Friday, October 18, 2019

Pampered Chief

Alyssa had a pampered chief party tonight and I wasn't doing anything so I went.  I had a really nice time.  I bought they kids a pretezel making kit.  I thought it looked fun.  Work was good.  I hope Jeramy's ankle gets better.  I am glad that Casey had a nice birthday.  That looks fun.  I am also very excited for the tiles.  That is going to be fun to have the bathroom done.  Everyone drive safe tomorrow.  I am so excited to play.  LOVE MOM

call in

Jeramy called in today to rest. He has to work tomorrow and I didn't want him to push it. Work for me was good. Life is moving along. I have a makeup thing tomorrow so hopefully it goes well. We will see you on Sunday 😊 


Happy Birthday Casey

Today was a good day and it was nice to have a day with everyone home.  Casey got up and worked for a bit and the rest of us slept in.  We watched a movie this morning and took it easy.  We met Randy and Lowe's and bought some tile for the floor.  Then Randy took us out to eat for Casey's birthday.  The kids wanted Del Taco so we went there.  After lunch we went hiking up Green Canyon and it was a lot of fun.  Someone had left a fire pit burning so we built up the fire and climbed up the mountain.  Ruth had to pee and I positioned her wrong and it went all over her pants.  So I ran home and got some dry pants and came back.  I got some marshmallows also so we roasted them.  We came back home and sang Happy Birthday to Casey and had some cake.  Randy came over and they cut some tiles.  We got big tiles and it is going really fast.  I made steaks and potatoes for dinner and it tasted good.  I pulled out a block of the month I did for my quilt group.  I haven't liked it so it has been sitting for a while but I thought of a fun layout and I tried it today.  I like it, do you guys?  It is weird?  We will be down by lunch time tomorrow.  We got out all our winter gear so we should be good for Lagoon.



Things are good here in Kamas. We did have a little snow here this morning. It melted by afternoon though. Work is going good. Nothing too wild and crazy. Rachel will you remind Casey to bring his gun down so we can shoot it tomorrow. I pulled my guns out and I lubed my ar so it won't jam. I hope Jeremy's ankle is feeling better. Have a good one. Bye

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Today sounds cursed, I am sorry that Jeremy got hurt.  We had a good day.  The kids didn't have school.  We played at home this morning.  It was cloudy and windy but after lunch we walked to the pumpkin walk.  It ended up being really nice outside and we had a fun time.  The pumpkin walk was really fun and they did a really good job.  Then we played at the park until Ruth was throwing wood chips at the boys and then had a meltdown.  It was a fun afternoon and the kids had fun playing outside.  It rained here this evening also.  Randy came over and they were able to put the cement board down so we are ready to tile.  We are going to go get tile tomorrow with Randy.  We made Casey a birthday cake today.  I used three cake mix boxes so it is a lot of cake.  Casey has the day off tomorrow which will be fun.  Love you guys.



My day was good. Work is still moving along but not too crazy. This morning I went to the fridge and grabbed lunch. Then I grabbed a shelf to pull the door closed and the shelf off. One of the bottles fell off and broke so I had teriyaki sauce everywhere. So I had to clean it up before work. I was a few minutes later but not too bad. After work I came home and did laundry and dishes. It is nice having it done. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


My day was usual.  Work was good.  It just isn't as busy anymore.  I am so glad about that one.  We came home and just vegged.  I am addicted to that word game that Karen plays.  I am so sorry Jeramy hurt his ankle.  That is going to hurt for awhile. It is pouring rain here tonight.  I keep looking at the weather and the storm is suppose to be gone by Sunday afternoon.  I will keep my weather tracking going.  Tell Casey Happy Birthday.  I hope you guys have a nice day.  LOVE MOM


Work was busy today. Hopefully I catch up one day. I stayed late at work so Jeramy took Jenkins out. He was also.taking out the garage. I guess Jenkins got out of his collar and Jeramy lost his footing and triped. He sprained his ankle pretty good. I felt bad because Jenkins ran away so he had to go grab him with a a sorry ankle and bring him home. So we just rested tonight and took it easy.. .so.glad tomorrow is Friday

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Robin, you could write a crime novel about your experience on the jury.  It would be a best seller.  I still can't believe you got to do that.  Congratulations on your great test score Karen, you are so smart.  Oliver didn't sleep very well last night so I didn't walk this morning and slept in.  We went to exercise class and that always feels good.  After we dropped Oliver off at school we had some errands to run.  Then we went and helped in his class.  I keep talking about Isaac taking his AR test in the morning when he gets there and every day he doesn't do it.  So today we stayed after and he took a test.  We walked home and it was a pretty day.  The kids grumble about walking everyday but I think it is nice.  Casey helped Ron move some furniture after work.  We got our insurance claim approved and they are going to send us a check to fix the roof.  It is made out to our mortgage holder also so we need to talk to them also.  It just to make sure we do the work and we don't devalue the house.  So that is good news.  The kids don't have school the rest of the week which will be nice.  Love you guys and I hope that you have a good night.  I didn't take any pictures, sorry.


