We had a nice day. We slept in and then went to Logan. I mostly played with the kids while Rachel, Casey and dad worked on the bathroom. Love mom
Saturday, January 16, 2021
My day was good. I slept in a bit. Then after lunch I went for a walk. It was chilly outside but it was nice to stretch my legs. I made peperchnini shredded roast beef for dinner. I cooked it in my insta pot and misjudged the time, so it wasn't ready for dinner so I had nacos instead. Oh well it warms up really good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, January 15, 2021
Today was good. It was hard to walk this morning. It is so cold and dark. We went to exercise class and it was nice to not leave early. We went grocery shopping and got a roast for dinner tomorrow. After lunch we took Tony to the dog park. Their were a lot of dog there today. It was really muddy with the snow melting and dogs were jumping on Tony so he was a muddy mess at the end. I gave him a bath when we got home. He did really good and is so cute and fluffy when he is clean. The boys had a good day at school. Oliver had a pajama day and brought books to read. Isaac had a math test that he was stressed about but he said he did good on it. Casey bought the kids some big boxes to make a fort with. They had fun and I forgot to take a picture. Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad. We are excited to have you.
I am glad that the weekend is here also. My day was good. Just the usual at work and then I went to Smith's after. It was super trafficy in Park City, so it was annoying to have to wait at the traffic lights forever but I made it thru. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye
We made it to friday. I get Monday off for the holiday. We had a nice day. We worked and then met Robin for lunch. It was so nice to visit. After work we went to the rec center and walked and did bikes. We went to WinCo afterwards because I had no food. We had arby's for dinner. I didn't cook once all day. We are going to Logan in the morning and spending the night. I am excited to fix up the bathroom. Everyone enjoy the weekend. Love mom
Thursday, January 14, 2021
I hope you are feeling better Mom. I skipped walking this morning and it was nice to sleep in a bit. We helped in Isaac's class and then worked at preschool. It was a good day. It was a pretty day today so me and Oliver cleared all the snow off of the trampoline. We played with Tony also. Oliver was so cute carrying big chunks are ice. I needed to go to the hobby lobby so I told Oliver I would get him a snack if he came with. Oliver was so cute. He talked and talked, we had a fun time just the two of us. We told Ruth she could get a barbie camper if she learned all her letters. She was really upset at first because she said it was too hard but now she is working really hard to learn them. I attached a picture of all the letters she knows. I am proud of her. Sorry to ramble I love you guys and hope you have a good Friday.
Today was good. I went to the dentist this morning. There isn't much they can do to fix the hole. My implant will just rip it to shreds. They did fix my bottom denture so it fits again. I don't wear it much and my teeth moved. We were done early so we drove to work and I worked. It was crazy busy. I ran the whole time. Karen that is funny you vacuum got caught in the bathroom. It is funny. I am sorry Tom is retiring. That is sad. You like him. Robin, I am sorry you are tired and still not feeling well. You need to tell them you need to work from home at least 3 days a week. You tell them your mom said :). I am glad it is the weekend. I get Monday off so that is fun. They have put in a state of emergency for the weekend because there have been threats in Utah. Might not want to go downtown. Have a nice friday. LOVE MOM
My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. Work is still moving along. Tom did tell us today he is retiring in April. It will be sad to see him go. When I got home I had to rescue my vacuum. It got into my bathroom and got the door shut so it was stuck in that room. I did think it was funny though. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Lazy lump
I was suppose to go into work today and I just couldn't wake up. I slept until 11:30. I clocked in and started to work and just couldn't do it. So I clocked out and took a nap. Go figure that one. Tomorrow I am going to the dentist and have them check the hole in my denture and make sure it is OK. It has gotten really big. So I guess I am not working tomorrow morning as well. I was taking my shower this morning and realized that it has been 35 years since I got real sick. I was just feeling so blessed with everything I have been able to do. Especially for you girls and watching you become beautiful and talented women. And now we are adding to our family. What a blessing to have so many people who love us in our lives. I am sorry that was kind of sappy. I guess I must be feeling sappy today. We are going to Logan on Saturday to help with the bathroom. I have Monday off so that is nice. LOVE MOM
