Saturday, August 3, 2013
red box
Well today was chill it was nice. Me and Walter meet mom and dad for lunch. We were going to go on a hike but Walters stomach acted up so we rented red box movies and chilled. We are a bunch if sickies. Well have a great Sunday.
Napping the day away
I had a quiet day. We went to Sam's club and met Robin and Walter for lunch and then I came home and crashed. I slept the rest of the day. It felt so nice. I am cooking a batch of soup. I thought that would be good for lunches this week. I hope it turns out. Not much else going on with me. Have a nice Sunday. I am hoping we get to make church in the morning. We haven't been for a long time. LOVE MOM
Friday, August 2, 2013
The weekend
Sorry about your dinner Robin. That sucks. I hope everyone starts feeling better also, that is a bad cold. We don't have much planned this weekend either mom. I think we are going to work on apricots tomorrow morning. They are ready. Isaac woke up super early today so he took a nap at 11. So Casey mowed the lawn and I sewed. We went swimming in the afternoon and had a lot of fun, it was nice. We just vegged the rest of the night. Nothing too exciting. Everyone get some rest and have a good day.
yea for friday
Well my day was good. Work did drag a bit, but I made it thru. Then I decided to go to Heber to go grocery shopping. The was a bad idea. They still have a pilot car and you have to wait forever for it. I was low on patience so it was super sucky. I did get stuff for the luncheon on Monday. I couldn't find a cute tray though. Well have a great weekend everyone.bye
Robin thanks for making the banners. I am excited about them. I am sorry you still aren't feeling well. Neither am I. What is this bug. I am tired of it. If you and Walter want to hook up this weekend let me know. Rachel if you need anything this weekend let us know. We can come up if you need us. Karen did you ever make it back from Heber? The pilot car is a pain to have to wait for. I don't have any thing planned this weekend. I am just going to rest. Robin I am sorry you missed your dinner. That sucks you paid for it. I did go to Walmart this evening and we got a movie and some bread. We are living the high life. I keep hoping it will cool down a little bit. Remind me when I am complaining of the cold that I asked for it. Dad thinks he is going to China on Tuesday. I wrote Melody today about the wedding because I haven't gotten an invitation. I am not sure if they are having a reception or just a wedding breakfast. I will keep you updated as I know more. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
such a dork
today was ok.sorry I didn't blog I feel a sleep again. This morning was rough to but I am feeling better now I took a nap. I am going to sleep in and get some rest I think that will help alot. WELL I was planning to go to my 10 year reunion for high school tomorrow turns out it was tonight. I had no idea till people started posting pictures on facebook. guess I should be more on top of things :/ Nothing else to crazy with me. glad you all are doing good. I will post all my pictures soon Maybe tomorrow. OH and mom guess what is done on monday.... Austins banners :) yeah!! well have a great night
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Today I tried to be better and do more things and it was a good day. We went to the stokes nature center this morning and that is always fun. After Isaac and Casey were jumping on the tramp so I picked some apricots and started them drying. After Isaac's nap we were going to go swimming but it was windy and it gets too cold for me so we went to the park in Smithfield and had a lot of fun. Their is a river there so we waded. We had dinner and then walked to the North Logan park, it was a nice evening. I finished Janni's bag and I really don't love that pattern but it turned out alright. I am going to make her a jelly roll bag just in case she hates it. I will do that tomorrow. I am glad that Dad's trip is postponed. Maybe he wont have to go. Everyone have a good night and get some rest.
Isaac helping unload the mulch the other day.
The bag.
Isaac helping unload the mulch the other day.
The bag.