Hump day

Robin, that had to be hard to watch.  I am sorry you had to see that.  It is hard to deny such a high alcohol level in his blood stream.  Did he go to prison?  I love the picture of Jenkins.  He is so dang cute.  Work was good.  One of the ladies was quitting and going to be a NP trauma instead of the manager of Fetal so we took her to lunch.  It was fun.  We went to Taqueria 27.  I really liked it they had fancy street tacos.  We went to Walmart after work to get ziplock bags, I was completely out and it was nice to walk around.  We have been going to the Walmart off Foothill.  I like it.  I talked with Rachel tonight and we got Halloween parties all planned.  She said they aren't doing Christmas parties.  That made me sad.  Oliver is going on a field trip on Tuesday to a cow farm and I am going with him.  It should be an adventure.  The weather isn't looking really good for Sunday, if it snows can we go a week from Saturday?  Dumb weather.  Not much else to report on my end.  Robin, does Jeramy want to go shooting with Casey and Karen and Dad on SAturday?  They are taking Casey shooting for his birthday.  Karen you are doing amazing at school.  I am so proud of you. LOVE MOM

jury duty

I made it through jury duty and ran to work for a few hours to help out. The case was a DUI the guy ran into a car on 5400 s and bangeter last year the car he hit ran into a pole and the driver was pretty bunged up. He broke his hip, neck, hand, wrist, and had a narly head laserstion. They were saying that the overpass was being constructed and the intersection was confusing. So the poor construction cause confusion that caused the accident. But he had a .09 blood achol content and was telling everyone how f'd up he was. It even was on video him.saying he drank 1/5 of vodka and cough syrup and smoked weed. So we found guilty. I was surprised he plead not guilty and it had to go for 2 days. But everyone gets their day I guess. Hopefully he gets the help he needs. He seemed like he was really depressed.but I bet it's no fun getting 2 counts of DUI with bodily harm..since there were 2 the car he hit. Anyway tomorrow I have work so hopefully I get everything done :)


My day has been good. The did a survey at graco and we got rated as a great place to work, so today they had treats in the breakroom. It was fun having cookies. Then after work I did my computer load and took my inventory control mid term. I got an 88 on my midterm so that was good. Robin I hope you made it thru your jury duty. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Wow Robin I think that is neat you got picked. I am curious to hear details.  Good luck tomorrow.  I hope it goes well.  I am glad you got to go home and so glad that you got Jeramy shoes.  Funny thing we got dad shoes today as well.  His were getting bad so we went and got him some and found two pairs he liked.  I was super excited about that one.  We went and got firehouse subs afterwards.  Rachel, I am sorry about Leona.  If you want to go down we can rent a hotel and visit her.  Weather on Sunday is looking bad.  What should we do as an alternative plan?  Do you want to wait and see how it goes.  There is one more weekend left if it doesn't work out.  I love the Greenville shirts.  They are really fancy.  Everyone enjoy hump day.  LOVE MOM


I had jury duty today and I was picked :/ it is going through tomorrow so yippee for me. I'm still on lockdown per se so tomorrow I will blog what it  was about. Then me and Jeramy went shoe shopping for him. His soles are worn out. I was so excited. I've wanted him to get new shoes ever since we started dating. Then we went up and saw his friend in the hospital. He is still in ICU but can now squeeze your hand and know your there. So that was good. Have a good one



Robin, I can't believe you actually had to go to jury duty.  I never have to go.  I hope it went ok.  Today was good.  I walked this morning.  I let Oliver sleep in and he slept until 10:30 so he was tired.  We went to story time and then picked up a pizza for lunch.  I helped in Isaac's class while the kids were at school.  We walked home and it is such a pretty day.  Casey called me and Leona is sick and they think she will either pass in a couple days or get better.  I think they took her off her thyroid medicine and are putting her back on it now and are hoping that makes her feel better.  Casey worked late so after dinner we watched a movie.  It gets dark so early now.  Love you guys.  This weekend is looking a bit better.  I am hoping that it keeps getting better so Sunday is ok for Lagoon.



