Friday, March 8, 2019


My day was good. It did snow about 4 inches so I did have to shovel. Work was good I stayed busy so it went by fast. I hope everyone had a great day and I will see you tomorrow. Bye

Thursday, March 7, 2019


It was raining this morning so I didn't go running but I was tired all day.  I think that running gives me more energy.  For the PTA we were handing out dump punch to go along with the book at lunch today.  I helped for a bit and then had to pick Oliver up from school.  We walked to get Isaac and their was a huge puddle that the kids played in for a long time.  They were soaked but had a fun time.  Isaac's school had square dancing tonight for Mom's and sons.  Last night was for Dad's and daughters.  We went and it was fun.  Some of Isaac's friend were there and we were able to be in their square.  The caller had the boys hug their Mom's but Isaac was so embarrassed he wouldn't do it.  It was a fun time and the dancing was fun.  Afterwards I had book group and that is always fun.  Their was only three of us but we talked a long time and I didn't realize how late it was.  It is supposed to be bad weather tomorrow but we are headed down after Casey gets home.  Thanks for taking the class, I am excited.


Nice day

I had a nice day.  Just same old same old.  It is nice to have help.  Robin, I am sorry you are so crazy busy.  That wears you out.  I am glad that Jenkins like doggy day care.  He is a funny dog.  Karen, I hope you don't get snowed in.  You could get hammered tonight.  Rachel,  I hope your crazy day went alright as well.  I hope book club was fun.  I did go to Winco to buy some treats.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Things are going good here though. I don't have anything exciting to report . I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

So crazy

Today was so crazy from start to finish. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday and then we get to sew :) Jenkins did really well at the day care. He even was nice to other dogs. So that was good. Hope everyone is doing well


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

No touchy

Sorry I didn't blog I fell asleep. Work has been crazy. I have to finish packing for Chicago by tomorrow and they didn't finish picking the gowns they wanted till this morning. And half are missing. And I finally find some then design comes through and moves everything. It's just a circus. Jeramy came over today and bought me panda. Then we watched homestead rescue. It's a good show. I'm hooked. Jeramy has it on his vudu. On Saturday in will drive up to moms around 9-9:30? Will that work ok?

They called me at my apt. And they are having investors come through. They wanted to go through mine because they said I keep good care of my place. Jeramy just said I was the only one who would say yes lol. So I'm taking Jenkins to doggie day car tomorrow and they are going to reimburse me for the cost. So I figured it would be good for Jenkins to be around some other dogs for the day. Good job on school Karen I'm excited!

I did it

Well, I finished my taxes tonight.  I didn't have a lot of receipts so it was easy.  It didn't rain here very much but it was fun to watch the clouds come and go.  I think that is really neat you got accepted to school.  You will do awesome.  Rachel, I think that is neat you got calculators.  There are two of them at my work that are just sitting there and I wanted to take them home for the kids.  They don't have any paper with them.  I decided it wasn't worth taking them from work.  Robin, I am glad you are doing OK.  I am sorry that work is crazy busy.  I looked up when the class starts on Saturday and it goes from 10:30 to 4:30.  I am ready for the weekend.  I am an hour over my time so I am going to go slow the rest of the week.  LOVE MOM


Congratulations Karen.  I am excited for you.  You are so smart, you are going to do amazing at school.  Today was pretty good.  I went running this morning and then worked out, it was a hard one. Casey rode his bike so we picked him up for lunch which is always fun and then we went grocery shopping.  It started raining really hard all afternoon so we drove to pick up Isaac.  We just watched movies after he came home since it was raining outside.  Isaac had scouts this evening and he likes going to that and has a fun time.  Yesterday we went to the USU surplus and they had some old calculators for .50 the kids got.  I attached a picture of Ruthie with hers.  Love you guys and have a great night.


I'm in

Well I got an emailing today saying I got accepted to school. My I just nned to figure out who to talk to about what credits tranfered. I sent an email off asking who I should talk to, so I will let you know how that goes. Other than that it was just the usual for a Wednesday. It has been switching from rain to snow here all afternoon. At least it is warmer. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Today turned out to be a fun day.  I went running this morning and it is cold outside.  It was red day at school and Oliver was excited to go.  I took Ruth to story time which is fun.  It is Mardi Gras today and Ron always has a big lunch so we met Casey there.  He makes the best food.  We came home and worked on clearing the rest of debris out of the bathroom and Casey took the trailer to the dump.  I took Isaac to the physical therapist and he showed us how to tape his legs to help remind him to walk on his feet.  I hope that it helps and it was good to learn.  Casey took the little kids to the bounce and slide and we met up with them there.  Afterwards we went to dinner at the El Salvadorian place and it tasted so good and the kids ate the food which is awesome.  We went to home depot to look for a shower book but they didn't have one.  We did look around a bit and they have a lot prettier tile than Lowes.  I am getting excited for our class, I can't believe it is almost here.  Love you guys.


