Saturday, July 20, 2024


 Casey and Isaac went early to help cook and set up the breakfast.  I went to exercise class and it was fun, we did high and I love it.  We were going to ride our bikes to the breakfast but Ruth had a flat tire so we drove.  It was fun and they had a good turn out.  We went grocery shopping afterwards.  Casey made black beans and rice today and they were really good.  The kids played nerf guns most of the day.  Me and Casey went to free yoga class this afternoon.  It wasn't a hard one and it felt really good.  We are watching all the trolls movies.  We took a break and went to the park and through the ball for Tony.  He got so hot he was laying in the sprinklers.

Love Rachel 


 We had a nice day we worked on the puzzle this morning. It was really hard but it was a wood puzzle and had numbers on the back. We had to use the the numbers to finish the puzzle. It was fun to do. We hooked up with Robin and Luna for lunch and went to joanns to get frames for the diamond art I made for Robin. They didn't have one but karen found one on Amazon and got it for her. We went to the mall and then went home so Luna could see grandpa. He stayed home and rested. I went qith Robin to look for used windows but we couldn't see any. Karen ordered Indian good for dinner and it was good. Rachel I hope your breakfast was fun. There is a fire by the capital and it is so smoky. Have a nice Sunday love mom

Friday, July 19, 2024


I took dad to the dentist and he.pulled that tooth. It was one they were going to pull on our plan so I was glad it wasn't a new one. We put in a baone graft also. So far he is hanging in there. We just took it easy the rest of the day. I am just about done with my other dots. I made peas.and potatoes for dinner and they tasted good. I am glad you went swimming it has been so hot. Good luck with the breakfast. Love mom


 Today was good.  The kids slept in forever and I sewed for a while.  Isaac's down comforter and pillows all had a big hole in it so we went and got him new stuff for his bed.  We went swimming this afternoon.  It was a really hot day and it felt good.  We stayed until dinner.  Tomorrow their is a neighborhood breakfast that Casey is cooking for.

Love Rachel 

Thursday, July 18, 2024


 I got up and went to maverick to see if they had the caffeine drinks that dad likes. I got gas and they did have them. Emergency averted. I went grocery shopping and then we met the gumm gang for lunch. We walked Walmart afterwards. It was nice to just walk around. Dad goes to the dentist tomorrow. His tooth hurts. I bet they pull it. Pam texted me tonight and Bobby's son has cystic fibrosis. It is a genetic lung disease. He is in the hospital for two weeks. They have 5 kids. The three olders ones had to be tested but the baby doesn't have it. I feel bad for them. The shed is looking good. Have a nice Friday. Love mom


 Today was good.  I got up and fed the cat and sewed.  I also went grocery shopping.  When Ruth got up we went to the hobby lobby and got two backs for my quilts.  The fabric was 40 percent off and I used the gift card Karen got me.  Thanks again.  Ruth did her needle punch and she was doing really well at it.  I made a zucchini casserole for lunch.  The boys had friends come over and play they stayed most of the afternoon.  I have been making yo yos and I sewed some together and the y are cute.  They are fun to make.  When they left we went to the library and got new books.  I made it to exercise class.  It was hard but felt good at the end.

Love Rachel 


We got our work summer gifts today. It was a camper rocking chair and a water bottle. The chair is nice. After work we worked a bit on the shed. We needed to prep the back side and take out nails. Luna helped. Then we gave her a bath and the whole night was gone. It's crazy how long work goes but after work time flies by


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Happy birthday Rachel

 We had a good day. The kids slept over and they are good kids. I got them early to go to.ogden to the doctor for dad. I looked in the calendar and I had the wrong time in my mind. We called and they did the visit virtual. It actually turned out better. We left after the visit and played in ogden. We had a good time. We got home and Karen picked us up dinner and then we were watching TV and I fell sound asleep. We are meeting the gumm gang for lunch tomorrow. I am glad you had a fun birthday Rachel. Robin the shed is looking do nice. Love mom

It's my birthday

 Thanks for the nice birthday and for the amazing presents.  You guys are awesome.  Thanks for meeting up with me today Mom and Dad.  It was fun.  The kids had a really good time staying at your house.  Casey bought me flowers and made me a cake.  We sang happy birthday.  The kids just played in the backyard and we played with Oliver the cat.  We went and got ice cream.  Isaac wanted dumplings so we went to a food truck that had both but they were out of dumplings so we just had ice cream.