My day was good. It was meeting day so that where I was all morning. I did get stuff done in the afternoon so that was good. Then after work I went to walmart and got my prescriptions. Exciting times I know. Robin I hope jury duty went okay. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, October 14, 2019


I had a really quiet day today at work.  My emails kept under control so that was really nice.  Not much else was going on with us.  I did get dad an appointment for physical therapy on Friday morning.  He is just going to drop me off at trax and then go to the appointment.  Good luck with Jury duty Robin.  I hope they call it off.  That is sweet they gave you that much money.  WOW..  Karen, I am so sorry about your tooth.  I will come and take care of you.  Make sure you have a denture to fill in the cap before you pull that tooth.  You will like that.  Rachel,  that is funny you found those paints.  I bet Oliver loved that.  He has been so sad they got lost.  Well everyone have a great Tuesday.  Do we need a back up plan for Lagoon.  The weather isn't looking great for Sunday.  LOVE MOM


Today was busy because I was prepping to take tomorrow off. I hope it goes ok. I got 250.00 today at work for working 5 years. They forgot to bring them to the dinner. I. Going to use it for black Friday. Love yo


I got registered for my classes this morning. Then I cooked lunch and went to the dentist. He wants to do a root canal on one of my teeth, but I am going to pull it and get an implant instead. Just because I hate root canals. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye


It was a good day today.  I walked in the cold and dark this morning.  It is so hard to start but it isn't too bad once I get going.  I went to exercise class and arms today.  My arms hurt all day.  I needed to go to Sam's so we went and had lunch there.  It took longer than I thought so we had to hurry to get to school.  We walked to pick up the boys and it was a beautiful day.  Casey is taking Friday off so he worked later to get his hours in.  We found the paints from Yellowstone yesterday when we were hiking.  They were in the CRV by the spare tire.  We were looking for toilet paper and found them.  So we were able to paint today and they kids had a fun time.  Oliver did really well on his first math test.  He got 33/36 which is really good.   I cut the boys hair today but I didn't get a picture.  They look cute.  I hope that everyone is doing good.  Love you guys.


Sunday, October 13, 2019

Quiet day

We had a quiet day also.  Robin, I am glad you took care of Jeramy's mom.  That is so nice of you.  We slept in and then I failed on the split pea soup.  It had too much ham in it.  We eat it for lunch but didn't keep the rest.  I like it better just made with chicken broth.  Oh well live and learn.  We went to the zoo to walk around and the animals were out very much.  It is so strange one time you go and there are lions roaring and elephants eating fences and the next time nothing.  It was nice to walk around.  We came home and took naps and just were lazy.  The kids are growing up.  I love their costumes.  We might have to watch the weather for the weekend.  They are saying it might get nasty.  I will watch it close.  Everyone enjoy Monday.  Robin, Karen said you have to call in the morning to see if they still need you.  The same think happened to her and when she called in the morning they didn't need her.  I am hoping that is what happens.  LOVE MOM

A day

Sorry I didn't blog yesterday I forgot. Yesterday me and Jeramy went to Ikea. His mom lamps. Then we visited with his friend in Lehi. Jeramy wants me to make a Pokemon quilt for.his nephew for Christmas. Mom bought me.a quilt kit at the quilt I just used that pattern and bought new fabric. I'm worried it won't look good. But I guess we will try it out. I cut it out today and started sewing. I also worked on my turtle shell it's looking ok. I need to do the finishing work on it this week. Tomorrow will be a long day since I have to take Tues off and hopefully it's just for one day.



My day was good. I wasn't very productive. I took tomorrow off because I have a dentist appointment. They are going to fix 3 cavities so wish me luck. I also get to register for my spring classes. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Today was good.  I was stressed about when they were going to call me to be the primary president but he texted last night and they were going to talk about the counselors today and call us next week.  I told them I was going to be gone so they pushed it back a week and I feel a lot better about everything.  So I was in nursery today and that was nice and the kids were good.  We went to the park afterwards.  Casey worked today so when he was done he met us at the park and that was fun.  Then we went up the canyon and went hiking.  The kids were whinny and we didn't go far but it was nice to go up.  After dinner Imogene came over and they played until it was dark.  It is another short week for the kids with the fall break.  Casey is going to take Friday for his birthday which will be fun.  We will come down on Saturday to SLC and spend the night.  It will be a fun week.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...