Then A few girls from work wanted to go to denny's after work and I didn't get home till 2 am. Then this morning I woke up and had to be on set by 7:30 then at 12:30 I ran off to lagoon and spent the rest of the night there. its been a little crazy to say the least. tomorrow I am also shooting again and working at lagoon and then everyone wants to go out afterwords. so sleep is not on the agenda. I guess that is what retirement is for :) well have a great night
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Sorry I didn't blog last night it was quite a night. At work a girl didn't have her costume at all. ahhh stress. we found it today at the dry cleaners. it made for a hectic day. Then I made the pustules for my zombie which worked and looked super cool. But it was to dark at night for anyone to see it move and it made his neck feel funky so we took it off half way through the night. but I got some photos and a 2 second blurp of it moving. I will have to see if I can post them from my phone on to here.
Nice Saturday
I had a really nice time today. Rachel came up and we went to Kohls and bought grandma a couple new warm shirts. I hope that helps her keep warm this winter. They are cute. Then Vickie and Steven came up and we went to the pumpkin walk. It was starting to rain when we decided to walk up and then it decided to pour but I had a really good time walking in the rain and the pumpkins were especially cute this year. It was nice and hardly anyone was there. We then went to dinner and Rachel decided to spend the night and so we sewed for awhile. Karen I am glad you got to go to the movie. I want to see that one with Matt Dameon it looked good. Well have a great sunday. I am going to have to go to SLC tomorrow because dad is too busy to come home. I need to pack him up for the trip this week and take down his meds. I hope it isn't too snowy.
Well I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. I also hope that mom and Rachel had a good time sewing. I went to the bank, paid bills, went to walmart, and then went to a movie. Thanks for the free movie ticket mom. I went and saw Red the secret agent movie. It was an okay show lots of random acts of violence. Than I went and made the church program. It has been a little rainy here off and on. But it has been nice outside for the most part. Well have a great one. BYE
Friday, October 22, 2010
Made it to Friday
Well we made it to friday. I am so glad. I am excited for Rachel to come up tomorrow. I hope the weather is nice for a corn maze. Dad is still in SLC. I think he will be there most of the weekend. I am glad you got pizza Karen. That will be a good lunch also for you. Well have a great weekend.
Well I called and ordered pizza and I am just waiting for it to be delivered. Work was good a little but not too bad. It did rain alittle this afternoon and it looks like it could again. I am glad that your blisters work Robin. It sounds gross so it should be perfect for Halloween. Well have a good weekend everyone.BYE
Thursday, October 21, 2010
it works
So my device to make the blisters move worked. I"m excited I hope once I glue it to his face it will work..... :) I'm excited for halloween and I am also excited for it to be over. Its a crazy month. Tomorrow is frightmares on saturday and sunday I am shooting a film in the morning then running out to lagoon. Its going to be a crazy week to say the least. I can't believe its the 21. this month has cruised on by. well have a great friday.
Nothing to Report
I don't have much going on today. Casey had to work this evening. I got some sewing done. I worked on my Sea urchin quilt. It isn't coming together as well as I would like but it looks alright. I am making progress on it. I also did some laundry. That sucks about your keys Mom, I hate when things like that happen. Are you getting excited for Halloween Robin? Are you still doing the pumpkin walk? Mom remind Grandma to wear her Halloween shirt on Saturday because I am going to wear mine. Have a good night.
full moon
Watch out for the werewolves tonight it is a full moon. It is just beautiful. Well I thought I lost my keys because I couldn't find them to leave work and everyone was helping me and they were just in my purse which I looked in about a hundred times. I am loosing it. It was crazy busy today. I ran all day. I hope tomorrow is a little more in control. LOVE MOM
Well it is wind here right now. We may be get another storm. Last nights storm was a good one there was a ton of rain, thunder, and lightening. Work was good, I even stayed busy. I had to go to a post office meeting and that lasted a while but I made it thru. I may miss your move as well mom, unless you need me. If Rachel's baby shower is going o be the weekend after I would rather not make back to back trips. I am tired today, which is strange because I actually feel better. My eyes were still alittle dilated this morning so things were a little bright, but I made it. Well have a great Friday everyone.
moving blisters
Well today I worked at lagoon. We are going to take tomorrow off since we hadn't had a day off in a week and 1/2. Then me and dad went out for dinner. I am working on a piece for my zombie this weekend. I want it to look like blisters and then make it look like its pulsing on his face. I think it will be cool. I'm excited. anyway have a great day
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I love the name Isaac. That is a good name. That is so nice that the girls are giving you a shower. The 4th works. There really isn't a lot to move so don't worry about it. You can't move anyway. But you can come talk with us. You can boss Robin around and tell her what to move. That will be fun. If saturday doesn't work out that is OK you can stay with us as long as you would like. I would love to have some sewing time. Not too much else going on with me. I am really tired. I am going to bed early. Farmville is all done and I am going to bed when grandma does. Karen I am glad your eye appointment went well. I am so proud of you. Robin is was good seeing you.
