Saturday, November 15, 2014
Well my day was good. I did shovel this morning but it was only about an inch so it wasn't too bad. Other than that I just hung here. It was nice having a quiet day. I hope that mom made it up safe to Logan and that you had fun up there. Well have a good one bye
Friday, November 14, 2014
Baby step
Today was rough. Work was so slow and my stomach did not feel well. Lucky I held together till I got home. I didn't have to work tonight so I just slept. I think I caught the stomach bug going around. Walter wanted to do something tomorrow but I'm going to see how my stomach reacts. Well I hope everyone has a good weekend stay warm and safe. Icey roads suck. Luckily it hot chocolate season :)
Well my Friday was good. It was the luncheon and it was turkey dinner. It was so good. I was stuffed. It snowed here in the morning and the rained in the afternoon for a bit. I am glad that it is the weekend. Well not else to report so I will sign off. Have a great one bye.
A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water. -Carl Reiner
I hope the weather is good tomorrow for you Mom. If not I understand and we can do it next week. It was pretty yucky today, but it was mostly rain. Isaac woke up today and said he was hungry and he ate really well all day which was good. I still think Oliver eats more than he does. Today was pretty good. We went visiting teaching this morning and then grocery shopping in the afternoon. Then just played around the house. Well let me know how it goes tomorrow Mom, drive safe if you come.
I was cold this morning and Isaac kept stealing my blanket
Oliver when he woke up from a nap
I did it
I made it to Friday and worked a whole week. I was so proud. If the snow isn't too bad in the morning we are coming to Logan to go Thanksgiving day shopping. If the weather is bad we might wait but I will let you know in the morning. Karen I am glad you got a thanksgiving dinner and Robin I am so glad you have the weekend off. That won't be too bad of a job if you can have weekends once in a while. Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Today was good. It was super cold, I had ice on my windshield, I worked at scheels today and did some real training. The job is easy. The phone rings like once every 20 minutes and you transfer to another dept. then you make signs for the store items and print schedules it's easy. I don't work again till Monday so it will be nice to chill I'm kinda tired so I am going to sleep and maybe do laundry have a Good Friday be warm and safe!!
It didn't snow much here. Just a little bit. I did take trax home and watch Frozen though to keep with the theme. I really like that movie. Thanks Karen for lending it to me. Good luck with your luncheon tomorrow. I hope you win again. That would make three in a row. Rachel, I love the boy's coats. They look really nice. I am glad that Isaac got his snow. I hope he eats tomorrow also. Dad worked late so I came home and made spaghetti and then did laundry. I was way behind on that. We have socks again. I am so glad it is Friday also. I hope it is quiet because I am really far behind. I need to focus. Well have a great Friday. Robin, I hope all is going well working. I hope you don't get too many hours at Scheels. LOVE MOM
First Snow
It was cold today. We even got a little snow and Isaac was really excited. My visiting teachers came this morning and after that he was out shoveling the snow. He and Casey shoveled everyone's sidewalks down the whole street. Tonight after dinner we went and got Isaac some nice gloves. They will be really nice for him. Isaac wouldn't eat today. We got him orange chip tacos for lunch and bread sticks for a snack and he wouldn't touch them. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Not much else, just a lot of inside time. Everyone stay warm.
Well it was cold and snowy today. At least there was a lot that stuck on the ground. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. Tomorrow is the monthly luncheon so that should be fun. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
I'm not ready
Well I think that Isaac is going to get his winter snow. I sure am not ready for that yet. I was really enjoying the record breaking heat. At least Halloween was really warm. I love your pictures Rachel. Oliver looks so happy eating spaghetti. That was so cute. I love the turkey hats. Robin, I am glad your new job isn't too much. I figure it all pays the same. When do you work again? Karen I hope you don't get too much snow. I think it might be a contest between you and Rachel who will get the most. Drive safe everyone. LOVE MOM
Today was cold it never warmed up. It's going to be a cold winter. I worked tonight I'm still training stuff so it was boring. At Maggie I never had to watch videos or go through a Million procedures so I forgot how boring it can be. But hopefully the we are wonderful training is almost over. Not much else on my side of life's have a good one stay safe in the snow that's coming
Well my day was good. I agree with the super cold remark. I froze every time I went out side. It snowed most of the morning here. It stopped around 1030. I am still not ready for snow. After work I went to Heber and went grocery shopping. Then when I got home I started laundry. I am now on my last load. I just need to wait for it to finish drying and then I will be done. Well I hope everyone survives the cold stormy day tomorrow. Bye
Well I think that winter has come. It is so cold. This evening I had the relief society presidency visit so Casey and the boys went to Old Navy and got some warm coats for the boys. Casey did a really good job and they are cute. I will have to take pictures tomorrow. Other than that it was a pretty good day. When Isaac went to school we went to the Hobby Lobby and got some burlap to wrap all the tree's and bushes so the deer wont eat them. Casey wrapped them all when we got home and they look really good. I hope that it helps. I hope that everyone is staying warm and have a good night.
