Friday, February 12, 2016

Day Off

I am also glad that you took your car in Robin, good job.  We had a good day.  Isaac wanted to have a day off so he stayed in his pajamas all day.  Ruth and Oliver were kind of grumpy today so it was a little longer day.  When Casey got home him and Isaac ran some errands.  Isaac also spent his allowance.  He wanted Mincraft legos.  It if so funny that he likes minecraft just because that is what everyone else likes.  It is good to know what it cool.  I need to get the game and see if he could play it.  Soup sounded good to me again so Casey made broccoli and potato soup, it was really good.  Calleen's computer is still now working so she came down this evening and they worked on it.  It was a busy day.  We will be their for lunch tomorrow, it will be fun to see everyone.


So Glad

I am so glad that Walter helped you take your car in Robin.  That is a good thing.  We aren't in any rush tomorrow.  I am excited for everyone getting together.  Work was crazy again but the very end it got quiet and I got it all done.  Everyone be safe in the smog.  LOVEMOM


Robin it sounds like it was a very good idea to take your car in. I hope it all gets fixed. My day was good. Work was busy so it went by pretty fast. I am glad that it is the weekend now though. I am exited to meet up for lunch tomorrow. Drive safe everyone.


Today was crazy. My brakes were squeaking really bad. Enoch said it was terrible and we needed to check it out. So we went to his guys place this morning to drop off my car. Then enoch was worried about me getting around. So he let me drive his car around today. I dropped him off since he cleared his day and didn't need to go anywhere. So tomorrow I am picking him up and grabbing my car. The after we will head over to you guys. We should be done around 11:30 ish.

It turns out my breaks had rocks and pebbles in them. So they cleaned them out. I had a belt that was cracked in16 places and a nail in my tire. So my car was a mess. I have to go back in later the radiator hose is about to go. But he said we could fix it in a few weeks or so.

Other than that I had to work at scheels so it's been a crazy day. Luckily it was slow at maggie so I could show up late. Anyway see you all tomorrow


Thursday, February 11, 2016


Today was good nothing to exciting. Walter took me out to cafe rio. It tasted good. Then I attempted to make brownies but it's more liked cooked liquid batter. It was a fail. Walter said he can meet up for lunch on saturday. So we will plan for that. Not much else have a good night


Today was good but busy.  Isaac did Valentines today at school and had a fun time.  He got lots of valentines and he liked the dum dum he gave out, he kept his favorite ones out for him.  I had a quilt meeting today and took the kids.  They did really well and played with Sylvia's grand kids.  Isaac was really good at interacting with them, I was proud of him.  Sylvia showed us how to use her long arm machine and said we can use it whenever we want.  I am going to take her up on it.  I think I can work it out if I do it in the evening.  We will see how it goes.  I stayed up late and finished up the doll.  It turned out pretty good, not great but I think I will get better the more I do.  I need to make a dress for her now.  It was fun and fast to do.  Well I feel like we need air masks with the pollution, everyone don't go outside.


Crazy day

It was a crazy day at work.  I was in meetings from 10:00 until 4:30 today.  I didn't get one thing done.  I am ready for that to quiet down.  Other than that my day was good.  Dad says the braces are helping his feet so that is good.  Karen are you OK not to have that drug?  I hope you have some to cover you.  I am excited for this weekend.  I am going to make lunch so everyone is welcome to come over and I will have dinner also.  It is fun to cook again.  Everyone be safe in the smog.  Karen Kamas is warmer than SLC and Logan right now.  I was looking at Oliver's new born pictures on the blog and Ruth looks a lot like Oliver did. She looks a lot like the boys did.  LOVE MOM


Well just one more day until the weekend. I had a good day. Nothing too exciting. I did go to Heber and went grocery shopping and got my prescriptions. Although one they had to get a renewal on so it wasn't ready. I went on my health and sent a request to my doctor to renew it so hopefully he will do that sometime soon. I did also call and got a dentist appointment so after that my teeth should be all fixed. Have a great one everyone. Bye

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I'm Moving to Kamas

Thanks for the picture Karen, that was really pretty and the nice clean air is appealing.  Mom we are planning on being their for lunch on Saturday and we are spending the night also, if that is alright.  Today was pretty good.  Oliver and Ruth didn't sleep great but I am hanging in their.  Isaac had school and had a fun time.  I have been trying to read more books and we have done really good doing that this week, it has been nice.  We pulled out the stars wars playdough and it was fun to play with.  Isaac killed and cut all the guys I made, he is a boy.  Calleens computer wasn't working so she and Allen came by and Casey fixed it for them.  I got a new iron with our tax refund and it came today.  It is one that you don't have to lift up, it has legs that pop down when you aren't using it so you don't have to tip it back up.  Ruth went to sleep late so I haven't played with it yet but it looks fun.


No more pills

I am glad that the pills are done. It will be nice not having to wake up at four to take a pill. Things are going good here. I am sorry that you are in the smog mom. If you need fresh air you can always come up here. It is sunny and clear here. I am glad that the week is half over. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone.

Here is a picture of the clear sunny day here for everyone to be jealous of.

