Saturday, October 31, 2009

Home again home again

I had to re read the stardust joke. That was a good one Karen. Love the puzzle. I worked on mine for a little while tonight and got all the fish done. It looks good. Mine is a lot easier than yours. It is beautiful. I am glad the ER went well. I would love a video of all the animals following Rachel. I bet that is so cute. We had a good time in SLC. Grandma Bodily looks good. Not great but good. Everyone else is doing good. Nothing new to report. It feels nice to have an extra hour of sleep. I am excited for that one. Makes is so dark at night but it is dark anyway when I get out of work. Dad is feeling a lot better. His heart is beating normal again. We went to Tepenaki for dinner. It was really good. LOVE MOM

Well i finished the puzzle Rachel and Casey got me for my birthday. It was tough, but I did it. The ER was good. It amazes me how people are there all the time. I am tired now though. I still have to do laundry, but I think that I will do that tomorrow. I am glad that you had a good Halloween Robin. Rachel you have trained your animals to follow you well. Bribery works every time. Don't forget to fall back tonight. Well I don't have to much to report so I will just say bye and have a great Sunday!


Touche on the stardust comment karen you got me on that one. One day I will conquer. :) I love that your goats and horse follow you around rachel, its so cute. Today I had my haunted house makeup thing. It was fun it was a bunch of kids doing it for fun. mostly blood and more blood was the makeup. nothing to crazy. I got to sleep a bit today which was nice. everyone wanted to go out tonight but I was being old and wanted to sleep and church is early. Plus I've done halloween makeup for the past few weeks. I feel complete with not dressing up. :) Well have a great halloween and eat tons of candy. :) love you


A New Friend

We had a good night last night. Casey made a fire and we watched movies. It was nice. Today we were out killing box elder beetles and the goats saw me and ran over so I went over to see them and the horse came over too. It was kind of fun. So I decided to feed them some oats so I went in the pasture adn the goats started following me and the horse did too. I have started feeding him a little bit of oats when I feed teh goats and he must love it. It was fun to have all three of them follow me back for some oats. The way to an animals heart is through its stomach. Good luck at the ER Karen, that sounds fun. That is neat that they liked the quilt. That is really neat. Robin you sounds realyl busy, I am excited for you. I have been showing a girl at work all your pictures and she thinks that it is funny that you like all the gorry makeup, you are awesome. Well Happy Halloween. Stay Safe!

Friday, October 30, 2009

I love sleeping through movies

We watched Indiana and the Temple of Doom tonight. I don't think I even made it through the opening credits. It was so nice. Dad made it home safe and sound and is feeling a lot better. His heart is beating normal again. That is so scary how fast it came and how fast it went. Grandma Bodily is out of the hospital and that is good news. Now she just has to recover at home. That is always betters. Hope you all have a good weekend.


They did in Stardust

Well I am glad that it is Friday. I got 10 dollars for craving a pumpkin. So that was nice. I didn't win though. The winner got 25 dollars. I am going to the ER tomorrow for 1-7 tomorrow so it should be a busy day. I burned me a fresh cd last night and it worked great in my new car. I think that your quilt looks great mom! I think that your and Rachel are awesome quilters. Rachel I had a member the the stake and his wife come over to my place on Sunday. They saw your quilt on my couch and thought that it was the most amazing thing. They thought that you did a great job. they were way impressed. Well I better go and eat dinner. Have a great night.

you can't date a star :)

Well today was my practical and written test for my film section. I'm so stressed for my photo shoots I feel like I've been preparing for weeks and more things keep coming up. Then I have to start designing my makeup for the imats. It kinda sucks because they won't show us the pieces that we have to apply till the day of the competition. They say that its the way that industry people have to do. They want to see what we can do last minute. but then they want us to prepare there costume and theme beforehand . whatever. I'm just going to make an idea and make the foam pieces do what I want. Well tonight I'm going to institute and then tommorow I am doing makeup for the haunted forest. I love your quilt mom its really pretty. oh and I wore the black and red tights you bought me to school and everyone thought they were cute. well have a great one

love you

Thursday, October 29, 2009

yes I am a quilter

I got my quilt done today and it looks really cute. It is my first really good quilt. I am getting better. Grandma Bodily is coming home tomorrow. She is going to have home health for a while. Dad is feeling better. That is good. Work was busy and it went fast but I am tired. I am working on a bag and got some of it done tonight. I have had it cut out for three weeks. It felt nice to work on it.

