Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Lazy lump

 I was suppose to go into work today and I just couldn't wake up.  I slept until 11:30.  I clocked in and started to work and just couldn't do it.  So I clocked out and took a nap.  Go figure that one.  Tomorrow I am going to the dentist and have them check the hole in my denture and make sure it is OK.  It has gotten really big.  So I guess I am not working tomorrow morning as well.  I was taking my shower this morning and realized that it has been 35 years since I got real sick.  I was just feeling so blessed with everything I have been able to do.   Especially for you girls and watching you become beautiful and talented women.  And now we are adding to our family.  What a blessing to have so many people who love us in our lives.  I am sorry that was kind of sappy.  I guess I must be feeling sappy today.  We are going to Logan on Saturday to help with the bathroom.  I have Monday off so that is nice.  LOVE MOM 

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...