Isaac made it to school and had a good day. Today was pretty normal. I walked and went to exercise class. We did High which is fun. I programed while Ruth was at school. We were going to walk to pick up the boys but we got too cold and came home and drove. Casey came home a half and hour early and went on a walk with the boys and Tony. Me and Ruth made dinner. Thanks for calling Mom. It was good to talk. Love you guys
My day was good. It was really dark outside this morning. It made it seem super early when I got up. It was just cloudy today though. It did rain a little this evening but not a whole lot. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Major loser
So I didn't win the lottery. Oh well it was still fun to try. Rachel I am glad isaac will be ok. I am excited to play this weekend. I get Monday off. I am going into work tomorrow. I have lots of payments to do.dad had a bad headache so we didn't walk tonight. I did make hamburger pie and that was good. Have a nice hump day. Robin I hope you get some rest. Love mom
My day was good, nothing really exciting to report. I am sorry that Isaac isn't feeling well. Hopefully he gets better soon. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye
Isaac was sick again today and stayed home. He slept most of the morning which is good. I walked this morning and it was so cold. It was freezing today. I worked on programming while Ruth was at school. We did homework for Isaac the rest of the afternoon. Isaac and Ruth had wellness checks today. She thinks Isaac is constipated and that is why he is throwing up. It makes sense. Isaac was supposed to have basketball practice I thought but no one was there. It is so strange. I signed everyone up for soccer in the spring. It should be fun. My sewing chair broke a wheel a while ago. We bought a new one with the stimulus money and it came today. I will miss my black friday chair. Love you guys.
Monday, January 11, 2021
Too much fun
Robin, I am so excited. Girls rule. I didn't win my lottery of a !,000 dollars a day bummer. I did have payroll Monday and that would make any one wish for the lottery win :) Rachel, Ruth looks darling in her ballet tight. She is so dang cute. I am glad Oliver can walk Tony. He will really love that. Karen I hope you win mega million tomorrow. I am going to need that with two granddaughters. We did go to the gym after work and that was nice. We stayed a little longer and that is a good sign. Have a nice Tuesday. LOVE MOM
Congrats, Robin I am excited for you. My day was good but long. You know the usual for a Monday. Me and mom split steaks we got at Costco, so I cooked those tonight. They are huge and they tasted good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Congratulation Robin, a girl is exciting. I am glad she is doing well. Isaac was throwing up this morning so he stayed home. Casey was really tired so he worked from home today which is nice. I walked and went to exercise class which was nice. I worked on the book Dad gave me and it is a good book. It is hard and I am going slow. Ruth had dance today and I went grocery shopping while she was gone. Oliver has been enjoying walking Tony. Tony hasn't been as wild walking so it is fun for Oliver to walk him now. So me and Oliver walked to the park and played in the snow. We had a lot of fun. Isaac really really wanted Salmon so he made it for dinner. It tasted really good. We got the kids to bed on time which is a miracle. We bought a mug from the girls podcast and it came today. Congratulations again Robin.
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Good luck Robin tomorrow. I made a diaper caddy and it is really cute. I will surprise you with it later. Today was good. I had an early church meet but church is at 10 now so that is really nice. Casey worked today. I had to deliver a birthday book so we went on a walk which felt nice. We have been talking about a shower upstairs but after reading it is really bad to have a window in the shower. It just catches water and causes a lot of damage so we are back to just a bath tub. I shouldn't have taken out the tiles. They were great and you guys did a good job. Isaac made dinner which was nice of him. I kept wanting to eat out but we couldn't all agree. Which is better to eat at home. Isaac did a good job cooking. Well I am not ready for Monday. I hope you guys have a good day.
Sorry I didn't blog last night I feel sound asleep at 7 and slept all morning. Go figure. So we went to Evanston with karen yesterday and got more lottery tickets. When I was at walmart they had this cutest crib. It was nic. I am going to show Robin. Rachel you are on fire with the bathroom. I love onoliver's picture. He is in his glory. Good luck tomorrow on finding out if the baby is a boy or girl. I am excited for you. Love 💖 mom
My day has been good. I was just lazy for the most part. School starts again for me on the 20th so I thought I would enjoy my lazy time. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...