It's Star Date

Well I was tired today, so it seemed like a long day. Class went over last night so I definitely did not get a good night sleep. I also didn't blog yesterday so sorry about that. The car is still doing good. I found out today that I can get a free car wash a week for buying a Hyundai car. Cool uh! Well I am glad that you got a night off Robin. Sounds like it will be the last one you get for a while. Oh I craved my pumpkin Tuesday night and here is a picture of it. I think that it is awesome.

star log: 555098515

So tonight I finally have free. I'm working on getting things done for photo shoots and i have a test tomorrow I need to study for. I'm really tired, We were shooting till 12:30 last night. Saturday I am working at the haunted forest, I'm going to do makeup for the people that pop out at you. So it should be fun. have a great night

love you

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Quiet Night

It was a quiet night here tonight. It is so cold. I am not use to that. I got some apples slices with my new slicer I got in St. George and am drying them. It just didn't have the energy to do applesauce. Then I got a new puzzle the other day and I am putting that together. I needed another set of eyes. I couldn't find what I was looking for but it will be found evidently. Tomorrow we are going to do sewing night. That will be fun. Rachel that is one serious quilt you have there. That is going to take some time. It is really a neat quilt when you are done. I think I am going to try to go to be early. Don't forget we fall back this weekend. You think it is dark now. We will be going home in the dark. I hate that. Well have a great thursday.


They call the wind Maria

I had a good day, I have a project that I am working on and I felt like I was moving slow. Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to finish it. It is windy her in Clifton, it is cold. It is funny because we don't have any snow up here but in Logan their is some on the ground. Yesterday when I was driving home it was snowing really bad in Logan but as soon as I got out of Logan it cleared out. Well Casey is coming home tonight but he wont get back till late. Me and Mom are sewing tomorrow and that will be fun. Tonight I finished cutting out the Sea Urchin quilt. Here is a picture of all the pieces in all the bags. I am ready to sew it now.

Thanks :)

Well last night the film people wrote me and asked me to do makeup tonight. So all night I will be doing makeup. My teacher just finished a movie and the premiere was today and so she took us to go see it. It was fun, plus I got out of class early. Its so amazing how fast things start to build up. I have photo shoots next week then I start creature design, only 7 1/2 weeks left. Well I love your quilt rachel its amazing. I am also excited for karens new wealth of knowledge. Its exciting to be an EMT. I'm glad that mom and dad are doing well. Luckily his heart wasn't to concerning for the doctors. Well better be running. love you


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


WOW is all I can say. You guys are awesome. I love the quilt Rachel that is so beautiful. You are a master. Robin I am so excited for you. You are going to take 1st place I just know it. You have worked so hard. Karen you can now rescue people. I am so proud of all of you. I am one lucky mom. We took dad to the doctor today and he has an irregular heart beat. We kind of just have to live with it. It isn't bad enough to need a pace maker but he already takes the medicine for it and if they increase it it would just cause other problems. He is feeling better. I think resting has helped. He is going to SLC tomorrow morning. Grandma Bodily is hanging in there. She was up walking today. I think they are going to try food again tomorrow. Last time it didn't work well. I am hanging in there. I had to go speak tonight at institute. They are making rice socks for work. I had to go buy 400 lbs of rice on friday for the activity. That is a lot of rice. You guys are the best. LOVE MOM


Robin, I am impressed, Way to go! I am excited for you. Rachel, your quilt looks great. My day was good. It was cold today, but no rain here, The mountains got snow though. Work was pretty good. We are updating solidwork to the 2010 version, so I am helping Ron work out all the bugs. Last night in class we had a skills night, so it was fun. We went out in the parking lot and practiced how to get people out of vehicles. It is kind of tricky to do. Especially when you have to worry about spinal injures. Well good luck with everyone's endeavors! BYE

Best Quilt Ever

Congratulations Robin, that is amazing and so exciting. I wish that I could go to the competition and watch. That is going to be an amazing experience. Well today we picked up my double wedding ring quilt and it is amazing. It is the best quilt that I have ever done and it looks so beautiful quilted. I am so happy with it. Thank you Mom and Dad for quilting it. I love it. I think that it would be awesome to get on of those display it in one of those wooden boxes that we saw in St George. Casey said that we could probably make one. Here are some pictures, they aren't great pictures, it looks a lot more stunning in person. I am nervous to bind it because the edges aren't straight but Kay at the quilt store gave me some tips so hopefully I can do it. I have three project waiting to be bound, I need to get going on it. I think that I am going to finish cutting out the Sea Urchin quilt and then bind. Sorry that is a lot of quilt talk.


