Saturday, September 9, 2023


 We met Robin and Luna at the quilt store and are all signed up for the quilt class. It was so.much fun to be at the quilt store again. We went to the mall afterwards and it is a really nice mall.  Luna ran and ran. We did go to the Arcade and it is nice. Rachel we will have to take the kids there. Karen took us to catch me if you can. It was written in 1960. It was really good. It even scared me and I jumped. I didn't even figure out the end. Rachel I am so glad you had a nice day. Those lights are cool. I am glad casey had fun at his caving conference. I am excited for your cabinets on Monday. We are having a big busy week. Love you all. Mom


 We had a fun and busy day.  Casey took off early and went caving.  He went to a cave in Providence today.  Yesterday he went to a cave by White pine lake.  He is having fun.  I went to exercise class this morning.  They did a special event and had Thirty minute classes and stayed for three of them.  It was fun.  I cut out the fabric for the class on Wednesday and that felt really nice.  We went and got a taco at a taco truck and that was fun.  Isaac wanted to cook dinner so we went to WinCo and got the ingredients.  We went through the car wash and the van feels so much better.  I love a clean car.  Oliver wanted some light so his gaming station so we went to the store and he bought some.  Ruth bought some for her room.  Then we put them all up.  They are really neat looking and are pretty fancy.  Their are a ton of options for them.  I had to run to the store again because we couldn't find out aluminum foil.  Then I assisted Isaac as he made red.peper soup.  It was a lot of work.  Then we walked to the park and threw the ball for Tony.  He had a ton of energy.  I fed me sough dough starter this morning and left it out all day.  It was really active and doing great so I am making sough dough bread.  I added the ingredients and folded it.  Now I let it rise all night and will make it tomorrow.  Casey made it home and it is good to see him.  Everyone have a good Sunday.

Love Rachel

Friday, September 8, 2023


 I did it. I made it the two weeks. Most everyone will be back on Monday. That will be so nice. It was quiet today so that helped. I even left on time. I made steak and potatoes for our anniversary dinner and then we played Catan and monopoly. It was fun. We haven't done that in a long time. We are meeting Robin in the morning to sign up for the mystery quilt class. That will be fun. Not.much else to report on my end. Love mom 


Today was busy again but hopefully next week it slows way down. Jeramys sister needed help with her shower so we stopped by Provo and then went and saw his aunt and Josh. We got home late but Luna stayed up the whole time. Tomorrow I'm driving up and meeting mom and Karen to get some fabric and sign up for the quilt class. 



 Today was good.  I got a lot done at work.  I left and drove the kids home from school and then went back to work.  Oliver went to the library with Walter.  Me and Ruth went to the library and checked out some books and picked up the boys.  We went to willow park and played until it was dark.  Ruth had been wanting to go there.  Ruth got herself completely wet in the drinking fountain, it was so crazy.  She also got a big blister at school from doing the monkey bars.  We finally figured out how to log into Isaac's math homework, we had the wrong username.  Thanks for signing us up for the mystery class.  That will be a lot of fun.

Love Rachel

Thursday, September 7, 2023


 It was another big busy day. I am with Robin and glad tomorrow is Friday. Tomorrow is.our 47 year anniversary. Rachel it looks like you put everything back into your room. It looks nice. Robin I am glad Luna did better today. You will love a clean rug. We are going to the quilt store on Saturday to register for the quilt class.  I hope Casey has fun at his conference. Love mom 


 Our cabinets are going to be delivered on Monday.  Casey is going to work from home and I took half a day off to help unload them.  Today was good. Klies went to the fair this evening and every year they enter this contest where you design a quilt based around a piece of fabric.  She picked me up one so can do it which will be fun.  The little kids had piano lessons and Ruth did a lot better.  I practiced with her last week so I will keep doing that.  Oliver passed his test and gets a trophy.  He is so excited.  I went to exercise class.  It took me a while to warm up but then it was fun.  We set up Oliver's gaming area when I got back.  He is excited.  Casey is going to the caving convention tomorrow and this weekend.  I hope it is fun.  