Love Rachel 

Happy Birthday Rachel

 Happy Birthday Rachel. I hope you had a great one. My day was busy. I know I say that a lot but today seemed super busy. I had a drawing I was working on and then we had a circuit board that may not be working right so I had to quarantine it and figure out what products we had to hold until the EE determines if that board is the issue. Then I went to a shipping meeting. By that time it was lunch. The afternoon flew by also. Then I stopped at Arby's and picked up dinner for me, mom, and dad. Then I was just lazy the rest of the night. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Today felt really long. I didn't sleep great yesterday and I was tired. Luna has been my little shadow. We were able to get a few boards up on the shed. Then Luna had enough so we relaxed the rest of the night 


Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 We had a fun time at the concert last night.  The kids were super excited to spend the night at Mom and Dad's.  We went to the spaghetti factory for lunch and it was a lot of fun and tasted good.  Me and Casey stopped at the Patagonia outlet store but didn't get anything.  We came home and took care of the animals and then fell asleep which was really nice.  Casey made me a lemon raspberry birthday cake.  He is really sweet to make cake for me.  Tomorrow is my birthday which is fun.

Love Rachel 


 Rachels gang stayed the night. They slept in and then for lunch we went to spagetti factory for rachels birthday. It tasted really good. Rachel and Casey went to.logan and the kids stayed with us. We went to Walmart and walked around. I made pot stickers and Ramen soup for dinner. It was a hit. We decided to go to the jump zone at jordan landing. We got there at 7 and that is right when it closes. I never thought it would close that early. We stopped at McDonald's and got a treat. We are going to ogden for a.doctors appt.and getting Rachel. Robin I am glad your audit is over with. That was brave. I am glad Luna it feeling better. Have a nice hump day. Love mom


 I hope good things come from your job audit Robin. My day was busy at work but it was good. The road is still closed on the way I usually take to work so that is annoying. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye 


I hady hr meeting today for my job audit. We will see how it all plays out. I'm not putting alot in that they will do the right title and pay but at least  tried. After work I set up the nail gun and secured the board we had up. 


Monday, July 15, 2024


 Dad went to work today and I did laundry and cleaned house. I actually love having a day to do cleaning. In between I worked on my dots. I made chicken enchiladas for dinner and that tastes so good. Costco chickens are so good. Rachel's crew is coming to stay the night after the concert. We are going to lunch for her birthday. Robin that shed looks good with wood on it. Way to go. I am glad Luna is feeling better. I love the book she is reading. She is going to fix us all up. I really like karens new glasses. Love mom


 My day was pretty good. I did have to detour this morning because they closed the road I usually drive on. I still made it on time though so that was good. After work I  took the detour home, but I stopped along the way to pick up my new glasses. Other than that it is just the usual here. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 


Today was ok for a Monday. They made us crepes for work breakfast. After work we had dinner and worked outside. Luna helped me tape all the paint chips to the shed. I widdled it down to two. I don't know if I should go fun and go barn red. Or my go to.dark gray. It's most likely going to be the gray one. Jeramy screwed in two sheets. We thought we would nail them when Luna isnt around because it's loud. 


Sunday, July 14, 2024


 We had a nice day. We did all our errands in lehi. It was so much fun. I wanted some seaweed for isaac and Luna was so cute picking them up and putting them in the cart. I hope she starts eating. Poor little thing. We had a nice weekend helping with the shed.  Rachel I am glad you got to go to bear lake. That is a fun place. I bet you are sad the girls are leaving. You have had nonstop fun. I am excited for you to go to the concert. I am excited you get to spend the night. Drive safe. Love mom


 We made it to Bear Lake today and it was so fun.  I love it there.  I got up and played the piano poorly at church.  When everyone got up we headed up to bear lake.  We had leftover food from the cabin that we had to eat there which worked perfectly.  It got really windy at 5 so we left.  They had a Karie Ann's there and Isaac had been wanting to go so we all stopped on the way home.  It tasted really good.  We took showers and went to Randy's.  He ordered a bunch of tacos for dinner.  We are going to watch a movie.  The girls are leaving tomorrow and we are headed down to watch the Lindsey Stirling concert.  We are excited.

Love Rachel 

I didn't take any pictures but we had a fun time.


Lunas been feeling crappy all weekend. Jeramy sister came down on Friday night and spent the night. She had the flu the whole time so everyone was under the weather. Saturday we got all the wood we needed so that was nice. We had to prep some areas so we did that today. I took Luna to the doctor on Saturday and she has strep. So we got her on antibiotics. Her throat is still sore but I think she will live. It was so hot we just stayed in the rest of the day. And I am tired from this week. 



 My day was good. We were on the way out to Costco this morning and Luna called and was missing us. So we drove down to Robin's. Dad and Robin worked on the shed for a bit and then we went to Costco and had lunch. They worked on the shed for a bit after lunch. Then it got hot so we came home. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 Dad needed some stuff for work that he gave to casey so I went and picked it up in Logan. I had a really nice day. It was just so nice to t...