Saturday, March 18, 2023


 Casey worked all day on the van and was able to get it fixed which is great.  It was a lot of work for him so hopefully nothing else goes wrong.  I got up early and went to exercise class.  I cut out a new quilt which was fun.  We were out cleaning the garage for a bit.  Then the kids got their bikes out they rode and I helped Ruth.  She still needs a lot of confidence.  Then we went to the park.  Isaac and Oliver rode bikes but Isaac got a flat so he ended up walking with us.  It was a beautiful day but cold.  It felt so good to walk and get out of the house.  Isaac made a cake today and heade dinner.  He was busy.  We have done three loads of dishes today.  I also got a lot of laundry done.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 We went and looked at a house today. It was really a nice house but it has an offer on it. We took mountain corridor to Lehi. It was fun to try a new route. We took Luna to ifa and got duck food and they had the cutest bunnies. We didn't buy her one instead we went to Walmart and got her a ball to kick around. I think Robin and jeramy will like that better. We came home and I took a nap and then made dinner it wasn't great. Rachel I hope you got your van fixed. The green turtle van has special memories for me. We are going to watch Luna for a while tomorrow and then go look at a house. I sure like that video. Isaac and Casey were rock stars to get that snow all removed. It made such a difference.  Love mom


Mom, dad and Karen came down and watched Luna. Me and Jeramy started working on our garden boxes.the gang is coming again tomorrow to help with Luna and hopefully we will finish them. Thanks again. It was so nice to get a jump start on garden boxes after Luna woke up from a nap we had dinner and played outside for a while. Once it was getting dark we went in. Luna didn't love the idea of leaving outside but we finally wrangled her inside. I think this summer we are going to be outside alot.

Friday, March 17, 2023


 Today was good.  The kids didn't have school and they did good at home.  They were so excited for the leprechauns to come they were awake at 7.  We had a green pot luck at work and I made vegetable pizza because broccoli is green.  I thought Isaac had ambassadors but he didn't.  I messed up.  We came home and everyone practiced their instruments which was fun.  My visiting teachers came and it was good to visit.  We rented a movie and had popcorn.  It was a fun night.  Sorry it is late.  Have fun tomorrow.

Love Rachel


I hope everyone had a good st Patty's day. Work was good. I'm glad it was Friday. Then when we got home we had dinner then worked out in our garden area for a bit. It's nice to have sunlight again. I missed it



 Work was work. Not too much going on. I did get to leave 30 minutes early. That was nice. We had nachos for dinner and then played video games. They did take pictures if the house I hope they are good. We are going to go look at an open house in the morning and then go help Robin with her garden. Rachel.i hope your car gets fixed. Let us know if you need anything. Have a nice weekend. Love mom

Thursday, March 16, 2023


Work was good.  Everyone was in a better mood today and it went fairly fast.  Oliver got a hundred percent on his spelling test and Ruth got a hundred on her math test so we picked up bread sticks after school.  Isaac had orchestra and after I picked him up I took the little kids to piano lessons.  The van is having problems so we just stayed and waited instead of driving back and forth.  Ruth was so excited she didn't sleep last night so she was sooooo moody today.  They loved their lesson and I really like their teacher.  I went grocery shopping when we got back.  Casey worked late so I finished putting my binding on my quilt.  I messed up loading my bracket for March madness at work so I felt like an idiot.  The kids don't have school tomorrow.  I really hope they sleep in.  Ruth is preparing to wake up early to catch a lepercon.  

Love Rachel


 I was tired today. I am glad tomorrow is, Friday. I was over my time so I left a.little early and me and dad walked the hobby lobby before we met the gumm gang. I like that store. Dinner was good. Julie has 11 days before she retires. We walked the mall and then came home. Dinner made dad sick. He did go to Kamas to take out garbage and get mail. Remember to wear green. Have a happy st Patrick's day. Love mom


Today was good, I feel like everything at work is organized chaos. We keep having meetings on everything that's wrong and it brings up 10 more things to fix. I think they grew so fast it's hard to get your ducks in a row. We went down to Provo today for Jeramys sister shower backsplash. We got it all out up. I forgot to take a picture. We just did a peel and stick tile. Hopefully it works. Then we got home at 9 so we rushed Luna to sleep. Hopefully she sleeps ok tonight



 Things are going good for me. I got my first paycheck yesterday so that was nice. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I went with mom and dad and had dinner with the gumm gang. I really don't have anything too exciting to report. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


 Today was busy.  Delia was stressed at work and it was a longer day.  We had sexual harassment training which is always fun, just kidding. They are keeping product different so we talked about that for an hour.  After school we hung up all the laundry with the kids help.  We cleaned up a bit. We did homework and I working on extra math with Oliver.  Casey had activity days and they were delivering flyers for a food drive.  Isaac had young men's and they did a march madness bracket.  I signed up for one at work also.  Mom ordered Ruth some shoes and they came today.  We also got some snacks.  Thanks Mom.   Ruth wrote up another note which was sweet.  It says that we are a blessing.  Im love you guys.  You are the best Mom and Dad in the world.  From Ruth you are the best.

