Saturday, May 4, 2024


 Thanks for letting us have the kids. Me and Karen went and got luna while the kids were asleep. We decided it was way to windy to launch rockets so we went to this is the place. We petted animals.and rode the horses around the circle and then went to lunch. We went back and rode the train and panned for gold. We came home and Luna slept for awhile and we watched a movie. We had dinner and went to the park. Man it was a wind storm. It took awhile but it think they are asleep. Love mom


 We had a fun day, thanks again for having the kids for the weekend.  This morning I went to exercise class.  Then we went hiking up deep canyon in the wellsvilles.  It was a beautiful day and it was really fun.  It was snowy high up but we were able to hike in it until it got to step.  Then we went up the the ridge and hiked down that way.  We went out for dinner at the El Salvador place.  Then we mowed the lawn this evening and did some yardwork.  Oliver ran the Greenville mile yesterday and I attached pictures of that and our hike.

Love Rachel 

Friday, May 3, 2024


 We had a good day. I ran errands this morning and then did projects.for teacher appreciation. We went a met Rachel o. Ogden and had dinner and then brought the kids home. Drive safe Robin. Love mom


Today was quite so it was nice. We haven't talked more about the job change so I figured I would bring it up next week to make it final. Jeramys sister came down after work and is spending the night. When Luna wakes up I will drop her off in SLC to meet up with the rest of the clan. 


Thursday, May 2, 2024


 Work was good.  Testing is very quiet and it is nice.  I had a meeting after school and Ruth just waited in the computer lab.  The principal got a district job and we will have a new principal next year.  Isaac and Casey worked on Isaac's science fair project.  They did a good job and it worked out really well.  I ordered new exercise shoes and they came today which is fun.  We just did floor work at exercise class so I didn't get to use them but they look nice.  We are meeting Mom and Dad tomorrow at Slackwater at 6.  Thanks for watching the kids this weekend.

Love Rachel 


 I stayed up way late reading. It was fun. I cleaned up the mouse and then put roundup on the rocks in the front. They are winning the war right now. I went through the rest of the boxes of papers and have a huge pile for recycling. That felt good to have done. Karen took us to spagetti factory. It tasted good. I did take a nap this afternoon. We are going to meet rachels bunch for dinner to.orrow and take the kids. I am looking forward to playing this weekend. Love mom


 My day was good. Mom and dad caught the mouse so we went out to spaghetti factory to celebrate. It was fun. Congrats on the promotion Robin, you deserve it. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


 Congratulations Robin, I am excited for you.  A raise is always nice.  I did testing at work again.  We had a busy evening.  Walter came over to play when Oliver got home.  He left and then we dropped Isaac off at young men's and went to Ruth's soccer game.  It was so cold and windy.  Spring is crazy weather.  We picked up Isaac in the way home and then I went to exercise class which was high.  I was glad I had to to fit it in.

Love Rachel 


 Robin that is so wonderful. Way you go. That is so nice. Congratulations. We had a busy day. The missionary canceled on us for lunch so we met Karen for lunch at the mall and got activities for this weekend. We bought rockets and are going to the great salt lake to launch them. They are suppose to go 600 feet in the air. We came home and I mowed the lawn and weed whacked. It looks nice. Not much else to report on my end. Have a wonderful thursday. Robin do you have to give notice for your other job? Love mom


I went and asked one of the managers a question today and she recently opened a position and she wants me to take it. It will be salary and a pay increase. It's still purchasing and I probably will stay at the same desk. I would just report to someone different. But I am most likely going to take it. I don't see very many down sides. Luna didn't take a nap so she fell asleep in the car. So we ran to Costco to get Jeramys pills. We just had warm ups and took it slow the rest of the night 


Tuesday, April 30, 2024


 I had a early meeting this morning and I feel bad rushing the kids to get to get their early.  Testing is going good and not to exciting.  I got a mammogram after work and it was fine.  They are really fast which is nice.  Ruth had soccer practice and Isaac made dinner which was really good.  I went to exercise class which was step aerobics.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. I slept better last night so that was really nice. Then work went by fast. I came home and we had dinner and then went to the gym. So nothing too exciting. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 We ran errands this morning and then dad worked in the garden. I worked on boxes of papers. I have one more box to do. I have a lot of recycling.  We did go to the gym tonight. That felt nice. It was a pretty day. Karen made the cutest windmills and I finished all of olivers godzillas. I had to glue all the hads back on after cleaning them. Have a nice hump day. It is cold tomorrow. Love mom 


Today was nice because it was warmer and sunny. A vendor took us out for lunch to smoked taco. It was really good. After work we had dinner and played outside. I'm at attempting to level the area by the shed and dig a hole for a fire pit. We are moving the extra dirt to the garden boxes. It was work on that for a bit tonight 


Monday, April 29, 2024


 I had a bad night also so I took it slow this morning. We did go grocery shopping and target. Dad weeded the flowers for me. I did give the recliner into the sewing room. I thought dad could read in there while I sew. I like it in there. Have a nice last day of April. This month went by fast. Love mom


 I had a lot of class come in for testing and it went good.  I left when the tests were done and went grocery shopping.  Isaac had violin lessons.  I am accompanying him for a recital this summer so we practiced and it was fun.  I went to exercise class and it was strength training which is hard but it feels good afterwards.  

Love Rachel 


Today was alright. I was tired so it made the day long. After work I picked up groceries and we just had a calm night



 Well yoga yesterday made me really stiff today. My pump also sucked last night so I didn't sleep well.  I made it through Monday though. Work was good. I am making progress so that is nice. After work I started printing a windmill. I hope it turns out. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, April 28, 2024


Yesterday I finished the blocks for my lattice quilt and today I laid it out and started putting it together.  I made way way to many blocks and have enough to make another quilt so I am going to do that.  Ruth was reading funny on the couch so I took a picture.  I played the piano in primary and it went well.  We are practicing the mother's day song we did last year and I know it really well.  We went to Randy's house for dinner and the kids played and played at the park.  It was nice it wasn't raining and they could run around.

Love Rachel 


 We had a good day. We went to yoga. I am not very good at it but it makes me feel better. Thus time it was harder on my knees. Karen was on fire and got a lot done. We still ha ent caught the mouse. I am not sure what to do next. Weird. We have a quiet week. It is suppose to be good weather. Love mom


 I had a good day. At 11 me and mom went to yoga and dad just went to the gym. After that I took everyone to Arby's for lunch. We went home and changed clothes and then went to Costco. After that I turned on the water for the sprinklers and pruned most of the fruit off the peach tree. Then me and dad replaced the faucet in the kitchen. The handle would just turn on by itself so now it is fixed. Then we had dinner and me and mom played bubble bobble. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Today was good. We took it slow this morning then I put ribs in the smoker. We also need dirt for our second garden box. So we decided to dig a pit to burn the wood we have from all the trees we cut down.we also want to level out the area by the shed. I think that will get us enough dirt. But we had sticks everywhere. So I cut up the wood and made room to dig a pit. I hopefully will get the pit dug this week. Then we had the ribs. They tasted really good and just took it easy 



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...