is feeling better.  It has been nice to have to have him.  I moved sewing day with Jenn to tomorrow since he cane home.  Bears went well this afternoon, I was so nervous.  I need to calm down.  They liked making the journals and it was fun.  We didn't anything done on the bricks but it is supposed to warm up this weekend so maybe we could work on it then.  I have enrichment tomorrow.  I hope that goes alright also.  It will be a busy day tomorrow.  I recorded a cute video of Isaac doing the signs to popcorn popping on the apricot tree.  It is cute, thanks Mom for teaching it to him.



Well I had to shovel this morning. It sucked. It was super wet snow, so it was heavy. There was also about 3 inches. But I did it. It is super windy here right now. But it is not snowing so I will take what I can get. Work was good. Just moving right along. How much longer does your class last Robin? Well I hope that everyone had a good day. BYE

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday Monday

That is too bad it is snowing in Kamas.  I work with someone that lives in Heber and they said they had at least 6 inches and that was at 5:00.  I hope you don't have to call a snow day in April.  Robin when they inspected your car did they fix the trunk?  I have been meaning to ask that.  I also went to your website and WOW.  He really did a wonderful write up about you.  That has to make you feel good.  Rachel thanks for the pictures.  They are so cute.  I am glad that Casey got a day off.  He needed that.  We can come up and help you finish up the wall.  It won't take long.  I had a nice day at work and we went to Walmarts this evening.  I have food in the house again.  We are watching a series on Netflixs called Jericho.  It has hooked me in.  WE are about half way done.  It was really cold outside when we went shopping tonight.  I am sorry Isaac has Ro's feet.  Blisters are just miserable.  LOVE MOM


sorry Issac gets blisters like me they suck. But at least I will have a buddy to be crippled with on family trips. hopefully he doesn't get heatstroke and then we will both be a hot mess. today was good. but we are getting a huge order in so later this week things are going to hit the fan and its going to be crazy. of course my boss is oblivious to the world so hopefully some people will have their lifed saved by pepsi ;) lol. then I went to class. I am getting stressed out that april is going so fast. may les mis starts and all my free time is out the window. oh well baby steps. well have a great one hope everyone is warm drink lots of hot cocoa. robin

Aunt Ro's Feet

Robin, I forgot to say that really like your hair.  I also got my hair cut this weekend and I love it.  It is a lot lighter and thinner.  I straightened it this morning but it didn't turn out very good.  I will try again tomorrow.  I can't believe your charger broke again, that is crazy, that makes me mad.  Isaac has two blisters on his feet and I was thinking today that he has Robin's feet.  I hope that he grows out of it.  Karen, it sounds like you were busy last week with cotton candy.  It is nice to have a couple quiet days.  I am sorry that it snowed there, that is depressing.  We had rain here today so we didn't get any work done on the brick wall.  Every time we went out there it was cold and rainy.  Good luck this week with all Dad's doctors appointments, I hope that you have a good book.  I thought that enrichment was on Tuesday this week but when we were delivering invitations this morning I noticed it was Wednesday.  It made me feel less stressed, it will be nice. I have everything ready to go for the Bears tomorrow.  I hope that it goes well.  We are going to make journals and then I found some journal questions that I put in a jar so they can pick one each day and write about what they pick.  Casey was really tired today so he stayed home and took a day off, he needed it.  We loved having him home and he was Isaac's favorite all day.  Well everyone try to stay warm and hold out for warmer weather.   I didn't take a lot of pictures of this weekend when I went back to look.


Well it is snowing here in Kamas. I was hoping that since it is Spring that the snow would be gone. Silly me I know. I got my taxes all mailed off. It was painful but I did it. I am sorry that I didn't blog last night, but I really didn't do anything so it would have been dull anyway. I think that I am glad my peas haven't sprouted yet. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, April 7, 2013


today was good. But I woke up and my cell phone didn't charge, my charger freaked out again so I went and got a 3rd charger in 3 months. yeesh it really sucks. so hopefully this one holds on for dear life. I finished breaking bad and did homework. I did put a link below a guy that did the church picture blogged about the opening and said some nice things so I thought I would pass it along ;) well have a great monday

I agree

It was way to quiet for me also.  We did go see Grandma Bodily and took her to lunch. I slept through conference and then we just watched netflixs.  We will have to come up more often.  I am glad that Casey made it home safe and sound.  Not much else going on with us.  I am going grocery shopping tomorrow after work.  I know I lead a wild and crazy life.  Have a nice weekend everyone.  LOVE MOM

It's too quiet

Everyone had a good weekend it sounds like, that is fun.  We had a really good day with Mom and Dad yesterday.  It was really nice.  Today was boring.  I put a show on for Isaac and took a nap this morning and that was nice.  This afternoon after Isaac's nap he wanted to go somewhere in the car so we went and visited Randy.  It was nice to get out of the house for a while and talk to them.  We were lonely with Mom and Dad around, it is too quiet here.  They are doing construction on the new canal by Randy's house so we walked up and looked at the machines.  They were mighty machines.  Casey just made it home, he had a good weekend also.  Good luck everyone with going to back to work on Monday.  It is going to be hard to get back in the swing of things.  I took some pictures this weekend, I will put them on the blog tomorrow.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...