Saturday, September 10, 2011
well today was good it was day 2 of 3 of the photo event. I have come home beat after words. I will post some pictures i'm just tired so I will do it later or there is one on facebook. anyway another shoot tomorrow but not to crazy have a good sunday
Good day also
Well I had a good day also. We went to the preparedness expo and walked around this morning. They had some cool stuff there. Then we got some stuff for my primary class at deseret book. they had some fabric on sale also so mom got some of that. We also went at looked at some scooters. (Don't worry I haven't got one yet). We went and got the new X-Men movie at walmart and watched that. it was good. We went to Texas Road House for dinner and that was really yummy. Rachel I am glad that you had a good day. i am glad that Isaac is getting better at ride behind you on the bike. Well i hope that everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow. BYE
A day off
We had a good day. It was watering day and some of the sprinklers in the front weren't working and some of the lawn was dying so Casey fixed them. Then Isaac went down for a nap and we called Casey's Mom to see where she was. They were in Logan so they just came over to our house. They stayed and visited for a while. Isaac was really good and let everyone hold him. It was so nice not to have to drive up there. It was nice. Then we went out and ate at the Black Pearl and that tasted really good, Isaac loves miso soup. We rode our bikes up to Casey's Dad's to pick up a bike that Collin didn't want anymore that Casey gave him. It was really fun. Isaac was a little bit whinny but I think that he will get used to it. His helmet is fitting him a lot better, he is getting so big. Casey got some hooks and hung up all of his bikes in the garage and it looks nice. It was a nice day and I am glad that we didn't have to drive to Clifton.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Safe and Sound in St George
We made it safe and sound in St. George it was a really nice drive down. Even Provo was good. Dad drove that so that is probably why. It is so nice here, there is a full moon. Well have a great weekend. Robin you should post your pictures. They are amazing. You are so talented. Rachel i did bring some salsa to Karen. It looks really good. LOVE MOM
I have a dentist appointment next Thursday Robin so I think an eye appointment sounds better than that. Work was good today. I got my desk cleared off so that was nice. It might be a boring Monday morning though. It is getting windy and cloudy here. i think that it will start raining soon, probably when mom and dad get closer. Well I am doing my laundry right now. i don't have much so it shouldn't take long to do. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday BYE
Thursday, September 8, 2011
that solves it.
that does sound like you rachel :) ha ha ha or its just a come and go case when karen eats carrots. well today was good. I had an eye appt. I have astigmatism in one eye so one eye is slowly getting worse. Then I worked worked worked. I have a photoshoot tomorrow and the rest of the weekend. I am pretty beat though. well not to much else I hope everyone has a great weekend and I am glad mom and dad had a great anniversary
One more thing, I was watching the news today and they talked about misophia and I think I have a mild case. Here is a link to the description. :)
Happy Anniversary
I hope mom and dad had a fun day. That is fun that dad got you an edible arrangement, that's fun. We had a good day. I didn't feel so tired and Isaac was pretty happy. Casey came home and we got some icecream. Isaac did fall asleep when I took him on a walk so I haven't put him to bed yet. I hope it goes well. Well everyone have a good Friday.
Love the new look
I love the new look of the blog. WOW. It is wild. I had a nice anniversary. I tried to post my picture on the blog but I couldn't figure it out so I just sent it to you on your phones. I did get that far. We went to the Greek Festival. It wasn't as good as the Swiss Festival but it was nice to get out and walk around. I am excited to leave to ST. George tomorrow. Thanks Rachel for bringing the medicines down. We will leave around 6. Good luck Robin with your photo shoot this weekend. That sounds like a lot of fun. I will blog from St. George LOVE MOM
Happy Anniversary
Happy Anniversary mom and dad. I hope that you both had a fabulous day. Mine was pretty good. I am really glad that tomorrow is Friday though. It is getting cloudy down here. People at work were talking about the chance of rain we have all weekend. i told them they could pretty much count on it cause mom and dad are coming down. Are family has a gift of cause rain on road trips. Work was good. I got a lot done. It is always a good feeling to clear a pile off your desk.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
work day
today was good I worked at zions and then ran a million errands in the space of 1 hour. then drove to farmington for lagoon stuff. I was there till way late. now I am chill'n for a few minutes. Happy anniversary tomorrow mom and dad. Tomorrow I work both places and I am going to try to fit in an eye exam. yikes. well I hope everyone has a great thursday
Hump Day
I had a good day also. Deb from Logan came over for a while and that was nice. She had a class in town. We were going to go to dinner but she was running late. That was OK with me. I hope you have a good day in Clifton tomorrow. Not too much else to report. Tomorrow is our 35th wedding anniversary. That is a long time to be married. WOW I hope we have a good day. Dad and I are going to St. George after work on Friday and coming home on Monday. I am excited about that
Watering Day
We had a good day. It was watering day so that was exciting. Me and Isaac went on a walk tonight and that was night. I put him in his Marvin the martin pajamas and he looked really cute in them. Casey is going to go on a bike ride tonight and come home in the morning. We are going to go to Clifton tomorrow and see Casey's Mom. Everyone have a good night.
Well I had a good Wednesday. Work was busy so it didn't drag. We had our company meeting today. They showed us photos of the solar panels on the roof and that was neat. They also are giving us free lunch on the 30th. I am impressed with your canning abilities Rachel. I am excited to see you on Friday mom. Well have a great one. BYE
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
ah so its tuesday
today was good. I worked at zions and then at lagoon. it was a busy night I'm pretty beat. I'm excited for halloween to start though. :) well not to much else exciting happening hope everyone has a great day
Another one for the winter
I always like to say that when I can. They look beautiful Rachel. Congratulations. Don't replace anything. I am glad to use them up. Unless you want it don't buy it. Please use everything you can. I won't have to store it that way. Thanks for getting the meds. I am excited to try the salsa. I have made a bag of stuff for Casey to take with him. YOu left a lot of Isaac's blankets here and I thought you would need them.
What didn't I forget
I forgot so much at your house Mom, sorry about that. I am loosing my mind. We had a good day. We went and picked up Mom's prescription and went grocery shopping. I got stuff to make salsa. I used your canning stuff Mom, I will get you more lids. It tastes pretty good. I was going to say it is the best in the world but I think that will be too much to live up too. I will send some down with Casey and I will put a couple in for you too Karen. I hope that everyone likes it. All of my bottles have sealed so it was a success. Here are some pictures of my canning adventure.

I agree
It did seem like Monday to me also. That will make the week go faster. Me and dad are coming down Karen. WE will leave friday after work and then come home after lunch on Monday. I am way excited. Thanks RAchel for getting the meds for me. I do appreciate it. You left some blankets here and your pillow. I was going to leave them by the bed for Casey to take home with him. WEll have a great Tuesday. I hope you had a good time getting ready for Frightmare Robin
Seemed like Monday
Well I made it thru today. It seemed like Monday all day. Work was good though. I stayed busy all day so that made the day go by somewhat quickly. It was really hard getting up to go to work this morning. i could get use to sleeping in. I had a fun weekend also. Thanks for the nice presents. Well I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE
Monday, September 5, 2011
I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for the fun weekend. Thanks for coming and spending time with us. I love it when you are here. It is really quiet here. I love the noise of everyone here. Well it is a short week so hopefully it will go well. Not much to report since last we say each other. Rachel if you get a chance to go over and pick dad's meds up I would appreciate it. There should be three of them. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...