Wednesday, April 10, 2013

wurk it

Yeah for pie I was thinking about it the other day actually I think I need a piece ;) Sorry about your flowers in the snow. mother nature is angry. I would love the table runner rachel it looks cute. I am not sure about this weekend yet work has imploded. and i might have a photoshoot ??? I will know more on friday. sorry. But its so busy at work. strike that its insane. so hopefully we kick butt the next few days. at least I getting over time. ALso last night I got the artsy vibe again so i drew a little sketch in my notebook and now I am turning it into a wood burning its still in the works I will post pictures when it looks more put together. and speaking of pictures. I forgot to get you photos karen of the easter egg hunt for your work. I will work on that soon :) robin

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