Saturday, May 23, 2015

in kamas

We are safe and sound in Kamas.   We took the jeep to grandmas house. Pam and Richard are coming to Huntsman on Monday and they are going to use our jeep to get around. Dad is having a kidney stone. Poor guy. Hope all is going well. See you soon.

Friday, May 22, 2015


Today was weird.  It felt like Monday.  Yesterday felt like Sunday.  I am all mixed up on my dates.  I am glad everyone had a good Friday.  Work was good.  Dad forgot his phone so we went back after dinner and got it.  Pam and Richard are coming to the Huntsman on Monday for an appointment on Tuesday.  We are going to take the jeep over to Grandma's tomorrow so they can use it.  It will be easier to get Richard in and out of the jeep.  I am excited for this weekend.  We are going up to Kamas tomorrow.  That will be fun.  I am going to sleep in first.  Be careful in the rain.  The boys do love Casey's new car.  That is so cute.  Robin that food looks good.  LOVE MOM

Whatever your name is

This morning Isaac said Momma, Mavis, Whatever your name is get me some water.  It was so funny.  Today was busy.  We went grocery shopping this morning.  Then a lady down the street brought over some cupcakes and talked a while.  Then the neighbor girl came over and played for a while.  It was fun to have her over.  Then it was lunch and nap time.  When Casey got home the boys really wanted to sit in his car and were upset when we left.  So we drove his car to dinner and got pizza and bread sticks.  It was fun.  The weather was rainy off and on but we got to play outside for a little bit.  Everyone enjoy your Saturday.  Isaac has been asking is it Sunday yet all day, he is excited to see everyone.


Yea for Friday

Robin that French toast looks yummy. I will have to check that place out. My day has been good. They brought doughnuts into work this morning, so that was fun. It has been a little rainy this afternoon. I am excited for the long weekend. I am doing laundry right now. My last load is drying now. I hope everyone has a great Saturday tomorrow. Bye

Even steven

Today was busy. At work a girl has been talking a but this place called even steven. It had like 4.8 stars on yelp. It's totally a grandma bodily place hole in the wall. It's an old car garage turned into a restaurant in sugar house. Very granola and hippy. Every sandwich you buy they will donate a sandwich to the homeless shelter in utah. But it was really good. I put a picture of my french toast below. I also got party tots. They are cheese covered tater tots with avacado and this yummy white sauce. It was really good. I will have to take you guys. I had to work scheels tonight so not much else going on. Have a good saturday


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Fun time

We had a really nice time at preschool graduation.  Isaac was the best and cutest.  Thanks Rachel and Casey and Isaac and Oliver for the fun time.  I am so glad your new glasses came Karen that is fun.  Robin we a good with any time you want to come up.  I am looking forward to hanging out together.  Not much else going on with me.  I did just pass my candy crush level that I have been on for months and Karen I haven't passed you on pet saga.  I know I lead an exciting life.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Thanks Mom and Dad for coming up here for graduation.  It was a fun day and Isaac was so cute.  I took some video's of him singing and I will try to put them on here later.  This morning we got doughnuts for breakfast, they were really good.  We went shopping to get things for lunch.  We made pita's and they tasted good.  Then we had graduation and it was really cute.  Isaac was really cute.  He was really animated doing all the actions and sang all the songs.  Then we came home and had lunch which was really nice.  Then it started pouring rain, it was great timing.  It was nice to have good weather for the graduation.  We had dinner at the mall and walked around.  It was a nice day.  I am excited to see everyone Monday.  Good job on your glasses Karen and I am excited for your new computer Robin.  Fun times.



Today was good. Nothing to crazy in the mist. I am working scheels tonight so the night is slow. I may or may not come up on sunday. It's waters nieces bday and I think they are having a party sunday. I will see how late they have it. But I will keep you posted as I know more. I am so glad tomorrow is friday. I am tired. Hope.isaacs graduation went well


Almost Friday

Well my day has been good. My new glasses were ready so I left work a little early and picked them up. Then it wasn't raining at the time I got home so I got my lawn mowed. It is raining now, so I am glad I got it done in between storms. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Let's do it

Mom I got your email way late in the day. Sorry I didn't get it sooner. I responded but I don't think you'll be at work. But I will bring my laptop up so if you guys want to embroider any files you can. I was so tired today. I think it was the rain. I work tomorrow at scheels so nothing to exciting tomorrow. I am just watching netflix and relaxing. Hope Isaacs graduation is great. Such a smart kid



Hurray the week is half over. Surprise, surprise it is raining. I do like the rain. Work is going good. Just the usual there. I am glad that Isaac liked the card I sent. I hope that he has a good graduation tomorrow. I also hope that mom and dad made it safe and sound up to Logan. Well have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Broke down

Well I broke down and got a laptop. My mac is 7 years old so it just isn't up to par. It was the cheapest one I could find since I'm hoping to use it just for embroidery stuff. I downloaded digitized stitch programs for free to try it out. The little letters didn't work to great. But it was cool to have a picture and make it embroider on my machine. I put a picture below of the logo I'm working on. Have a good wednesday


More rain

I am glad that Dad is doing good and check out good.  Thank you again Karen for the card and money, Isaac loved it.  He had to spend it so we went to shopko tonight and he bought some master track cars.  He is funny, he may not be a natural saver.  Today was good, Casey worked overtime which was really sweet of him.  The visiting teachers came this morning and it was nice to visit.  Then we went to story time.  It was nice to get out for a while.  I sewed with Jenn and got two more blocks done, I am on a roll.  Thanks for coming up Mom and Dad.  We will have a good time.  I am excited.  Drive safe.


