Saturday, May 20, 2017

Nice Day

We made it to Logan today safe and sound and had a lot of fun.  Karen brought her switch and Isaac was getting pretty good at it by the end of the day.  Rachel and Casey worked hard and got all the insulation in the attic.  Me and Karen took the boys and went to Lee's and signed up for Swim lessons for the summer time.  The weather was really nice.  Robin, I hope your make up went well.  Karen got her a new ceiling fan for her bedroom.  LOVE MOM

Friday, May 19, 2017

We made it

It was a long week for some reason.  Nothing bad just long.  Rachel that looks like you are doing good with the insulation.  We will help tomorrow for sure.  Karen came down tonight and we have been playing Nintendo.  It is fun to play games.  I haven't done that in a long time.  Robin came for dinner and we were going to firehouse subs but ended up at Bombay House.  It tasted so good.  WE haven't been there for forever.  We are going to get up and leave.  It is suppose to be a good day.  Robin, I hope you get feeling better.  LOVE MOM


Ruthie didn't sleep last night again so we were kind of tired today.  Casey took the day off and Randy came over and they worked on insulation.  We still have more to do so we are going to finish up tomorrow with your help if that is OK.  Casey also inspected his car and it passes.  I didn't have to volunteer this morning so Oliver went with the boys and I took Ruthie grocery shopping.  We played this afternoon and went on a walk.  Isaac had Judo and we watched for a while but Oliver was tired and cranky so we just left and then came back.  We went to El Sol for dinner since it was late.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow, it will be fun.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Oh dear

Today was ok. The girl at work that got served at work for not paying her bills, today she was saying she just bought Katy Perry tickets. I guess she cried to her parents she was broke and they sent  her some money and then she went and bought concert tickets. :/. I was mad but then I got over it. I just had to bite my tongue all day. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. I've been so tired and I was looking online in 95% sure I'm anemic. So I might go get some b12 and see if that helps have a good one



I am glad that the week is almost over as well. My day was good. It was super cold here as well. I have have heat set at 60 and it was turning on. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow bye


It was cold today so we the day inside.  The kids had fun running around and playing with their toys.  Isaac didn't want to go to martial arts today so he stayed home.  Today was the last day for homework, she is still going to send home books but not math or the poem.  That will be nice.  Casey took tomorrow off to register his car and he is going to fix the water heater and start putting insulation in the attic.  I was going to volunteer tomorrow but his teacher cancelled so I don't have much going on. I hope that everyone has a good Friday.


Ruthie was running by Oliver's room and he was laughing at her.

Isaac was inventing something in his room.

Please be Friday

This week has seemed really long for some reason.  Work has been busy but that is nothing out of the ordinary.  I think I am just ready for summer.  I am an hour over my time so I do get to leave early.  That will be nice.  Not much else to report.  I am tired tonight.  I am going to bed early.  I have a sinus headache again.  But it is in my cheek.  Go figure that one out.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


I can't believe it snowed. I am ready for summer. Work was good. We went to Francescos for lunch with the new president. He is a nice guy. I didn't have to work tonight but I still felt tired so I took it easy. Not much else with me stay warm



This month is going really fast.  Isaac is really done with school and is counting down the days until the end of May.  We got quite a bit of snow this morning, the poor fire bushes we smashed but they seem fine now that it is all melted.  It snowed/rained for most of the day so we were stuck inside.  We walked around the hobby lobby this morning which was nice.  Isaac's homework took a while and we did perler beads also.  He had marital arts and I think he had a good time.  They are testing next week and they aren't having him test but he wants him to come and watch so he know what goes on.  Casey worked late so I picked up Isaac and then some pizza for dinner.  When Casey got home we went to Lowe's to look at insulation and then talked with Mom and Dad for a bit, thanks for calling.  I cut Isaac and Oliver's hair yesterday and I like it.  I am keeping the top long for his Mohawk and cutting the side short.  Everyone stay warm.


hump day

It made it through 1/2 of the week.  That always feels nice.  Not much going on here.  It was really cold today.  I used my blanket all day.  We came home after work and I did laundry.  We started to watch the 4th season on Sherlock.  We finished Anne with a e.  I really enjoyed that show.  It is suppose to warm up soon.  Have a nice Thursday.  I can't believe how fast May is going.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I was in meetings for a lot of the day. They are getting a new inventory program, so we are working with the program people to get it set up like we need to. It did snow last night and this morning.  I am glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Today was good, it was raining this morning but it cleared out this afternoon.  It was windy so I think that the storm is coming.  We didn't do too much today.  We just played.  Casey had scouts and I had young women's.  We just did camp stuff today so it was easy.  I finished the bag for my cutting mat and ironing board.  It think I could of made it a little taller but I like how it turned out.  It is a big bag.  Love you guys.