It's postponed
Well China is on hold for a couple of days. I guess maybe Sunday or Monday. That will be nice give us a weekend to get organized. The party went well. It was so windy when we got there but dad had reminded me to buy some tape so we taped down the table clothes and held on . It did really rain for a few minutes but we were in a pavilion and it was fun just to watch it. I am glad it is over. I didn't sleep very well last night and I am tired. Have a great Friday. LOVE MOM
Well things are good here. It was pouring rain when I got off work. Unfortunately I walked to work. One of the guys gave me a lift home though so it wasn't too traumatic. It stopped raining about 2 minutes after I got home. Other than that my day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
and he is off
Dad has plane tickets for Friday at 5:00. He will be gone a week and come back on Friday at 10:00 in the morning. He thinks he will be good to go to Boise that evening. So we are planning on leave after work on Friday for who ever wants to come with us. I am so glad the week is half over it is hard going back to a full week of work. Tomorrow is our staff party so I have worked an extra hour and am leaving early to get things organized. I am free this weekend if anyone wants to do anything. Robin if you and Walter want to go to dinner or lunch let me know. I am not sure what I am going to do yet. I am tired right now. I can't seem to kick this bug. I have had a bad headache all day. I hope it goes away soon. Rachel, I am glad you got a nap. That will help you feel better. If you want me to come up on the 15th let me know and I will take the day off. The new person we hired to do data entry quit and her last day is the 8th. I guess I am back to doing two jobs again until they find someone else. That should keep me hopping. Karen that sounds like you had a fun day. I am glad you had a good project. You guys take care. I LOVE YOU MOM
hooked on phonics
Robin I am glad that you can read again. My day was good, but I am glad that the week is half over. They asked me to design a sprayer for cabinets. They use they to spray out the cabinets when a hose or something breaks. So I was concerned that you couldn't push the button with the same hand you had on the handle. So I was printing out a full size paper copy and then cutting it out to see if you could. I got a lot of funny looks, but I got it so you could push the button. Well that was my day. Have a good one. Bye
I was lazy today. I fell asleep after lunch so Casey put Isaac down for a nap before he went to work which was nice. This morning Isaac wanted beef jerky so we went to papa jays and got him some. It was fun to drive around. Tomorrow we are going to the nature center so that should be fun to do. Everyone have a good night. I haven't signed up for jerseys thing yet but I will do it tomorrow.
i can read
Well i can read your guys posts now. I don't know why it didn't work. today was good. its so hot at work its makes me so tired. I feel a sleep early last night sorry, i still feel kinda off. I didn't blog. walter took me to panda exress for dinner last night so that was fun. He felt sick today so we didn't do anything he may have what I have now. mess. well have a great one
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Nice evening
I had a nice time with Kay and Julie. We went to Jordan Landing. I have never been there. It is just down from WinCo. That place is huge. You have to drive to get to places. It was nice to go someplace new but the stores were the same. I think we are going to play bingo on September 14. I will keep you posted on that one. Kay and Julie thought that would be fun with Austin coming home. I am glad tomorrow is Wednesday. It has seemed like a long week. Have a great hump day.
Good day
Today was a good day. Casey helped me with scouts this morning. We only had one boy come and what I planned needed at least two so we mad paper mache masks instead. It was fun. Then we unloaded the truck of mulch. The garden looks a lot better and Isaac had a fun time. Jennifer couldn't sew today so I worked on Jannis bag. I did grandma's zipper all wrong last time and I feel bad. This one should be better. We did some shopping in the afternoon and then just played outside. I am glad that everyone is doing good. Karen, when you are ready call me and we can work on your table runner or we can do it next time we are together.
moving right along
Well the week is moving right along for me. Work is going good. I started a new project so work is going quick. I did walk this morning. It was nice. No birds attached me, so it was even relaxing. I hope that you had a fun time at dinner tonight mom. Well have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone. Bye
Monday, July 29, 2013
well the blogger won't open anyones posts for me so hopefully this posts and you all are doing good :) I am still tired. I slept alot on sunday so that helped a ton thanks for the derby I had a fun time. well I am off to bed
One down
I made it one day. That is a good thing. I had zucchini in our omelet tonight for dinner. It was really good. After I cooked the omelet I cut up a bunch of my tomatoes and put it on top. It was DELICIOUS. I am glad that you got some fabric for Jani's bag. That will be fun. All night every time I passed the box of chips it made me laugh when Isaac pointed out the Dorito chips and those were the ones he wanted. He is so smart. Karen I am glad your tooth is feeling better. That was a rough one. Dad thinks he is leaving for China on Friday. I will keep you posted on that one. I did go get the oil changed in my car after work. I had been a year since I had done that. I figured I better get it done. I couldn't believe it had been that long. Robin I hope you are feeling better. Do you need some air borne. That always helps.
Today was good. Isaac was tired so we didn't do all that much. After Casey got up, Isaac and Casey took the truck and got mulch for the backyard. I went to the fabric store and got some fabric for Janni's bag. I really like it and I hope that she does. I also went grocery shopping. I made a zucchini casserole for dinner and I thought it tasted good. Isaac didn't try but I think that he would of liked it. I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow and thanks for everything.
Well my Monday has been good. It went by pretty fast. It was hard getting out of bed this morning though . It keeps looking like that it is going to rain, but so far it hasn't. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Back to Normal?
All I can say is the last 6 weeks have been so much fun for me and I have loved every minute of summer. I have to work a full week this week. I am not sure how that will work. Thursday is our staff picnic at Sugar House Park. That should be fun. I am also meeting Kay and Julie for dinner on Tuesday. I guess I have another fun filled week. Thanks for the fun time this weekend at the Demolition Derby. Karen is was so nice to be able to stay in Kamas. I really enjoyed the Derby. Have a great week and I will keep you posted on whether dad goes to China. I think it will be at least the end of the week before he leaves. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...