All checked out

Dad's doctor appointment went well.  See ya in six months.  So that is a good sign.  It was one of the ladies last day today at work.  She works for us part time.  She is eight months pregnant and moving to South Dakota.  Her husband got a job there.  It was nice to have a long lunch and leave early.  Tomorrow we are leaving after work to go to Logan to spend the night.  I am looking forward to preschool graduation.  I can't believe he is getting that old.  Me and dad think and Oliver's hair color is turning a lot like Isaacs in the pictures.  Not much else going on with us.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. My day has just been the usual. Nothing too wild and crazy happening here. I hope that Dad's doctors appointment went well. Have a great one. Bye

Monday, May 18, 2015


Today was good nothing to exciting. I went and looked at surfaces today. The 80 dollar one won't work. It's just a glorified tablet. I guess it would crash with what I wanted to do. So I didn't get anything fun. It was crazy raining today. It was cool to see the storms roll in. Well have a good night



It rained here off and on all day also.  I was going to meet dad at best buy and ride trax down and it was pouring rain so one of my friends from work drove me down.  I thought that was really nice of her.  My headache is getting better.  It is still there but it doesn't hurt as bad.  That is a good sign.  I am so excited to go up to Logan and see our first Isaac graduation.  That will be fun.  I am also excited for the sewing event.  What a fun idea.  Everyone be safe and sound in the rain.  I keep buying shorts for the boys.  I may have to go back to winter clothes at this rate. Robin that is cool you got extra money.  The picture is really good.  Dad will help you look for a surface if you want him to.   LOVE MOM

Rain Rain

Thanks for sending Isaac a card Karen, you are super sweet.  Thanks for having us up Monday also.  I am excited.  We are coming up Sunday night if that is alright, to maximize our time.  We also may leave Tuesday morning, we will see how it goes.  We are really missing being able to play outside.  This rain is really crazy.  Me and Casey had dentist appointments this morning.  We both didn't have any cavities and my gums are looking a bit better.  Isaac had school today and he had fun.  I asked him what songs they sang today and he said that they sing lots of songs.  It made me laugh.  Well everyone have a great night and a good day tomorrow.



Just 4 more days until the long weekend. I am excited to play. Work is going good. There was a bunch of thunder and lightening here after work. So I decided not to weed tonight. Mom told me that Isaac is graduating from preschool on Thursday. That is pretty exciting. I mailed Isaac a card to congratulate him. Well I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Today was good I got to sleep in so that was a bonus. I did the photoshoot. I did a slit throat. Joe liked it and said he would pay me an extra 100 to do another girls throat. So I said yes. Rich was there and my embroidery machine came up. He wants to pay me to do some shirts. I was looking a digitizing stuff and it works better with Microsoft then macs. Soooooo I might go look at the surfaces that were 80. At the mall. I am going to look around. I will see. I gave Walters mom the bag. She loved it. Well not much else have a good week!


Sorry I am blogging late, Oliver would not go to sleep since he had a late nap.  Mom, I am glad that you got some medicine.  I hope that helps and you start to feel better.  Yesterday it rained all day long.  We painted and played with playdough and went to the mall for a while.  It was a nice day.  Today Oliver wouldn't nap before church so we went to sacrament meeting.   The boys were really good but a lady shhh'ed Isaac for talking and he got so upset.  At first I could just tell it bothered him so we went out in the hall and got a drink of water.  Sacrament was almost over but he really wanted to go back in so we did and just sat in a different spot.  Then he was still so upset and started crying so we went out in the hall.  The meeting was just getting over so I took him to class with me so he could calm down.  Then after a couple minutes he wanted to go to his class and he was calm so I took him.  I check on him after class and they said he was really sad and the teacher talked to him and calmed him down.  It made me feel sad.  He seemed better after church but we talked about what happened and what to do.  Well everyone have a good day tomorrow.  I have a dentist appointment for a teeth cleaning so I hope that I don't fail.


Quiet day

We had a quiet day today.  WE took grandma to lunch but she wanted to go home afterwards and so we came home and watched paint your wagon with our eyes closed.  It was good.  I hope everyone had a good weekend.  It will be a short week for me.  I am looking forward to that.  LOVE MOM

Good times

Well my weekend has been good. I hooked with mom and dad yesterday. We got stuff bought so we won't starve during memorial sewing day. I also got my house cleaned up and I made cookies. Hopefully some will make it to the weekend. I hope that your photo shoot went good Robin. Have a great week everyone. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...