Well I had another meeting at 3 today. It went long so I didn't get home until after 5. Then my visiting teacher stopped by until about 6. Other than having to stay late things were good at work. I am glad that the week is almost half over. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.  Bye


Today was ok. We finally hired a new girl she starts on monday. So that will help.  I was going to be productive tonight but I was so tired. So I just chilled all night. I was nice. Tomorrow we are having a lunch with the new president of the company. It will be interesting hopefully everyone behaves. Lol I'm glad angie had her triplets


Big Busy Day

It was busy at work today.  They had their yearly zero harm award ceremony.  Next year I bet I am not even involved in that one.  They are interviewing for the job this week so hopefully I won't be covering in administration very long as well.  Things are going good.  It is suppose to be bitter cold tomorrow.  Karen could get a lot of snow.  Rachel good luck with your garden.  We did get Oliver's battle bot today for potty training.  I hope it is what he wants.  Angie's triplets looked cute on facebook.  I am glad they are doing good.  Not much else to report from my end.  LOVE YOU GUYS mom

Monday, May 15, 2017

Case of the Monday's

I had a hard time focusing today. It was a Monday for sure. I finally made it to the gym. I am really out of shape. I came home and took a nap It wore me out. Saturday a girl at work is getting married and i just got ropped into doing a friend of a friend of a friend's daughters makeup too. I need to learn to say no. But they are paying so I can't complain. So I can't go up Saturday.



My Monday has been good. I got sucked into a meeting at 3 and it went until 5, so I am over my time also mom. I mailed off for derby tickets today. It is on the 22nd of July. I mowed part of my backyard after work. I am a little annoyed that my battery doesn't last long enough to do my whole yard at once. I am think of getting a gas one so I don't have to mow 3 days a week. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye


Today was good.  I was tired so we just went slowly.  I didn't have to babysit this morning so we went grocery shopping which was good.  Monday mornings are the worst time to go, they are out of everything it seems like.  It was a colder day today and I liked that.  Isaac had a good day at school and then went to martial arts.  They are testing next week and he wants Isaac to come and watch so he knows what it is like.  I took the little kids to the cheese factory and had a snack.  We planted the sun chokes by the fence tonight, they should be fun.  Thanks for coming up Saturday, we are excited to have you.


Isaac invented somethings that hangs in the tree and signals where he is

Ruthie loves slides, this weekend she went down all of them she could find.

Monday, Monday

I had to go to work early today so that is good because I have an extra hour to kill all week.  I am sure I will come in late a couple of days.  Tomorrow is a big huge Zero Harm Celebration and I am not even worried.  How is that.  I am really enjoying that.  We went grocery shopping after work.  We were out of treats.  I know major disaster.  It is suppose to get really cold and maybe even snow.  Go figure that one out.  Not much else going on with us.  We are going to go to Logan on Saturday.  If anyone wants to ride up just let me know.  Have a good week.  LOVE MOM

Sunday, May 14, 2017


You make mom easy.  I have the best kids ever.  Thanks so much.  I love you guys.  We went out to Grandmas and took her laundry.  She didn't give me any so I guess I might be done with that.  WE will see.  We took our old TV out to her for her bedroom.  It looked really nice in there.  I think she will enjoy it.  We watched Passengers when we got home and it was a good movie.  I liked hidden figures better.  Dad put both of them on Vudoo.  I am so glad you had a good vacation Rachel.  It looks like the kids had a ball.  Robin, I am sorry you had to work all weekend.  That doesn't give you much of a break.  I hope your week goes well.  LOVE MOM

Happy Mother's Day

Thanks for being the best Mom, we love you.  We had a fun vacation, everything turned out good and we had a good time.  We went to Lava and went swimming.  Oliver had a melt down at first but after a while he came back in and had a fun time swimming.  The kids love swimming and had a fun time their.  We got pizza for a late lunch in lava and then headed to Pocatello.  We stayed at the best western and it was really nice.  We got a bigger room and that was fun.  We just spend the evening at the hotel and ran up and down the halls.  We spent at least $20 in the vending machines, they loved that.  We went swimming in the hotel pool until Oliver got too cold and then Casey got panda for a bed time snack/dinner.  Today we just played at the hotel until checkout time and then went to the zoo.  We watched the trains for a bit first.  Oliver looked at the big train for a bit and then wanted to buy a little train.  I told him we were just going to the zoo not the store.  He pointed to a distance building and said I want to go to that place and buy a train.  He was ready to buy his souvenir, it was so funny.  The zoo was fun and it is fun to walk around and play.  We went back to Lava and swam their until it closed.  Oliver didn't want to go and fell and hurt his lip, I felt bad.  When we got home I wanted to get the mail because I was getting some fabric and Isaac was mad because he wanted to get the mail.  He said that he thinks Mom's should be nice to their kids on Mother's day, it made me laugh.  We had a fun time and I think we are getting better at knowing what works.  Love you guys.


Ruthie missed her dolls

Happy Mother's Day

I hope you had a good mother's day,  mom. My day has been good. It was a quiet day and I got a nap. I had a fun time yesterday with mom and dad. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Happy mother's day

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Happy mother's day mom. I worked all weekend at scheels so it was a slow week. But I made it out alive. Not much else.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...