Love Rachel


It was so dark this morning. It was really hard to wake up. Work was good. Luna is funny and wild. We went to cold stone tonight and it was fun. Jeramy bought a shower liner online for his sister
. But when it showed up it was a small strip of metal. It was 100 dollars so we figured we would return it they said that we had to cover freight. When I went to UPS and the cheapest shipping was 650 dollars. I about fell to the floor. So we probably going to keep it because that is insane. 


 It was not so busy today so that was nice. It rained here most of the day. The realtor didn't go up today because of the weather she is going up on Friday. Dad is going up tomorrow to take the trash out and get the mail. We are meeting the gumm gang for dinner tomorrow night. That will be fun. Have a nice Thursday. It is suppose to be nice weather. Love mom

Tuesday, March 14, 2023


 Ruth wrote us a note last night and it was so sweet.  She said she didn't want us to do anything.  She would make breakfast and clean the house.  That would make us happy and he happy.  Casey bought her flowers after work and gave them to her for the sweet note.  Ruth wanted to make felt flowers for Mrs Woos so we did that while Oliver did his homework.  Isaac had orchestra after school and the little kids wanted to walk home so that was nice.  It was a pretty day.  It was pie day today so a couple people brought pies to work.  Casey got one for us for dessert.  I went to exercise class after dinner.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel



 Work was busy. It went by really fast. It was starting to rain when I picked up dad. I made tacos tonight and I was cutting tomatoes and took a chunk out of my thumb. Not a lot but it did bleed and bleed. It will be sore for a couple of days. I am so not good at keeping bandages on it. The realtor is going up tomorrow and taking pictures. She said she will post it Thursday or Friday. I am betting it will sell this weekend. Luna is getting big. Love you all. Mom


I was tired again this morning but luckily Luna slept through the night. I think it's dark out in the mornings and it's hard to get up. I guess Luna bit into a lemon and started to peel it. I guess she didn't make any funny faces or anything just peeled it like she knew what to do. Everyone thought it was funny. It was raining after work so we didn't play outside. I think we are ready for warmer sunny nights. Happy pi day


 Things are going good here. I still have a cough so it makes it hard to sleep, but I will get over it. Work is going good, just the usually. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, March 13, 2023


 It was a weird Monday also. I couldnt sleep.last night either.  Work was busy but they had a book fair and I walked over with Olivia and that was fun. We went to winco after work. That was a busy place. If we are not working on the house this weekend Robin we will come and help get your garden set up. I don't care which day. Rachel that stem fair is fun. I am sorry you didn't get to do the science fair. I thought the day we didn't go to Lehi we you in ogden Rachel for dinner. I thought that would be fun. Just ideas. I wasn't sure of your schedule. Love you all mom


Luna slept terrible last night. We were up half the night. She woke up for the third time at 6 and fell back asleep around 6:30. So I let her sleep a bit and didn't wake her up till 7:30. Work was good by i was tired. After work I picked up groceries. Then after dinner we had a bit of light so we played out side. I weeded some more around the dog run. I put before and after pictures. We still have a ways to go but it's nice to see some progress. 



 Today was good and busy.  Work was hard to wake up for but it went well.  I had my one on one today.  Then I made two pillows.  They aren't using sample makers anymore so we have more to make.  Isaac had violin lessons after school.  Ruth and Oliver walked home because it was a pretty day.  We did homework and had dinner.  Then it was stem night at the school.  Casey was running a booth so he went over early.  We had to run a couple errands before we went over.  It felt good to get that done.  We brought over the oculuses and they were a hit.  The boys helped Casey at the booth and me and Ruth went around.  They had fun things.  I didn't realize that is was the science fair also and we hadn't done Isaac's.  They called his name and I felt bad.  Other than that the stem fair was fun.  It was a bust afternoon.

Love Rachel

Sunday, March 12, 2023


 We worked all morning and cleaned all the floors. The house looked really nice. It will be interesting how the listing goes. We stopped at old navy on the way home. It snowed in Kamas. We all took a nap. Mine lasted a long time. Love the quilt Rachel. It must feel nice.robin to do jury duty. Love you all mom


 Your house is looking good Karen.  Good job.  Today was good.  We were tired this morning with the time change.  Casey worked and we went to church.  I helped in nursery which was a lot of fun.  Isaac had a meeting after church.  He also practiced his violin for an hour.  I put the binding on one quilt and have one more to go.  When Casey got home we went on a walk around the block. It was really pretty and it was nice to see the sun.  We saw Luke next door and Sher had stomach cancer and is living in maple springs now.  It is sad news and I feel bad for her.  Everyone have a good Monday and don't work too hard.

Love Rachel


This morning Luna slept in to 10:30. It was amazing. We drive down to provo to help Jeramys sister with her shower. They had a leak and the guy cut up their dry wall and took their plastic panel on the shower. So today we patched up the dry wall. We didn't get home till 4 and Luna didn't take a nap. So we went out and weeded the new garden area. We only got about an hour in before Luna was ready to go in. So we just took it easy the rest of the night. She went right to sleep as at 8. I was worried with the time change and sleeping in we were in for a long night. 



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...