Monday, February 8, 2016

Poor feet

Dad has tendinitis in his Achilles tendons.  He has to wear night time splints that look a lot like Isaac's braces but image them dad's size.  They are huge.  He is suppose to sleep in them.  We will see how well it works out for him.  He wore them about an hour while watching TV and that was all he could take.  We went to the doctor this afternoon and I left work early.  I am going to have to make up the hours but I am glad we went to the doctor.  Do we have a clip board of fun for this weekend?  I am ready to play as much as everyone wants to.  It was so smoggy here today.  It was bad.  I hope we get a wind soon.  It was nice to have it a little warmer.  Have a nice day.  LOVE MOM

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