Oliver was eating rice by sucking it up with a straw

Early day

I had a 7 meeting this morning and got to work at 630.  I am now over my hours so that will be nice I can leave early when I want to.  Work is calming down a lot and that is so nice.  I am loving that.  We went to Whole foods after dinner and got some pro biotics.  We walked over to Carters and they had hoodies really cheap so I bought some for when the weather is a little warmer and all the need is jackets.  Have a nice hump day.  It is suppose to really rain.  LOVE MOM


Well i feel like i was in meetings all day today at work. It was more like half day but it still felt like a lot. Other than that nothing too exciting. My transcripts all made it in and they said they would let me know within 2 weeks whether or not I am in. I hope everyone had a great day . Bye

Monday, March 4, 2019


Good job guys, I am excited for the sewing class and for your college classes Karen.  Ruthie woke up last night and Casey couldn't go back to sleep afterwards so he went in late to work.  I ran this morning and then I worked out.  Oliver fell at the soccer field so he was grumpy the whole time.  It was yellow day at his school so he wore a yellow shirt and would only color with yellow when he got home.  The little kids rode their bikes to pick up Isaac and Isaac rode his scooter.  He fell and scrapped his leg but it wasn't too bad.  We played this evening and it was nice, the kids were in a good mood.  Love you guys and have a good night.



I made it through Monday.  I am getting less busy and I love it.  I have to go into work early tomorrow but that should be my last time I have to take minutes for that meeting.  It is starting to feel really nice to not have so much to do.  We watch Ralph wrecks the internet tonight.  I thought it was a cute show.  It is on VuDoo.  Robin way to go on your fabric.  Thanks to Rachel me and Karen are ready to go also.  I am excited to play.  Have a nice Tuesday.  It is suppose to be really stormy Wednesday but mostly rain.  LOVE MOM

Did it

I did it. I finished cutting my quilt :) I'm ready for the weekend! Work was busy I'm prepping for Chicago. Hope everyone had a good Monday



Well my day was good. It was a Monday though. I really could have used a nap, but I made it thru. My transcript made it to the school so now my application is under review
 I will let you know when that changes. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, March 3, 2019


We did the same thing.  We got up and took a nap.  It felt nice.  I sure had a nice time on Saturday.  Thanks everyone.  It looks like you took out the hall closet Rachel.  Way to go.  The kids are so cute. I did work on taxes and got some done,  I just need to get all the expenses for the house done and then I am done.  We actually have a quiet weekend.  I am glad you went to see where Jeramy lives.  That does says a lot about someone.  We sure got a lot a of snow today and then be sunset it was all gone that felt nice.  Everyone have a nice week.  LOVE MOM


I did rhe same as Robin, I got up and then took a nap it was nice. I did make the potato soup you got me for dinner mom. It tasted good. I hope everyone has a great week .Bye


Thanks again for coming up and working so hard, we got a lot done.  Thank you.  Oliver didn't sleep well last night and no one sleep in any more, something is in the air.  We went to church and that went really well.  It was nice to go.  It goes so fast with the shorter time.  The kids looked so cute this morning I took their pictures, I attached them below.  The primary presidency came to visit Oliver for his birthday.  He was so happy to have them and showed them all his stuff.  It was cute and they were really sweet to look at everything.  It was such a pretty day we rode bikes for a bit which was fun.  Then we went to Randy's and had dinner which was fun.  It was good to see everyone.  We walked to the park for a little bit to stretch our legs.  Casey worked today and me us up at Randy's.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good Monday.  This week looks like it is a busy one.  I am excited for you class.


Meet up

Today was chill. I woke up just to go and take a nap. Then I went over to jeramy's place he is living. He lives on the top floor of his friends parents house. So they had a family night and had Hawaiian hay stacks. It was fun and the family was nice. Thanks for the fun Saturday. Jeramy had fun.

Thanks Robin


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...