Me and Isaac made turkey hats, they were cute.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Yesterday me and Casey were talking that we wanted to see the movie Interstellar. So we called Randy and he watched the kids for us and we went and saw it today. It was really fun to go and a nice break. The movie we pretty good, it had a lot of neat special effects but it was kind of slow and long. We went after I sewed with Jenn so I had a vacation day kind of, it was fun. The boys did really well at Randy's and had a fun time which made me happy. Mom my eye is feeling better. I wore my glasses yesterday and today I wore my contacts again. It is still kind of sore so I might wear glasses the rest of the week just to give it a rest, it isn't as red though. Karen I was going to ask how your scarf is going. Is it fun to crochet? It was freezing cold today. I hope that everyone is staying warm.
Yesterday I wore boots and today I had a nice blister on my heel. But that's my traumatic story. Work was ok. I woke up feeling blah my stomach was upset. I didn't have to work tonight so I took a nap and relaxed. I feel alttile better but still blah, hopefully it goes away tomorrow, I work tomorrow night till 8 so that will be good. Not much else on my side have a good night
Quiet day
I had a quiet day today. Nothing too exciting but it felt nice to just work on my projects. I am behind as usual. Maybe I will get a little bit caught back up. We did stop at the boy scout store on our way home. They sure are pricey. I did get the arrow of light for the little boy that needs it. I felt better. Not anything else to report. Have a great day. LOVE MOM
Well my day was pretty good. I got my flu shot today. Yeah for me. It really wasn't too big of a deal. It was super cold this morning, but at least it wasn't snow. Work is moving right along. Nothing too wild and crazy. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Not Much
I am with Mom, these shorter days make me feel blah. It sucks to be stuck inside in the evening. I finished sewing another bag today which is exciting. Isaac had school and he had fun there. At dinner time he wouldn't eat, then he stripped down to nothing and started taking a bath. It was so funny and random. He didn't want to go to bed though and he was hungry later on. Good luck with your new job Robin and I am sorry you got snow Karen, that sucks. Thank you for such a fun weekend and spoiling the kids. We had a really fun time.
Today was good I started at scheel. It should be good we just did policy stuff and sign papers so I really don't know what I'm doing yet. My qc job is going good the other girl is back so it's nice to not have a million things to do. Well I don't have much else going on have a good night
My day was good. I just was kind of blah all day. I am so sensitive to the light. I had a good time this weekend also. It is hard to go back to reality. I did get the oil changed in my car but they wouldn't replace the burned out brake light. They said it was too hard. It is the one in the back window. I will have to find an different place to do that. I also signed up for benefits next year. I guess I might be on a roll. Have a great Tuesday. Robin, I hope your second job is going to be OK. I have been hoping all day it would be good for you. Love you guys MOM
Well I woke up to snow this morning. Burr! At least it melted before I got home. Of course it is only going to get worse from here. Things were good today. Work went by fast. Thanks everyone for the fun day on Saturday. It was fun to hangout. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Back home
We made it home safe and sound. Isaac did a really good job with his talk. I was so proud of him. He was really cute. I am so not ready to go back to the real world. I had a fun weekend. It might snow in Kamas tomorrow Karen. Not a lot but it looks like it might be a little bit. Not much else going on since last we saw each other. Have a great week LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...