Thursday, October 4, 2012

Fun times

I am looking forward to saturday and the big move.  I hope it goes well.  Robin I am glad you got some rest.  It has been a long month for you.  I love the brains Karen.  You did good.  Dad thinks he is passing a kidney stone so this weekend might be interesting.  I hope it isn't a bad one.  I am only working 1/2 day tomorrow so that will be fun.  I am sleeping in.  That will feel really nice.  Not much else to report.  I went to the store tonight and got Isaac some treats.  He is ready for the weekend.  I am so excited for Casey's birthday also.  I think we did good. 



Robin, don't stress.  Come up when you come up.  You have a key and Casey will be around.  I am excited to help you move.  I can't believe it is happening.  Is your play over?  I am glad that you got some sleep.  Karen, that is awesome.  I love it.  You did a really good job on that.  Today was good.  We spent the morning downstairs with the fireplace on, I was cold.  I finished quilting Isaac's truck blanket and I really like it. I just stitched in the ditch around each truck and in the sashing, it isn't perfect but I think it will be fine..  I really like it.  I need to bind it now.  This evening I started making relish out of my green tomatoes   I still have a ton left so Casey is going to take them to work and see if any one wants them.  I am going to make more spaghetti sauce and freeze it with the rest of the red tomatoes.  Then I am done with our garden stuff.  I have been so excited for Casey's birthday I thought it was later in the month than it was.  I am loosing my mind I think.


a half hour

today was alright work was really crazy for some reason, I think I was really tired. then my dishwasher doesnt work so I went down and told them about it. hopefully it gets fixed sooner then later. then I was going to call you rachel about tomorrow but i was going to lay down for a half an hour and slept for 3 hours instead. so it was late when I woke up. but I will call you before I leave to pan out details. don't stress about going to your dealy-o thing I'm sure I will be up there later. I like your brains karen its super cute. they will love it. not to much else I am still tired so I am going to head for bed night robin


Well today was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday though. Work was good. i was helping marketing get photos them need to make manual. Nothing too exciting but it kept me busy. I made my chicken salad brain tonight. I think it turned out good. I have attached a picture below. I haven't put on the extra katusp to look like blood, but I still think it looks cute. I am excited to see everyone this weekend. it should be fun. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. BYE

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


today was good work was slow which was nice :) we move my book cases in my place. my apartment looked like an episode from hoarders so awful and cluttered. so I spent a few hours tonight putting stuff away. boxes are pushed to the wall and most everything is in clusters now. but its coming together. its a nice place I like it. well I am going to take a shower and head for bed robin

The move continues

The book cases fit perfectly into dad's jeep.  They are now in Robin's apartment.  She was able to fit the sewing table in her car and so that is in there also.  She is getting all her stuff in there.  There is still a trip or two of boxes but other than that all that is left is the couch and the stuff in Logan.  WE are doing good.  Work was good today and I am swamped right now.  It is crazy.  End of the quarter always is busy for me.  I am taking 1/2 a day off on Friday to go with dad to his stomach doctor.  Sarah recommended him so we are going to try him.  WE have been waiting for 3 months.  I hope it goes well.  I need to rent the Uhaul for Saturday but other than that we are ready to go.  I am needing an Isaac hug and kiss bad.  Drying apples is the way to go.  They don't take up much room, they are easy to do and they taste wonderful.  I love to dry apples.  I think the relish of green tomatoes is really good.  It is just how hard do you want to work.  Good luck on Friday Rachel.  I hope your frames go well.  I hope it doesn't get too cold but a little cooler would be nice for the move.



Thanks Mom and Dad for talking to Isaac today.  He really wanted to talk to you.  We put him in his batman pajamas and the fit him really nice, thanks Robin.  I hope that moving went well tonight.  We can help Saturday so don't push yourself's too hard.  I am excited to help move.  Friday is Fantastic Friday, four people signed up for the I love you because frame so I get to do that and help with dinner.  Casey and Isaac will be here and I shouldn't be too late.  Today was good.  I picked the apples and started to dry them.  I was trying to think of what we would eat and drying seems the best way.  I read how to freeze the peppers so I might do that.  Their is a relish you can make with green tomatoes but I am not sure we would eat that so I am still thinking about it.  Good luck everybody and have a good night.


Half way

Well things are going good here. I am glad that the week is half over. Good luck moving the bookcase tonight mom, dad, and Robin. I went to Walmart after work to get stuff for my brain salad. I couldn't find any cut Halloween stuff so I went to family dollar (thanks for that suggestion mom) and they had a cute plate and some eyeballs. I hope that unpacking is going good Robin. Well I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. BYE

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Empty nesters (?)

