Saturday, April 27, 2019


We had a nice day also. We walked the zoo and went to Best Buy to get Chaz a gift card and Karen did a random purchase and bought her and dad a galaxy watch. It is a lot like your fit bit Rachel. Chaz’s party was really nice. They have a really nice home. Rachel they had wood floors in their basement and it was really nice. I am not sure about Logan yet. I will
Let you know what we decide in the morning. I sure had a nice time
Trying on dresses. Rachel you got a
Lot done. Robin I hope the roller skating was good. Love mom


Robin, you looked beautiful in the wedding dresses yesterday.  Thanks for having it me, it was a lot of fun.  Today was busy.  I couched my first soccer game this morning.  It went well and I think that I was able to have all the kids play a fair amount.  One boy was really good and he scored all our goals.  We lost but it was 7 to 10 and I felt like they did a good job.  When we got home we did yard work.  Casey put the sun shade on the deck and it looks really nice.  I finished pruning the apple tree and I hope that I didn't butcher it.  Casey started tilling the garden.  It is a lot of work and we have a lot more to do.  We went canoeing.  It took an hour to get everything ready but now we can go anytime we want pretty fast.  We also had to get Oliver a new life jacket.  It was so windy when we got there we just went in one boat and not for long.  It was too hard.  It is funny when we want to fly kites no wind but when we want to canoe it is always windy.  We all got some sun today and are tired.  Thanks again for coming up tomorrow.  Ruthie is on board with the flower boxes and we have extra wood to make them.  Thanks again.


Thursday, April 25, 2019

Almost there

I am excited for tomorrow Robin.  You are a beautiful person.  Drive safe Rachel.  I am leaving work around 1:00 tomorrow.  I am going to hook up with Robin and order flowers.  That will be fun.  Work was busy and I had a hard time staying focused but I took tracks to Gardner Village and it was so fun to walk around.  They have a lot of fairy stuff there.  I found some wings for Ruth, I know hers broke.  I also bought me a purple dragon for my fairy garden.  I was pretty excited about that one.  I have enjoyed that garden you made for me Rachel.  Thank you.  You should see all the gardens they have there.  It is pretty amazing.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  They rescheduled the soccer game for tomorrow so Casey is going to sub for me.  I went on a walk this morning and their are a ton more people now that it is warmer.  I miss having the park to myself.  While Oliver was at school we went grocery shopping and went to Sam's.  We picked up Casey for lunch which was fun.  We rode bikes to pick up Isaac and Oliver fell asleep but woke up after I laid him down in his bed.  Me and the kids pruned the pear tree and it looks pretty good.  Ruthie had soccer tonight and she did really well.  She is a good soccer player.  We had dinner when we got home and then started pruning the apple tree.  I will see everyone tomorrow.  It will be fun to look at the dresses.



Today was chill. I'm glad tomorrow is friday. I made enchaladas tonight and it tasted good. Jeramy has to work really early tomorrow so I had down time night. I sewed my bag a bit. I'm so slow for some reason. But it's fun so no complaints. Thanks for everyone coming down tomorrow. You guys are sweet. Love you. Text me if you have issues finding Maggie.



I am glad that it is almost the weekend. Work has been staying busy. Hopefully it will slow down a bit after the end of the shipping month tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Work was busy today. It made it go by pretty fast though so that was nice. I wanted it to rain here but no luck. It stay just partly cloudy here all day. I am glad that the weekend is getting closer. Have a great Thursday everyone.  Bye


Today was pretty good and busy again.  I walked 3.5 miles this morning and then went to the work out class and it was hard today so I was wiped out.  Oliver was the super star at school and I remembered which is a accomplishment.  He said that since he was super star he needed bread sticks for lunch so we did that.  We played playdough for most of the afternoon.  It rained and then stopped so we rode bikes to pick up Isaac.  It started to rain a bit on the way home but we made it.  Oliver had a soccer game so we rode our bikes there.  It was threatening to rain so they had us practice while they figured out what to do.  Their was thunder and lighting in the distance.  After twenty minutes they canceled the game so everyone left.  We stayed and played at the park because Isaac had scouts in a few minutes.  The weather was great after they canceled the game which was funny.  While Isaac was out scouts we just hung out at the church building, the little kids love to do that.  Isaac's dinosaur came today and he was super excited about that.  Love you guys and thanks for everything.


Hump Day

Work was good.  Just the same old same old.  I am ready for the weekend.  This week has been going fast so that is nice.  We stopped at Comcast on our way home with a coupon they gave us at our apartment and got our cable bill down.  That was nice.  We also went and picked up drugs.  The new deal comes with Tv so dad tried to get that to work but didn't have much success.  I am going to meet up with the Gumm gang tomorrow for dinner.  I did get a couple batches of clothes done tonight.  LOVE YA MOM

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Out of shape

We went to the zoo after work to walk around and man are we out of shape.  I need to do some serious exercising.  Rachel how did you do 20,000 steps.  It was such a pretty day.  Picnics are always fun.  Karen I think I liked the first dress best but it is hard to tell.  I am excited for Cold Stone.  I think that is a fun idea.  I am glad the kids like their hatchamils.  I am going to hook up with the Gumm gang on Thursday for dinner at Gardner Village if you and Jeramy want to come.  I think dad is going to go to Kamas that day and work on the jeep.  He thinks he can fix it.  He said there isn't much left to do.  Sorry I lost it one that one.  LOVE MOM


A picnic sounds like fun. It was a good day for it. It was meeting day today so I was in meetings most of the day. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye


Today was a busy day but good.  I went walking this morning and that was nice.  Me and Ruth ran some errands while Oliver was at school and then went to story time.  Ruthie is always so cute their.  We had a picnic outside for lunch which was fun.  They had a kids empowered presentation at school and Isaac said we should go so we went and sat through that.  The little kids were good and Oliver paid attention to the whole thing.  We rode our bikes to the school, Isaac rode this morning and I rode mine with the kids in the back and it was fun to ride bikes again.  Oliver had soccer practice and we rode our bikes their and me Casey who also rode his bike.  Practice went well.  It was kind of crazy and the kids were tired by the end.  They are all cute kids.  It will be an interesting game tomorrow.  Have a great day tomorrow.  Love you.


I like the 2nd one

I like the second one Karen that would be really cute. Today was so pretty I loved it. Next week we are going to meet up with cold stone catering. Me and jeramy went to rumbi's and leatherby's for some ice cream. It was fun. Love you guys


Monday, April 22, 2019

Like this one also


Robin, I like your pictures.  Good job.  The second one is my favorite.  Are you making your own invitations?  Karen, I like that dress.  It is really pretty. Today was good.  I went walking this morning and then worked out.  When Oliver was at school me and Ruthie went and got a back for the quilt I did at the retreat which was fun.  The stuff Mom and Dad bought the kids on Amazon came today and they loved it.  Oliver loved the hatchamals and was showing everyone on the walk home from picking up Isaac.  Isaac went to his friends house and played, he had a good time.  The little kids played in the backyard while he was gone and had a fun time.  Casey helped Kelly with his car after work so he was a little late coming home.  When he got here he took the kids to Kohl's to get the dinosaur for Isaac, he had enough money.   They didn't have it so they ordered it online.  While they were gone I mowed the lawn and it looks really nice.  The kids all took joy rides with Casey after I was done.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good night.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...