Love Rachel


Today was better work is still chaos since our convention is next week. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. We have weeds growing in our driveway. Jeramy thought it would be faster to pressure wash them out. I then had an idea to pressure wash out rug down stairs. It's been gross for a while and needed a cleaning. So we did that. Then moved the rug to the trampoline to dry. Then I pressure washed the cracks of the driveway. 



 My day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I kept thinking today was Friday so it might be a long day tomorrow. Happy anniversary tomorrow mom and dad. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, September 6, 2023


 That sounds like a rough day Robin, I am sorry.  Today was good.  Work went pretty good and I felt confident all day which was good.  After work and school we worked on cleaning up the sewing room and setting things up.  I love the room so much.  It is so bright and beautiful.  We are still working on it.  Casey is tuning up my long arm.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 I had a hard time waking up and it lasted all morning. Work is crazy and I am ready for the weekend. Only two more days and life will be better at work. I had to go and get a shower curtain because ours keeps falling. I hope this one stays up. I had to go to smiths and get stuff for an ice cream social. Robin I am sorry Luna has a hard time going to day care. It makes it hard. Rachel I am glad you get you sewing room back. Love mom


Today was a long day. Luna had a hard drop off which always makes the mornings rough. Then work was blah. We are doing our huge change of departments in 2 weeks its a disaster area. Then after dinner we went on a bike ride. Luna had a complete meltdown. So I carried her home and she still was on breakdown mode for another 30 minutes. Nemo calmed her down and we just walked on eggshells all night



 Well my day was busy. I had a meeting this morning at work and then it was just random stuff the rest of the day. I checked my mail when I got home and I got a jury duty notice. So I filled out the form tonight. I will be in the jury pool in October. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, September 5, 2023


Today was busy. But it eventually ended so that was good. Luna ate her whole dinner for the first time in forever. I worked late so by the time we were done with dinner it was 7. After work time goes so fast 



 It sure felt like Monday. I got to work at 630 this morning for a meeting. I am hoping this is my last early meeting before I retire. Work was crazy busy. Just a couple more days and it will start getting a little calmer. We did go to Costco and get a few things. I  like their meats. Getting ready for next weeks class and playing. I am looking forward to that. Rachel your room looks beautiful. I am sorry we didn't get paint done. I am glad you can cook again. Robin I hope you are getting your conference all ready. I am glad tomorrow is Wednesday and I do t have to go in early. I had such a fun time in Logan. Tell Ruth I am sorry I forgot about Starbucks. Love mom


 Thank you guys for all your help this weekend.  We got so much done and I love it.  We got the baseboards and the thresholds in the kitchen.  It feels nice to have the finishing work done.  The sewing room we (mostly Casey) got it painted and just put the second coat on tonight.  We are going to move everything back in tomorrow.  Isaac made rice pudding tonight and he loves being able to cook again.  I went to exercise class and then helped paint.  Work went well today.  Ruth had tumbling today and Oliver started the afterschool program.  He just took ar tests.  I was hoping he would get help with his math.  He thinks it is just early days and it will get better.  Love you guys and thanks again.

Love Rachel

Monday, September 4, 2023


 Thanks for the fun weekend everyone. Today was good for me. I slept in. Then I sliced peaches and filled the dryers up. After lunch I took a nap. Then I made peach cobbler and did the dishes. It tasted really good. Mom and dad got home just before 8. I warmed up the cobbler for them for a bedtime snack. I am glad that it is a short week. Thanks for cutting allmy fabric Rachel. You are awesome. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Thanks for the fun weekend. Saturday we went and saw butterflies and flew a kite. And Sunday we went up to Logan. I don't have very many pictures of that. Today me and Luna went to South Towne mall. They have an arcade. Fountain, and a kids play place. So we just ran around the mall and released our energy. Then Jeramy got off work early and Luna went down for a nap. After nap time we had dinner and went to cold stone for a treat


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...