My calendar is marked

I talked to Robin and the play starts at 7:30 on Saturday.  I thought I would make dinner at my house before.  If you want to hook up earlier we can play as long as you want to.  Today was good at work.  I got my evaluation and it was a nice one.  It made me feel good.  I hope I get a nice raise now.  It is so smoggy here.  It never cleared out all day.  I hope it goes away soon.  Rachel, I love those pictures.  Karen I am so glad you finished your antibiotics.  No more 4 am taking pills.  Robin I am excited to hang out this weekend.  Is Walter coming also?  Everyone have a great Thursday.  Rachel I love that quilt.  It is really beautiful.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Mark your calendars

Just so everyone knows we are having Oliver's birthday party on Feb 21, it is a Sunday probably around 5.  I also setup Ruth's blessing to be on March 6, and our church is at 11.  I think that is everything that is going on.  Today was good.  Me and Isaac had a talk and we both are working on our tones and we had a good day and we were all a lot happier.  It is working good.  I forgot to say I finished my red quilt and I really like it.  I attached a picture.  I also have my dolls body done and now I am going to put her hair on.  It isn't great but I think it will be good.  It is good practice anyway.  I cut the boys hair also today, I think that they look cute.  We went to dinner at pier 49 pizza for dinner and it tasted so good and it was nice to go out.  Well here are a ton of pictures.  Ruth is so cute I can't help myself.


Meetings and more meetings

I think I had 5 meetings today.  I even had one through lunch.  Oh well at least I made up a lot of my hours from yesterday.  My last meeting went 45 minutes over.  I hope I have no meetings tomorrow. I don't feel stressed out so that is good.  Dad's braces are doing OK.  He is really having a hard time tolerating them.  It really stretches him.  That is funny about hot dynasty.  I have found you just have to point at what you what.  They have to see what it says in Chinese.  It is so smoggy here today.  It is bad.  Not much else going on with us.  I am glad everyone is doing OK.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. We went to lunch at hot dynasty it was ok. The waiter was crazy. He got everyone's order wrong. But we had fun anyway. Then I had to work at scheels so that's nothing exciting. Hope you have a good wednesday



Well the week moves on. I hope you had a fun time at your Chinese lunch Robin. My day was good. It seemed busy a bunch a stuff kept popping up. I hope dad's feet get better soon. That would be annoying to have to wear boots at night. Well I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye

Monday, February 8, 2016


Today was good for a monday. It's chinese new year. Tomorrow they are taking us to chinese. We are going to the place dad likes the Chinese dynasty. I am sorry about dad's legs. I am good for anything on saturday. They have.a day and night show so we can see either one. Well not.much else. Walter took me to wingers. I haven't been there in a long time it tasted good.



That is hard about Dad's feet but it is good to know what it is.  That is weird that they put him in braces.  I hope that it helps.  Karen, that movie looks gross but may be good.  It is interesting, thanks for sharing.  Today was good and went fast.  Isaac had school and I got the number of his best friend so they can play sometimes.  I was bold.  We played legos and Isaac is in star war heaven.  He loves all the new legos.  Casey and Isaac went grocery shopping and Casey made cream of salmon soup and it was really good.  Calleen had a meeting at the library so she dropped by and it was good to visit with her.  She wants to move to Hawaii.  We are planing on coming down on Saturday around lunch time and we are spending the night.  I think the play is at 7.



Well I made it thru Monday. I am enjoying the warmer weather. Work is going good just the usual going on there. I have just two more days of antibiotics left. I am excited to be done with them. It is rough getting up at four just to take a pill. That sucks about dads feet. I hope they feel better soon. They were talking of this movie at work today so I put the trailer below. It looks like it could be good.

Poor feet

Dad has tendinitis in his Achilles tendons.  He has to wear night time splints that look a lot like Isaac's braces but image them dad's size.  They are huge.  He is suppose to sleep in them.  We will see how well it works out for him.  He wore them about an hour while watching TV and that was all he could take.  We went to the doctor this afternoon and I left work early.  I am going to have to make up the hours but I am glad we went to the doctor.  Do we have a clip board of fun for this weekend?  I am ready to play as much as everyone wants to.  It was so smoggy here today.  It was bad.  I hope we get a wind soon.  It was nice to have it a little warmer.  Have a nice day.  LOVE MOM

Sunday, February 7, 2016

I am taking the challenge

Robin, I am going to take the nap challenge.  It will be a sacrifice but I am supporting you in your challenge.  I did take a nap today and that was nice.  We just vegged today.  Nothing exciting.  I did laundry.  I sure had a fun time also.  Have a great week.  Robin, I am thinking you should take some airborne.  It has a lot of vitamins in it and that might make you feel a little bit better.  I know it helps me a lot.  It is suppose to be warmer this week.  I agree with Karen it was nice not to have snow this weekend.  I love the pictures Rachel.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


I had a fun time on Saturday also. It was nice to finally have a weekend without snow. Today was good. I took a nap which was super nice. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

I'm Back

Sorry for the blogging absence.  Josh Groban was really good and I am glad that we went, it was fun , thanks Mom.  On Wednesday I made Isaac and Oliver caps and Isaac really likes his, it is cute.  I also made Ruth some new headbands which was fast and fun.  Friday we went to the Train Shoppe and watched the model trains and Isaac and Grandpa rode traxs to pick up Mom.  Saturday it was really good to see Karen and we went to the Natural History museum and  dinner with Dirk and Melody.  Today we went back to church and it was really nice to go.  We were late but we made it to sacrament meeting which was nice, we left Ruth home with Casey.  My new class is big but they are good kids.  Isaac liked his new class and I took Oliver to nursery for a while.  I have a ton of pictures, sorry.  Everyone have a good week.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...