Well I think we are getting really close to being empty nesters.  The place is looking less and less like moving day.  We got three car loads out today and Robin took an air mattress and is spending the night in her place.  It was really a turning point for all of us.  There is still a lot to do and her place still has a lot to put away but it is coming closer.  Getting more furniture over there so she has a place to put stuff will help also.  We are going to try and move a book case over there tomorrow.  WE will see if it will fit in the jeep.  When did Isaac grow up?  He looks so grown up in that pictures.  He is such a cute little boy.  I am sorry that Casey isn't feeling well.  Maybe it is allergies.  He did work down in that room a lot.  Maybe it was the dust.  I hope he gets feeling better.  I am tired and need to order a Uhaul for Saturday.  Have a nice hump day.  Man this week is going fast.  Karen, I think that salad is a good one.  It has good ingredients and looks like brains.  Did you find frozen potatoes that would work?  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

home sweet boxes

well today we moved more stuff I am going to spend the night on an air mattress since most of my stuff is here now. I have a lot of boxes. I set up the internet but I need a router now to be wireless so I am stuck to the wall tonight.. :) oh well. well not to much else I will hopefully get some stuff done :/ have a great night robin


Karen, thanks that is really cute.  I think that is awesome.  It is supposed to freeze on Wednesday so I spent most of the day clearing out the garden.  I have attached pictures of everything but the squash.  I am not sure what to do with it all yet but I will figure it out.  I sewed today with Jenn and Raquel came over also.  It was fun.  I finished the mystery quilt.  I just have to put the border on.  Isaac woke up so I wasn't able to do that.  I will put a picture on tomorrow.  We went to story time today and that was fun.  Isaac looked at a truck book and I attached a picture.  Casey isn't feeling great he just has a little cold.  I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.


Lunch in

For the work lunchin we are having spooky soups and salads. So here is the recipe I found to make.
  • Large Mixing Bowl
  • Spatula or Spoonula
  • Small Paring Knife
  • Serving Platter
Salad Ingredients:
  • 2 cooked chicken breasts, shredded
  • 1 pound boiled potatoes, peeled and cubed
  • 1/2 pound pound carrots, cubed
  • 2 hard boiled eggs, finely diced
  • 1 celery stick, finely diced
  • 1/2 cup garlic mayonnaise (make your own by adding a finely minced garlic clove to a 1/2 cup of mayo)
  • 1 Tbsp Ketchup
  • 1 tsp prepared horseradish
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 pound green grapes, cut in half lengthwise
  • Ketchup (as desired)
Mix garlic mayonnaise, ketchup, horseradish and salt and pepper to taste in a large bowl with spatula or spoonula for the dressing. Use a lower fat mayo if you prefer. I personally like the full flavored regular mayonnaise from Kraft. Your preference may vary however.
Add the rest of the salad ingredients to the dressing and mix well.
Take a serving platter and form 1/2 ball shape out of salad.
Divide the salad to 2 hemispheres with your spatula.
Cover the entire surface with the halved grapes, if they don’t stick add a little more mayo and use like a glue.
Squirt around the edges with ketchup and squirt a little more in between the hemispheres of the brain so it will look like blood

Just in case anyone else would like to try it. The party is on Friday so I will let you know then how it turned out. It looks creepy ate least. Well I was tired this morning but I made it thru the day. Work was good so that helped. If it was boring I don't think I would have made it. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Monday, October 1, 2012


thanks for helping me move i really appreciate it!!. i think it will be a nice place I am excited. I still have a lot to move but it think it will go well :) not to much else to report just moving week.... have a great night thanks robin

Moving right along

We did it! Actually Karen did a lot of it.  Thanks Karen.  The table is put together and 3 of the chairs.  We had some minor malfunctions but we are moving in the right place.  Robin, your apartment is really nice.  We got most of the boxes moved also.  So it will be just a few more to move during the week.  Rachel I am sorry I didn't email you today.  It just crazy today.  I am not sure why either.  I hope you had a good day.  It ws so pretty outside.  I love this time of year.  Have a great Tuesday.


Sunday, September 30, 2012

No pictures for me

Tell Casey the wall looks really nice.  It will be good for you guys to have that room back.  I had a good day.  I finished up two burb clothes and I tried some new yarn.  I took pictures of them to post on the blog but they didn't end up on my email and I deleted them off my phone.  I am trying to get pictures.  I do so enjoy them.  I will try again.  I also worked on my bow tie quilt. It is moving along.  Not too much left to do.  I helped Robin pack a little bit this morning and she is getting ready for the move.  Not much else to report.  Yesterday I just ran errands and then took a 3 hour nap.  I couldn't believe that I slept that long.  I just rested my eyes for a minute.  I will try to take a picture tomorrow and see if I can get it loaded onto the blog.  Have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


We had a good weekend.  We put up dry wall downstairs.  Casey did most of it.  It looks really good.  He finished doing the spackle it today also.  Casey didn't work yesterday but work for a while today.  Yesterday we went to Lowe's first and then we went and watched the homecoming parade, it was fun and Isaac really liked it.  We also picked up some pumpkins on our way home.  We were going to carve them today but didn't get to it.  Hopefully sometime this week.  We spend the rest of the day working downstairs. When Isaac took his nap I ran to the fabric store and picked up the last mystery quilt.  It was the big revel and it is a cute quilt.  I also went to Bernina and got a back for the purple quilt 30% off.  It was pretty fun to go by myself.  Today was good.  We just stayed at home in the morning.  Isaac wouldn't go down for his nap since we kind of slept in.  So I just went to all of church.  He did really good in Sacrament and nursery.  Near the end he was getting tired so when we got home I put him down and he took a hour and half nap.  Last night I cut up all the rest of our tomatoes which was 60!! and made spaghetti sauce.  It turned out really good, I didn't make it as spicy.  I think that will be the end of the tomatoes or at least it is going to be a lot less.  I think that is all I have I hope that everyone had a nice weekend.  Good luck starting the move tomorrow.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...