Saturday, May 18, 2013
the pick up
Mom do you have the bag casey brought down with him? I was going to stop by and pick it up sometime tomorrow if that is ok. I will try texting you or calling tomorrow and We can work out a plan. I will try to track down casey to and give him the money rachel. if not I will get it to you :) I'm glad your house is clean karen mine is up for grabs if you get bored. its a hot mess. BUT I did go resign my lease at my apartment and they pay for a carpet wash ;) yeah so that will be nice. I think I will get that done in july..
Nice Day
WOW Karen you were on fire. I need some of your energy. The wedding was really nice and we had a good time. It did rain during the pictures but everything turned out good. She look really pretty. I did scrub my toilet Karen so I think that should count a little bit. I am glad you got a new dish washer Rachel. That is so nice. We are going to meet everyone for lunch tomorrow so that will be fun. I am so excited for next weekend and the Thomas the Train. I will buy the tickets tomorrow. Thanks Robin for letting me know. I wasn't sure how tired you were. I had a nice day. We drove trax into town. It was nice just to relax and visit. Have a nice Sunday. LOVE MOM
New dish washer
Karen, good job on cleaning. I am impressed. Isaac was watching a show today and I thought I should clean also but I didn't do it. I need to follow your example. Casey pulled out the old dish washer this morning and we ended up getting a new one. It is really nice and I love having a dish washer back. We got a scratch and dent and we got a good deal. Casey went to SLC after he finished installing it. This evening me and Isaac went to petsmart and got Edward a plant for his tank. I like how it looks. Well everyone have a good night. I am excited for next weekend, I am glad that you can go Robin. I have pictures but they haven't come in my email yet so I will put them on tomorrow.
Productive Day
Well I got a lot done today. I went and got my oil changed, hair trimmed, and grocery shopping in Heber this morning. Then when I got home I cleaned my whole house. I swept and steamed all my floors. Cleaned all 3 bathrooms and my kitchen. I also washed the sheets and pillow cases on my bed and my spare bed. Then I did my regular laundry. Whew! I am worn out. I guess it should rain more often so I can get my house clean. I am glad that you can go to Thomas the train Robin. That will be fun. Well that is basically all I did today. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. And I am excited to see you all next weekend. BYE
Friday, May 17, 2013
bat out of hell
I will go to the train show next sunday sounds fun. I can by the ticket though if you want. today was good. the rain is nice it washed my car a bit. the birds attacked it at work. today on the way home from pioneer it was really rainy and this car flew past the group I was in and was driving crazy. Then I thought to my self he better be careful or he will cause a wreck. as I turned the corner he had smashed his car into the cement barrier. he's car was totalled. He gave everyone a tumbs up that he was ok so I didn't stop to peek around .there were others starting to help out. crazy. well stay safe everyone
Nice Party
The party was nice. Not many people but it was nice to visit. We were the last to leave. I am glad we went. Tomorrow the wedding is at 8:20 so we are going to take traxs into town and just play around until pictures. I am going to get train tickets for next Sunday at 10:30 in Heber. Robin do you want to go or would you rather hook up with us afterwards. I wasn't sure if Thomas the train or sleep would win out. It is up to you. Just let me know and I will buy tickets. I love the bag Rachel. Is that the material you got at the quilt show? It is really cute. I love it. Have a great weekend. LOVE MOM
Love the rain
We had a good day. We went to playgroup in the morning and that was fun. It was a colder day today so we didn't do much outside. At the activity the other day the used watercolors and Isaac really liked them so I bought some and we painted a lot today. It was fun to do. I finished the bag and I will send it down tomorrow. I hope that she likes it. This evening it was raining so we just watch Lightening Mcqueen. It was nice to have a relaxing night. I hope that everyone has a good weekend.
