Saturday, July 18, 2015

Fun times

Thanks for the fun time.  I sure had a good time.  That was a great idea Rachel.  Thanks Karen for having us up.  I needed the sunshine.  We went and saw Grandma for a few minutes tonight and she is doing good.  She is going to a rehab center by us.  It is just down from Robin.  Not much else going on since last we saw each other.  Love the pictures Robin.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun weekend!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Two more days until my Birthday

Wow Robin, you are doing a really good job.  That is going to be some costume.  Today was good.  Casey went to Clifton to cut some fire wood so he was gone all day.  They slept in the tent again and they got some sleep which is good.  Swimming lessons went a lot better today and Isaac said he had fun.  He went in the water the whole time and did all the activities.  I promised him a surprise so we went to Shopko afterwards and he got a knex kit.  So while Oliver was asleep we built that.  When Oliver got up we went up to green canyon and hiked around for a bit.  It was fun and the boys got some energy out.  Thanks everyone for coming up for my birthday.  It will be fun.



Robin, that is amazing and I am so glad you are getting rid of the wings.  That will give you some more room.  Karen, I am excited to come up and play also.  My car is all packed up.  I will leave from work.  Dad is just playing it as it comes.  He may or maynot make it.  They put a chest tube in grandma today.  Dad says she is feeling a ton better.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Today was good joe wants to use my wings I made so that was nice. Get those buggers out of my living room. I worked on my collar tonight. I fixed the piece that was the wrong color. I put a picture below. I am adding red heart gems so I thought I would just put them on just for fun. I have to wait for it to dry before I can be jewel it. Have a good night



My day has been good. Work is moving along. I am glad that tomorrow is my Friday. I am all set for everyone to come up tomorrow. I hope that everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Today was busy. I think I have a break and blamo it gets crazy again. We had a system error and like 20 things didn't get ordered and we didn't know the items were due. Soooooo that sucks we now are scrabbling to get things to customers. I was going to sew but the more I sat and watched TV the more I talked my self out of being productive. I'm hoping to sew a bit tomorrow. I'm excited for Friday as well. It will be nice to have a day off. Im not sure if you guys know but tomorrow is amazon prime day. It suppose to be better then black friday. They have tv's for like 75 dollars.... crazy. Have a good night



If hiking doesn't work then we can do something else.  We can even hike closer to Salt Lake.  We had a busy day.  Isaac and Casey didn't sleep well in the tent last night.  The blew up an air mattress but it kept deflating so they finally came inside.  They are trying it again tonight without the air mattress.  Isaac had swimming lessons today and he was terrified.  I made him go but I told him he didn't have to do anything he didn't want to, so he sat by me most of the time.  At the end he finally got in the water and did some things.  He was very brave and we built that up a lot.  I am hoping he gets less scarred every day.  Vickie and Steve had a birthday party for their daughter today.  If was fun to see them and visit for a while.  Alicia and her kids came and it was good to see them.  Casey had scouts tonight also.  Tomorrow Casey is going to Clifton to help his Mom cut firewood.


Love it

Robin that butter saying made me laugh and laugh. It so reminded me of my fridge.  It made my whole day.  Grandma Bodily had her surgery and she did really well.  Annette said she is eating and can move around a lot more without pain.  They are going to get her up tomorrow.  Dad isn't sure he can hike on Friday but I think I am going to come.  I went and bought treats tonight and I scored because I found a green transformer and it was on clearance.  Isaac said that would make the hiking so much fun if he had a green transformer to hike with.  Work was good, I got a lot done and I think I will get a lot done over the next couple of days.  Things are quieting down a lot.  It does help that my boss in on vacation for two weeks.  Everyone have a great hump day.  I LOVE YOU MOM


Well my day has been good. I am ready for the weekend. It will be fun to play. I really don't have too much to report. It has been a quiet day. I hope that grandmas surgery went well today. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow bye

Monday, July 13, 2015


Today was good.  Isaac had his first swimming lesson and it went pretty good.  He got scarred and cried but he stuck with it and I was proud of him.  It was ten thousand degrees watching him, it was hot.  I had a doctors appointment this afternoon and it went well, everything looks good.  Isaac and Casey are sleeping in the tent in the backyard.  Isaac was super excited about that.  I have been thinking about that ombre fabric a lot and I cut into it tonight and it worked out just liked I wanted.  Robin, I love your collar, that is pretty amazing that you can do that.  Good job.


Nerd day

Today was good. It was national nerd day at work. I wore a batman shirt. I worked at scheels tonight so I don't have alot to report. Glad everyone is doing well. Have a good one


Going good

Today was good.  I got some things done at work and that felt nice.  I am still far behind but I did made some progress.  I left to go see grandma after work and Annette was there so dad could come home.  They gave her a blessing and tomorrow at noon they will put the rod in her hip.  It should only take about 20 minutes.  They did drain the fluid off her lung.  3 pints worth.  They said there is that much still left.  I love your collar Robin.  I am amazed.  It is just beautiful.  You are getting really good at that.  Karen way to go on the lawn and laundry.  I did make tacos tonight.  That was all I did.  Rachel good luck sleeping out side.  It is so beautiful outside.  Give Vickie and the baby a hug for me.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. Work went by pretty fast. Then I mowed my lawn, did dishes, and did my laundry. Impressive I know. Mom when you come up on Thursday will you bring the air mattresses you have. I think all the ones that I have, have leaks in them. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Slow and steady

Today was chill. I did laundry and dishes. I also made no bake cookies. I have to work Thursday night. I can come up after or just come up In the morning. I think I will do the morning. I work Saturday as well but not till the night time. So I'm some what flexable. I am free all day friday! I almost finished my queen of hearts collar. But i reliezed at the end one of the panels I did the wrong red. So I have to redo that piece. I put a picture below of the 2 pieces I was able to sew together.


My weird week is turning into a weird month

Annette decided to go home tonight so dad is staying with grandma.  I think he will come home to sleep.  They are going to drain her lung tomorrow so we are going to drive separately and go with the flow.  I don't think that Annette is coming back down until Thursday but I am not sure.  We did go to Park City after we visited this morning to finish up birthday shopping. We met up with Karen and that was fun.  Just needed to get away for a minute.   I am ready to party.  I will come up on Thursday night and then we can play on Friday.  I am good with taking you home Rachel if you want to stay down here.  I am not sure we can leave SLC this weekend for very long.  We are probably going to have to stay close but that is just a guess right now.  Grandma was in more pain today and they are giving her morphine.  Have a great week.  That is neat about your quilt Rachel. You are almost done with that.  You have been working on that for a long time.  Everyone have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM

Cut Out

Robin, I think that the plan is that we are going up Thursday night to Karen's house and then Friday go up to mirror lake and spend the day.  Casey has to work Saturday so we probably will come home Friday night or me and the boys could stay if we worked something out.  Tonight I finished cutting out all of my sampler blocks, Yea.  That was a lot of work.  Now I just need to sew them together.  I have about 2/3 sewn I think so I am getting close to being done.  Today was a good day.  We went to the park in Smithfield this morning and played, it was really nice.  We had church and my lesson went well.  Isaac starts swimming lessons tomorrow so that should be fun.  It should make the week go fast.  I am excited for my birthday.



So I was just wondering what they plan was for Rachel's Birthday. I have taken Friday off so I was just wondering what we are doing. My day has been good. I met mom and dad for lunch. It was fun to visit. Other than that it has been a quiet day. I got a nap and that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...