So I made it into the imats student competition. I am really excited. The theme is x men mutants, I guess they give us the pieces and we arrange, apply, and paint them to our liking. Its on the 22 of November. Thats my big news for the day. I was shocked. last night a girl told us that she made it in and i checked my email and there was nothing and I figured I didn't make it. But they sent me my email today. yeah. well just thought I would write a quick thing. have a great night

love you


Monday, October 26, 2009

zombie Prom

I forgot I got some photos from my zombie prom. There funky but it was a punk look. The magazine that was sponsoring it was Imago so they have there logo on the photos. :)


Well there is a girl in my class that works at this halloween store she said we had to check out. I must admit it was pretty amazing. I could live there it was huge. It was jammed packed with halloween stuff. I loved it. I bought some things for my photo shoots. Well I'm glad that everyone is doing well. I hope dads tests are ok. Well Nothing else to exciting going on. I'm glad everyone is doing well. I'm excited for your quilt rachel that is super exciting. I'm sure its amazing.

Love you

My Double Wedding Ring Quilt is DONE

Karen, I am glad that you got a new car, that is exciting. You needed it. I am glad that Dad is alright and that Dr Strong will take a look at him tomorrow. I had a good day. I ended up working late and it was busy. They call and said that my double wedding ring quilt is ready to be picked up. So me and Mom are going to meet for lunch tomorrow and do that. I am excited to see it. She said that it turned out really good and I did a good job. Casey worked late tonight so I did the dishes and quilted. It has been quite. I didn't get home until after dark so I didn't get to see the goats. It is supposed to snow tomorrow. It will be cold.

so far so good

We came back from having dad's monitor removed and the guy looked at the data and said that is wasn't good but not really bad so we could go home. Dr. Strong will read the data tomorrow and we will go from there. We went to Sam's club and bought him a movie for being brave. Grandma Bodily isn't doing as good as she was over the weekend. I don't have any news on that one but I just thought you would like to know.



Well I just thought that I would write a quick blog before class. Work was alright today. I brought cookies in so at least everyone was happy while they lasted. Everyone was surprise that I got a new car. I am glad that I have though. I hope that class gets out early today but I don't think that I will hold my breath on that one. I hope that everyone else had a good Monday. I also hope that dads test come back good. BYE

Sunday, October 25, 2009

stake confrence

So today was my stake conference which i didn't go to. I was so tired last night I slept in. The zombie prom was fun. I'm going to get photos of my stuff so that will be good. It was kinda punk-ish look so I will be fun to have in my portfolio. Today my friend knows a guy that does improv so i went to the show. It was fun. Nothing else to exciting. I'm sorry dads heart isn't doing well. It has been a stressful week for you guys. I'm glad that they are monitoring it. I'm so excited for Karen's new car also. you'll love it, i'm excited to drive in all the new cars our family has purchased. You can drive me where ever you wish ;) Well I'm going to head to bed i'm sleepy. ttyl



I am glad that Dad is doing alright, I am glad that they went in to the Doctor and are monitoring his heart. It is always good to watch things like that. I burned a pizza today Karen, their must be something in the air that is causing things to burn. Me and Casey made the pepercine roast today and took it to Logan, it tasted good. Mom made a really good salad that was new and exciting. We had a good church, it didn't go over which was nice. I am sad that the weekend went so fast, I can't believe that it is over. It was a relaly pretty day here nice and sunny. I am glad that the sun roof is fun, I am jealous.

Intersting day

Well our quiet Sunday turned interesting. Dad has beenhaving irregular heart beat last night and then it just wouldn't go away so we decided to go and get it checked out. The put a monitor on him for 24 hours. I think he is just stressed out. Robin how did all the zombies turn out. Not anything else has happened here. I am hoping things start slowing down soon.



Well I have had a pretty good Sunday. I ad to go visiting teaching this morning and then church went 15 minutes over, but that was okay. I am waiting for my home teachers to show up right now. I have been visited or visiting alot today. My car is still good I was enjoying the sun roof during my travels today. I decided to make cookies so I am just waiting for the last batch to finish. I burned the first batch so Opps! It is not not to burn the first one. Well I hope that dad's heart is still hanging in there. I love ya BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...