Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Today was a busy day but good.  I went walking this morning and that was nice.  Me and Ruth ran some errands while Oliver was at school and then went to story time.  Ruthie is always so cute their.  We had a picnic outside for lunch which was fun.  They had a kids empowered presentation at school and Isaac said we should go so we went and sat through that.  The little kids were good and Oliver paid attention to the whole thing.  We rode our bikes to the school, Isaac rode this morning and I rode mine with the kids in the back and it was fun to ride bikes again.  Oliver had soccer practice and we rode our bikes their and me Casey who also rode his bike.  Practice went well.  It was kind of crazy and the kids were tired by the end.  They are all cute kids.  It will be an interesting game tomorrow.  Have a great day tomorrow.  Love you.


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