Karen, I am glad that your eyes are doing good. You take good care of everything. I don't think that Gavin is going to happen but it is a great name. I think that we are going to name him Isaac, I like it. I think that Malarkey isn't going to happen either :) is that a real name? I felt stressed at work today but it went good. It is hard having someone else do things that you feel responsible for. Casey is going to have to work a lot for the next little while. He did order pizza for dinner and I went up to the lab and ate with him. This Saturday Casey is teaching a bike class and then he has to go back to work. I am going to drive up separately and sew with Mom and go to a corn maze with Vickie. The girls at work want to throw me a baby shower on Nov 4. They want to go to dinner and movie in the evening. I know that that is the weekend that you are moving but it didn't seem to work another time. Is that alright? I can still help on Saturday. It seems like November is filling up fast. It is going to be a fast month. Well everyone have a good night.
Well my eyes are good. I do have to get a new prescription, but no other problems. Work was good. I thought that I was going to get out of a meeting because of my eye appointment, but before I left they had to move it to tomorrow because of some visitor that came today. I was so close. Rachel I like that name also, but still like Gavin the best. Just my opinion though. Well I am glad that mom's trip went well. Have a good one. BYE
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I like the name Isaac (or however you spell it)... :) I think its a cute name. I suggested Malarky as a middle name but I don't think he will have much chance with the "cool" factor at school. ;) well grandma and mom came down to slc tonight. I worked at lagoon again. same ole same ole. :) well hope everyone is doing well don't work to hard
Where is the time going?
I had a good day, work was really busy and it went fast. This week is going really fast. I didn't realize that tomorrow is Wednesday. I missed Glee tonight so I will have to watch it online. I meet Casey for dinner and we went and got him some sailing books for his Birthday. I don't think that I have run this by Karen and Robin, what do you think of the name Isaac? We both like it. Well I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.
WEll i went to Walmart and got a humidifier because I still have a cough. i am hoping that it will make me sleep better. I am glad that Casey had a good Birthday. Well i have my yearly eye doctor appointment tomorrow. Yeah, dilated eyes (Uhg!). Well at least it is just once a year. Well have a great one. BYE
Monday, October 18, 2010
never ending story
I'm glad that casey had a good birthday. You should have got some beef jerky while you were out there ;) just kidding. Well today I worked at xpose and then at lagoon. I'm tired I haven't had a day off in a while. My new thing though is I'm thinking about getting bangs...... I'm pretty sure I am going to get them I just need a day off now to go to the hair salon. I guess it will have to wait a bit. But hopefully soon. :) well nothing else to crazy have a great night
Happy Birthday Casey
I am glad you guys had a good time with his grandma. Was she excited about the baby. Not much going on here. Work was quiet today and I got a lot done that was nice. It helps to have some quiet moments. Dad made it to SLC safe and sound. It is getting dark so early now. I am not liking that. I love summer nights. Well have a great day. LOVE MOM
Happy Birthday CASEY!!!
Casey had a good birthday today. We went out to Tooele to have dinner with his Grandma. She is amazing, I want to be like her when I am older. She gave Casey a gift certificate to Applebees so we went there for dinner, it tasted really good. I made a carrot cake so we went back to her house and visited and had cake. It was a nice night. Well thank you guys for everything and have a good night.
Well I kept cough last night so I didn't sleep well last night. It made Monday really long, but oh well what can you do. It looked like that someone got into my hotmail account so i changes my password. So if you got any strange emails from me that is why. Work was a little slow, but I made it. Well I hope that everyone else had a good Monday. BYE
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Robin dad has your contacts and that check in his white bag and I thought you might be on the look out for it.
Nice Sunday
I had a nice sunday also. I never got a nap but I just watched movied and finished the blessing blanket and it was nice just to veg. We did make it to RS and High Priests. The building is starting to smell better. That is good. Grandma hates sundays. She says it always is so slow. I did take her for a ride but there really wasn't much going on. She needs to go to church with us. Well have a good monday. I hope mine is quite. Dad is going to SLC after Harolds so he should be down there by lunch. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM
I hope casey had a good birthday. I will give him his gift when I see you next rachel. :) well today I worked at lagoon. I am tired for some reason though. I just didn't have the motivation to work. Oh well I guess its life. Well I hope everyone had a great sunday.
love robin
We had a good day yesterday, thanks for having us Mom and Dad. We slept in yesterday and then we went to Clifton to check on things. Everything looks alright. We need to go up either next weekend or the weekend after to finish preparing for winter. then we went to Logan. It was a really nice evening. Casey had a really fun birthday weekend. Today Casey had to work and I took a nap in the afternoon and made him a birthday cake. I also put the binding on the car quilt, I just need to hand sew it on now. It is really cute and I like it. I will put a picture on when the binding is done. It has been really nice to have a relaxing weekend and get caught up on some sleep.
Missed the coffee
After RAchel and Casey left I think I crashed because I didn't make coffee or write on the blog. It was fun to have them come up. Thanks. We went to dinner and then played Settlers. It was fun. Not much else went on. I did wash my car. It was so dirty. I still had bugs on it from a month ago. Have a great Sunday. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...