Saturday, July 6, 2013

I cooked

Robin I am glad you got to do makeup today. That is a fun day.  Did Walter like his present?  I made a cake today and I took a picture of the cute hotpads Rachel gave me.  Thanks Rachel, they are so nice.  We just hang around the house today and I cleaned and then we took Grandma Bodily out for dinner.  Not much else going on with me.  It did really rain here today.  I am getting a lot better at adding pictures.  LOVE MOM

HI Karen

Well we didn't make it on a hike I slept in so I meet walter and we went to IHOp instead and then we bought some meat. he is smoking some for a barbeque tomorrow. Then joe called and we did a photoshoot today. it was nice to do makeup again. and of course the joe $ was helpful ;) anyway not to much else with me. I am doing another shoot with joe next sunday and maybe rich the 27th. so that will be good. I am going to a barbeque tomorrow with walters friends. I am making hocus pokus rolls. hopefully it doesn't rain. have a great night robin

Friday, July 5, 2013

Karen says Hi

Mom, I am glad that your ultrasound was good.  That must be a load off of your mind.  I am really glad.  We had a good day.  Isaac slept in and he took a long nap.  He was tired.  We started the day on the trampoline outside.  He loves it.  We had hamburgers for lunch and then we went swimming.  Isaac was tired so we only stayed a hour and a half which was fine with all of us.  Then all three of us took a nap which was nice.  Karen got us Cafe Rio for dinner and it tasted good.  Her watch broke at the pool so we went to Walmart and bought her a new one with some snacks.  I hope that you have a good day tomorrow Mom, it is always weird after a holiday because you don't plan past it.  Robin have fun on your hike tomorrow.  Wear sunscreen.


Made it

I made it to Saturday.  Me and dad decided that we had planned up to the 4th of July and now we don't have anything planned.  It felt really weird.  I got an ultrasound and there is nothing wrong.  YEAH.  Just have a sore arm.  It is kind of cloudy here.  Everyone have a great weekend.  I am looking forward to our vacation.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July fun

Sorry I didn't blog last night. I went to ogden to see ambers play and after word we went out for a snack and talked all night I didn't get home until 12:30. Sorry i missed your call mom I changed my ringtone and missed it till it was to late. I met up with walter today he took me to buffalo bills wings restruant it was good food. they messed up his order and got boned winges and he wanted boneless so they gave us the boned ones for free and another set of boneless. I thought that was cool. so that is lunch tomorrow ;) I am leaving after work tomorrow and heading up if that is ok rachel.. I will call when I leave. Walter isn't going to be able to make it he has to work on the 4th. he said he will come up another time. sorry well have a great night see ya'll soon!!

Ready set go!!!!!!

One more day and we can play.  I am excited for that one.  Work was good and I made steaks and pasta salad and garlic bread for dinner and it tasted really good.  I done good.  It was fun to talk with Rachel and Isaac tonight.  He is talking so well.  We are picking Grandma up around 9:00 on the 4th and she is planning on staying all day. I thought we would leave when it cooled down a bit.  Have a great day and everyone drive careful tomorrow.


Fun in the sun

Karen, that is a funny story.  Thanks for sharing, people are crazy.  We had a pretty good day.  Me and Isaac did a ton of yard work this morning before it got too hot.  It was nice to get some things done.  Then we went to  story time and that was nice.  When we got back we just played in the backyard with Casey.  He moved the swing so Isaac fit better and he loved it.  Jenn couldn't sew today.  I still sewed and I put the binding on the table runner and my wall hanging.  I love both of them.  After Isaac woke up we went swimming.  It felt really nice, the water wasn't as hot today.  I am sorry I missed your email Mom, we were swimming.  I am excited that Grandma is coming up for the fun.  I am excited to see Robin and Karen tomorrow.  We will have a fun time.


One more day

I am glad that I only have to work one more day this week. I will see you tomorrow, Rachel. I am planning to leave after work tomorrow. My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. Well I hope that everyone had a great day.  I found this story on ksl it made me laugh. Beware of taking a saved seat at church.

Monday, July 1, 2013

A good day

We had a good day today, everything worked out really well.  Casey mowed the lawn this morning and it looks really nice.  I got a coupon for my birthday to noodles and company so we went there for lunch.  The air conditioner repairman came and fixed the air conditioner and it is wonderful.  It is nice to have that back.  Me and Isaac went swimming after his nap and that was nice.  The water in the baby pool was really warm today.  We came at break time and they opened the big pool way before the baby pool so we swan in the in the big pool for a while and the water was much nicer there.  I made a table runner today that Mom got me last summer.  It supposed to be a watermelon but after I got it all put together and quilted I love how it looks so I might not cut it into a watermelon shape and bind it in black instead of green.  I think that it will look really pretty in the kitchen.  Also we had a few raspberries read to eat today and Isaac was super excited.  He loves them.  I am excited for everyone to come up on the fourth.  We will have a good time.



It was a nice Monday.  It does help getting rest over the weekend.  With the new fold away bed there wasn't room for grandmas' rocker so we took it up to Karen's place.  It will have a good home there and it is really nice to have an extra bed here.  The ride was so nice.  Grandma Bodily wants to come up on the 4th.  We will pick her up in the morning and then come home after dinner if that is OK.  I am excited to have a day off.  Not much else to report on my end.  Have a great day.



Well I went into work at 6 today to help with inventory. It was way early. It was a good day though. Rachel I was planning on coming Wednesday night also if that is okay. Mom and Dad came up today and dropped off a chair for me. It was fun to visit. I got to eat some of my peas today. I was really excited about that. Well I hope that everyone had a great day.

Sunday, June 30, 2013


that is so exciting andrea is expecting that is so fun. I'm sorry that you had a traumatizing bird experience karen I hope it was an evil bird that was attacking you though. I think I am going to head up to logan wensday night after work and be up there for the whole 4th of july and then leave at night. I have to work on friday. does that sound ok?? today was good for me I went to walters parents house for dinner. I made almond twist bread and they liked it. it was fun. well not to else going on with me I am working early tomorrow. boo. well have a great one Robin

Collins Birthday

Today was another hot one.  When we were done with church Isaac swam in Robins little pool naked to cool off.  Isaac did a lot better at church today, it was nice.  After church we went over to Randy's for Collins birthday.  Terry got Isaac a bunch of cute books which was really nice of her.  Collin bought a new bike so when Casey got home they worked on it to get it set up right for him.  I attached a picture.  Last night I made a little book to hold my paper piecing things with zip lock bags.  Terry had one so I copied it.  It turned out cute.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday, don't work too hard.


Two in a row

We went to church today.  Two weeks in a row.  That felt nice.  We didn't do to much, we did go look for Karen one of those evaporated air conditioners like Rachel has but they were all sold out so we bought one on Amazon.  They had a tower one that looks like it would be nice for a bedroom so I got that one for the house Rachel.  That should help us through this hot hot weather.  I only have to work 4 days this week.  That is fun.  I am excited to come up to Logan.  Jeff called me today and said that Andrea is pregnant.  The baby is due in January.  I was really happy for them.


Sorry I didn't blog last night. There was a dead bird in my backyard that I had to take care of. It was very traumatic and I just forgot after that. My day was good. It was a little warm but I made it. I am glad that it is going to be a short week. I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...