Wednesday, October 16, 2019

jury duty

I made it through jury duty and ran to work for a few hours to help out. The case was a DUI the guy ran into a car on 5400 s and bangeter last year the car he hit ran into a pole and the driver was pretty bunged up. He broke his hip, neck, hand, wrist, and had a narly head laserstion. They were saying that the overpass was being constructed and the intersection was confusing. So the poor construction cause confusion that caused the accident. But he had a .09 blood achol content and was telling everyone how f'd up he was. It even was on video him.saying he drank 1/5 of vodka and cough syrup and smoked weed. So we found guilty. I was surprised he plead not guilty and it had to go for 2 days. But everyone gets their day I guess. Hopefully he gets the help he needs. He seemed like he was really depressed.but I bet it's no fun getting 2 counts of DUI with bodily harm..since there were 2 the car he hit. Anyway tomorrow I have work so hopefully I get everything done :)

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