Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Love it

Robin that butter saying made me laugh and laugh. It so reminded me of my fridge.  It made my whole day.  Grandma Bodily had her surgery and she did really well.  Annette said she is eating and can move around a lot more without pain.  They are going to get her up tomorrow.  Dad isn't sure he can hike on Friday but I think I am going to come.  I went and bought treats tonight and I scored because I found a green transformer and it was on clearance.  Isaac said that would make the hiking so much fun if he had a green transformer to hike with.  Work was good, I got a lot done and I think I will get a lot done over the next couple of days.  Things are quieting down a lot.  It does help that my boss in on vacation for two weeks.  Everyone have a great hump day.  I LOVE YOU MOM

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