Well my day has been good. It was busy at work so it went by fast. I did have to go to meeting because Andy wasn't there. So that kind of sucked, but it was a short meeting to it wasn't too bad. It is cold and windy here right now. There hasn't been too much rain yet, but I am hoping that it will rain a lot tonight. I am so glad that it is the weekend. I am going to get my oil changed tomorrow so that should be exciting. Well I hope that everyone had a great Friday. BYE
Thursday, May 16, 2013
today was good. both works went by really fast which was nice. we have a new sales guy that started in the banner department to bring in more work... dun dun dun. but it will be good he seems nice.we are at the half way mark for les mis. :) I am so excited for june. I was going to do a film in june but it fell through. It was a stressful thing for like a minute and now I am excited for some down time. well have a good night
Nice evening
Rachel, I am so glad the batting is good because you have a ton of it. That will have to be a yearly purchase when we go to the show. I love your flag. That is really cool looking. We had a nice evening. Karen came down and dad and Jed met us for dinner and then we went to the mall and got Karen some lotion. We also went to ShopKo and she got her a hose and some new T-shirts. I bought me a pair of nylons and Isaac some playdough with a dump truck for Karen's house next weekend. Have a great Friday. I am glad that Isaac got to go to the nature center. That is so neat they have stuff like that. He is going to learn so much. He does have a lot of energy that is for sure. Robin there is only a couple of more weeks left. You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you guys MOM
The Batting is AWESOME
We had a good day. We went to the nature center today and Isaac hopped all the way there and all the way back, it was a mile walk. He is full of energy. They talked about water and we saw what would float and sink, then they made little boats. It was fun. Casey forgot his sandals in SLC so we went and got him a cheap pair as a back up. We weeded and went on a walk this evening, it was nice. I made a flag table runner and finished it today. I used the new batting and thread. The batting is really really nice, I like it a lot. It is going to be so nice to have. I like the thread it is really shinny, I did have a problem with it bunching at first but I got the hang of it later. I need to put a binding on still but I attached a picture anyway. I also got the fabric in the mail for the bag for Robins friend. I am hopefully going to finish it tomorrow and send it done with Casey. I hope that she likes it, if she doesn't we can make her a different one. I hope that Mom and Karen had a fun night out. I hope that work is going good for you Robin. Good luck.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
sorry i didn't blog i'm super tired I;m glad everyone is well.vI like the plan for the 27th. I stll have to work at night at pioneer but I have sunday off. night
Mom, that sounds like a good plan for memorial weekend. That sounds like a fun time. That is a really pretty rainbow, thanks for the picture. Karen, I am sorry about your dinner also, that sucks. Good job walking to work also that is fun. We had a good day. It was watering day so it was nice to get water on everything. We went visiting teaching today and it went really good. Isaac did really good and it was nice to talk to everyone. We fixed the fence tonight and it looks good. It is nice to have it done. It was a really pretty evening and it was nice to be outside. I finished my wall hanging last night. It love the colors but the border is kind of wavey and that is driving me crazy. Overall I like it. Everyone have a good night.
Karen, that has to be very disappointing to think you have dinner all ready and then just a piece of cold yucky meat. I am sorry about that. I would like to say that I have never done that before but I have forgotten to turn it on more than once. When Robin lived with me she would always save the day and turn it on for me. We were at Smiths tonight and there was a double rainbow but I didn't have my phone with me but when we got home the rainbow went across the whole sky. It was so beautiful. I had a nice day. My day wasn't really very busy but I did have work to do. It was 86 in our apartment when we got home tonight. It might be a long hot summer here but the airconditioner does work really nice so that is good. Have a great Thursday. LOVE MOM I took pictures of the rainbow. I couldn't get the whole rainbow but here what I could get.
