Monday, April 8, 2013

Aunt Ro's Feet

Robin, I forgot to say that really like your hair.  I also got my hair cut this weekend and I love it.  It is a lot lighter and thinner.  I straightened it this morning but it didn't turn out very good.  I will try again tomorrow.  I can't believe your charger broke again, that is crazy, that makes me mad.  Isaac has two blisters on his feet and I was thinking today that he has Robin's feet.  I hope that he grows out of it.  Karen, it sounds like you were busy last week with cotton candy.  It is nice to have a couple quiet days.  I am sorry that it snowed there, that is depressing.  We had rain here today so we didn't get any work done on the brick wall.  Every time we went out there it was cold and rainy.  Good luck this week with all Dad's doctors appointments, I hope that you have a good book.  I thought that enrichment was on Tuesday this week but when we were delivering invitations this morning I noticed it was Wednesday.  It made me feel less stressed, it will be nice. I have everything ready to go for the Bears tomorrow.  I hope that it goes well.  We are going to make journals and then I found some journal questions that I put in a jar so they can pick one each day and write about what they pick.  Casey was really tired today so he stayed home and took a day off, he needed it.  We loved having him home and he was Isaac's favorite all day.  Well everyone try to stay warm and hold out for warmer weather.   I didn't take a lot of pictures of this weekend when I went back to look.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...