I have Mario Brother if you want to borrow it. I bought it for Casey and Dad in SLC. I am sure they won't care if it visits Clifton for awhile. I hope you have fun skiing. We went to the quilt store today and it was closed. I was going to buy you a surprise. Oh well. We have had a really nice day. We went hiking in snow canyon. We went and saw that arch. It was so nice outside. It was good to have some sun. I love bubble bobble. I'll have to get that for Karen. We are leaving early and stopping in bountiful to get Grandma and Grandpa some food and then we are coming home. I hope we get there before dinner. That is my goal. Dad wants to go to SLC on Monday morning and I need to get laundry done. It has been a nice time visiting Karen and I have to admit I got a lot of rest also. I really needed that. See you on Monday for lunch.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
We are off to ski
We decided to go night skiing today then we didn't have to get up so early. It is from 5 to 9 and is ten dollars a person. It is going to be fun. We are just about to leave. We decided to get a WII also. So last night we drove into Logan and bought it and drove back. They didn't have Mario Brothers so we got bubble bobble and played it all night. We won the game too. We were on fire. Casey is good at bubble bobble. Well I think that with all the new snow skiing will be good. I am glad that you are having fun.
We are having a good time. We goofed around yesterday and I took a 3 hour nap. I do feel a lot better today. We went and saw Sherlock Holmes last night and I liked it. Dad and Karen thought it was OK. I think they had people talking next to them. I think we are going to go hiking today. I heard you had a ton of snow. We did one whole puzzle and started another one. We got a puzzle that looks like your animal one that comes out of the picture frame. I like that picture. Not too much else going on here. I totally spaced getting the jeep registered and inspected but Karen and dad did that at Jiffy Lube this morning. YEAH. I am so glad the move is over with and things can start calming down. LOVE MOM
Thursday, December 31, 2009
We made it safe and sound to St. George. We got here around 7:30. We stopped at Grandma and Grandpas and then went to put wireless network at Kyles place. I think Austin and Alyssa were having a great time when we left. It is nice to be able to get internet anywhere. I know I really like it. We went to first night but last year was better. We came back to Karen's place and watched a movie and put the puzzle together that we bought at Hobby Lobby for Christmas. I am glad that you got off early Rachel I bet that felt nice. I slept most of the way to St. George and I am feeling better. I didn't realize how worn out I was until I started getting some sleep and feeling better. I am going to sleep in and go slow this weekend and get rested back up. I forgot all about dad's jeep needing to get inspected and registered so I think we are going to try and do that tomorrow. I am not keeping up that is for sure. To much playing. It is hard to believe that in one month I have been to Toronto, had Christmas and now in St. George. Have a wonderful time off. I was wondering if on Monday you wanted to meet at Bernias for lunch. I really want to use the same thread on my quilt. I don't want it not to look the same. LOVE MOM
I had a good day. It was nice to sleep in and not have to drive. Work went good. At 11 Dan asked me what my plans were, if I wanted to leave early. I said that I wanted to leave early but I was just seeing what he did. He said that he was leaving right now so I was like so I am. So I picked up some pizza and come home and was home by 12. It was great. We were invited to two parties in Clifton but we are just having a night at home and watching movies. It is nice. Well I hope that you guys have fun in St George and the drive went well. Happy New Years.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Well tomorrow I am going to drive down to st.george with mom and dad to ring in the new year. I hope rachel and casey have a great one. :) I don't think I will blog again till next year so I hope everyone makes it safe and sound were they are planning to go. love you
Well it rained here a little bit today. i bet that means you guys got a lot of snow. I am doing laundry right now. I figured I better get it done before I play the rest of the week. Drive careful tomorrow. The weather should be better tomorrow. I hope that your move went well mom. Have a fun time sewing tonight Rachel and Mom. Next week is going to be a long week because I am going to have to work the whole week. Oh well. Well I hope that everyone has a great night. BYE
So Warm
I have been so cold lately that yesterday I broken down and bought a space heater but I got the best one. It is like a radiator and it has a thermostat on it so I set the temperature to 75 last night and I slept so good. It was really nice. I went visiting teaching last night and that was nice. I get to hear all the gossip but I don't know 90% of the people. Casey came home last night because he didn't have anything to do today. He may work on Thursday but he isn't sure. The roads were really bad this morning. I am glad that I am spending the night in Logan tonight. It will be nice.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
3 more days
3 more days till the year 2009 is over. I guess I need to start making plans for 2010. well today I help put files away. Then I came home and vegged all night. I'm glad that your blu ray player worked karen. Thanks for the dvd for my room, that will be sweet. then when I move again people will have a nice setup for the guest room. anyway I better head to bed. have a great day.
We got most everything moved today and some of it put away. Robin helped a ton and that was so nice. Dad made it back to Logan safe and sound. That was good. There were a lot of wrecks in SLC because of the storm. I am excited for St. George. I hope I can move by then. I am really stiff. I am excited to sew tomorrow night also. That will be good. LOVE MOM
Half Over
Well it was nice to think that at noon today that the work week was half over. I am excited to see you guys again on Thursday. It was cold and cloudy here today. No rain though. Tomorrow there is a chance but not much of one. I am glad that you got all packed up mom. That was nice of you to help Robin. Especially after having to pack and move from Canada. I did get my blue ray hooked up last night. Thanks Rachel and Casey it is very nice. I am going to give my old one to Robin because mom said that she doesn't have on in her room. Well good luck to tomorrow mom, I am sure that it will all be crazy, but you can do it. BYE
Monday, December 28, 2009
We are all packed (special thanks to Robin) and tomorrow is the big move day. I am so glad when this is all over with. It has been a long one. I am excited for everything to calm down. If there is such a thing. It is so cold here. I am glad a storm is coming to move all the fog out. Not too much else going on here. I am glad that Robin got her stuff from Canada. It is always stressful until the packages make it. Have a great week. I am glad it is a short week.
Back to Blogging
I am back to a normal schedule I guess. It was great seeing everyone together. I had a great holiday and I was sad that it had to end. Thank you for all the great presents. Nursey was crazy yesterday. Their was only two of us for 15 kids, it was too much. It was crazy. We had steaks and potatoes for dinner last night and they were really good. I had the left overs for dinner tonight. I am going visiting teaching tomorrow and then I am sewing with Mom and Wednesday. It will be a good week.
Well I made it thru my Monday. I am kind of tires today so that made work seem a lot longer. That is nice of you to help mom out at her work Robin. I always hate moving. I am glad that you got all of your stuff. It is cold and cloudy here today. There is a chance of rain. It does look like it will be a nice weekend for when you guys come down though. Well I hope that everyone has a great night. BYE
So I helped mom pack at her work today and started to take down the christmas tree. I got my duffel bags from the post office. I am now complete :) they were heavy though but I will have good arms by the end of the week. nothing else to exciting. I hope everyone has a great day back at work after the holidays. love you
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Back to the grind
I am glad that Karen made it home safe and sound. We are all back to work tomorrow. I am not looking forward to the move. I will be glad when that is over. We had a quiet night tonight and that was nice. Have a great week. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...