Half way
Well things are good here in Kamas. I did walk today so I am glad that it didn't rain this afternoon. Work was busy. Andy is going to be gone from tomorrow until next Wednesday. So it might be crazy couple of days. I am glad that the week is half over. I put something in the crock pot this morning, but when I came home after work there was a problem. The plug I used didn't work so it was still cold. I threw it out. I didn't think it would be good after sitting on my counter that long. Oh well live and learn. Well have a great one. BYE
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
The flowers looks beautiful Rachel. You did good. It looks like you have planted corn in the backyard. That will be Yummy. I am glad that Isaac likes his fish. Karen congratulations on the lawn mowing. It always feels so nice right after mowing. The lawn looks so nice. I was pondering an idea for memorial day. Since Robin has Monday off do you guys want to go to Kamas on Sunday and go to Thomas and then Monday we could hike in the morning and then go home. Just a suggestion I am open for any ideas. I am a little worried that Thomas will be so crowded on Saturday. It might be less crowded on Sunday. I worked late to make up hours from yesterday and then went and picked up my drugs. My tomatoes are looking really good. Have a nice hump day. LOVE MOM
Karen good job mowing the lawn, that is a lot of work. I would like to go to the demolition derby. That sounds fun. We had a nice day today. We played in the backyard this morning and then went to story time. Isaac was singing all the songs and it was really cute. I am glad that he is starting to sing more. Jenn sewed with me today and that was a lot of fun. I finished quilting the wall hanging and started a flag table runner. Kelly's car broke down this morning so Casey went and picked him up so he was a little late for work so he had to work late. So I took Isaac with me to Bear and he did really good. We played outdoor games and it was a lot of fun. The boys and Isaac did really good. We got some flowers for the front yard and it looks so nice. It was fun to do. Casey also got a rose bush for the side where the other rose bush used to be. I hope that it does well. Isaac loves his fish and looks at him a lot. The shovel that you got him Mom has been well used, he loves it. Everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.
Well I mowed my yard today after work. It looks nice. Work was good today. It was busy so that went by quick. I forgot to tell everyone that the demolition derby is coming up on the July 27th. So if you guys want to go again just let me know. Well I hope that everyone had great day. BYE
Monday, May 13, 2013
so I have the 27th off in the day I just found out today. I have a show at night but the whole morning off. whoo. so excited. it was really hot today but It was nice my car had air conditioning. I love it. not to much else just work and work have a good one
It's a hot one
Thank you everyone for such a nice weekend. Thanks also for putting up withe me. Good job Karen walking to work today, that is awesome. I am so glad that you live so close. You should put pictures of your garden on the blog also. I hope that it does really well for you. We had a good day. We just stayed at home and played in the backyard. Isaac loves the shovel that you got him Mom. He spent a lot of time digging. I am almost finished quilting my 4th of July wall hanging. I will put a picture up when I am done. Casey mowed the lawn this evening and it looks really nice. We got a fence post to fix the fence that fell over and are going to fix it tomorrow. I think that is about everything. Thank you again for the fun weekend. I am so excited to have so much batting. I am ready to quilt away. It was really hot today, I hope that it cools down tomorrow.
I did it
I made it through Monday. We went to see the new arthritis doctor today. He was good. Not Dr. Vonk but good. I think we will go to him for awhile. He said that dad was doing really good. It took all afternoon to get us going. Not much else to report with me. I am going to work some extra hours to make up for leaving early today. It is going to be a long week. I wore the new shirt that Robin got me. It looked really nice. Thanks Robin. LOVE MOM
Well my day was good. Work was busy so it went by pretty fast. I found an anthill in the sand area. But mom bought me some poison so they should be gone soon. I should have mowed tonight, but since it was warm today. I figured I would wait until later in the week. I walked today to work and it was so nice outside. I did have someone ask me if my car was broke today at work though. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Thank you
I had a really nice mother's day. Thanks you guys. I love you!. Rachel and Robin left around 7 to go home. Robin got her car all glued back together. I am glad you got all your plants in Karen. I bet they will do fine. Where did you end up putting you flowers? I was curious where you would put them. Thanks again for the fun weekend. Have a nice week.
Thanks for the fun weekend everyone. I hope that you had a good Mother's Day mom and Rachel. I did get all my plants in. I hope that they will live. I also got a nap which was wonderful. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...