Saturday, January 11, 2014
That is a nice looking truck. YEAH for Walter. Karen, I am glad you had a good day. We had a nice day also. We went to Logan and played with Isaac. I didn't get much nursery stuff done but we had a good time. We left just as it was starting to rain but Logan was the only place where the storm was. WE made it home in time. Not much else going on with me. I am going to do laundry tomorrow. Robin you will have to have Walter take you for a ride. LOV EMOM
Free bird
Today was good me and Walter meet up for lunch and went to village inn. Then as we were driving back a used car lot had some nice trucks so we stopped by to look around. At the end of the day Walter has a new truck. It was a good price and he's been saving for a down payment. The guy that financed him said its good to not pay it all off with the bankruptcy because now he won't add it to the process and at the end of it all the car loan will help his credit score go up higher. And after the bankruptcy it's going to be really hard to get a loan out. So it worked out for the best. He's super excited. So that took up most my day. I was glad I got to be there though it was fun to not be the one buying but just being on the side lines. I hope you guys had a fun day stay safe there is a storm coming in. Love you
Well I have had a nice day. I got my dishes and laundry all done. Sourdough bread also sounded good so I went to Great Harvest and picked some up. It tasted really good. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. Bye
Friday, January 10, 2014
I had a good day. It was busy and I am behind but that is just the way life goes sometimes. I did make it through my first week of work in a while. That was good. Monday I have a dentist appointment so I am only working 1/2 day. Robin and I met up with Julie at Gardner Village for dinner. It was really nice. Gardner village closes really early so we went over to JoAnns and Julie bought a bunch of decorations for her Christmas tree for the festival of trees next year. She is going to go tomorrow with Austin and Jen and Bryan and Scott and Sarah to the temple to do Grandma Gumm's work. I am so excited for them. Me and dad are going to Logan in the morning. It should be a fun day. Have a great weekend LOVE MOM
We had a pretty good day. I love the clean air the storms bring. It is really nice outside. We went to the Hobby Lobby and I got some tote bags for Isaac and Oliver for the hospital. I am going to put things in Isaac's to do at the hospital and I am going to put things to help with the baby in Oliver's bag. I hope that it works out alright. When Casey got home from work Isaac really really wanted to go to the fun park. So they went and I stayed home. He loves the fun park and talks about it all the time. Well drive safe Mom and Dad. It will be good to see you tomorrow. Robin and Karen have a good day also.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Snowy Day
It snowed a lot here today also. I was glad I rode trax. I am glad you are OK Robin. That has to really hurt. Make sure you tell the chiropractor that. Maybe he can fix them. I am sorry your party wasn't very good. We went to the mall and walked around and got some exercise. That felt nice. Rachel, I am glad that Casey liked days. It will be nice to have him home at night. I am glad that Isaac is doing good. I am excited to come up on Saturday also. Robin if you want to come you can. I am going to meet Julie tomorrow night at Gardner Village. I thought that would be fun. Not much else going on with me. Karen, I hope you have a fun time tomorrow at your party and that your casserole turns out good. If it does, I will have to try it out. LOVE MOM
Today was good I went to the doctor and same ole story my cartilage in my ribs are inflammed she called it a cool doctor word that made it sound worse I will have to get the spelling down. But I got a higher dose of naproxen and an acid reducer. Then we had a department party. The only thing that saved me was Walter went with me. But other then Walter the party was boring, we left early because we could it was nice. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. So excited! Have a good one
A snowy day home
Isaac was better today. It was snowing so we just hung out at home. It was nice. Casey worked days and he liked it. He is tired but doing good. The Anderson's next door used their snowblower on our driveway again which was really nice of them. They are really nice people. I felt like I had something to say but it has escaped me. Robin what did they find on the Xrays? Is it your back? Karen I hope that you have fun at your luncheon and I hope that you win a lot of money. I hope that you had a good ride on Traxs Mom. Isaac is excited to see you this weekend.
almost Friday
I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It is also the monthly luncheon. So that should be fun. I just finished the prep work for the crockpot casserole I am bringing. My day was good. I didn't have to shovel this morning, but I did after work. It wasn't much so it wasn't too bad. Mom I also got Walter's birthday gift in the mail today. I was surprised because I thought it was going to get here next week. Well I hope that everyone has been surviving the snow. Bye
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Quiet day
It snowed here also and the commute was terrible. They hadn't plowed any roads. Coming home was a lot better. We just chilled all night. The missionaries came over and visited for awhile. They were looking for referrals but we didn't have any. Rachel, I hope everything works out for Casey. He is such a nice guy. I can't believe anyone would be so mean to him. Robin, I am so glad that you went to the chiropractor. I hope they make you feel a lot better. I know they have helped me a lot with my neck. Karen, I really am glad you are doing well and shoveling snow. I do however wish it would warm up and we were doing yard work instead. Not much else to report. I think I am going to take trax tomorrow and dad will work from home. It is suppose to be bad weather. Everyone be safe. LOVE MOM
Sorry I didn't blog last night I fell asleep watching netflix and didn't wake up till midnight. I went to the chiropractor today they took some ex rays and I am going in on Tuesday to get adjusted. The groupon has two adjustments so I will have another one after that. From the sound of it I'm messed up so I might go back a couple times if it works. Tomorrow I am going to the doctor during lunch. I think it's just acid reflux, neproxin is horrible for acid reflux but that's what I took for the imflammation so I think it's just going to be medicine swapping. We will see. Then I have the dentist next week we are doing a cleaning and go from there. Tomorrow is also our department work party. Walter is going with me so hopefully I'm not fired later. :) just kidding. Sorry Casey's job is being stupid. I will keep an eye out for jobs as I am looking around. We'll have a good night
I am glad that it is Wednesday also. This week is going fast. Casey had some problems last night with a lead not being nice to him. So he went to HR last night and they had a meeting today. He is going to switch to day shift for the next two days and they are going to have another meeting on Friday. So he came home tonight and it was nice to have him home. He and Isaac shoveled the driveway and then the went sledding. I just stayed home and worked on sewing. We started the day off kind of rocky, Isaac put lotion all over the fish tank and the table. He is really getting into everything now. After lunch we took him to the fun park again, he really wanted to go. Casey went to work from there and me and Isaac went grocery shopping. Well everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.
Well I have made it halfway thru the week. Yea! Work was good. I had to go to an insurance meeting today. It wasn't too bad though because they had doughnuts. I did have to shovel this morning, but it was only about an inch so it wasn't too bad. It did snow a lot of today but none of it stuck to the sidewalk so that was nice. I just had to shovel a bit off the end of my driveway from where the snow plow had dumped stuff. It is suppose to snow a lot tomorrow though. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Way to go Karen on making your useless box. That is fun you got it to work. It does look pretty useless. I am glad that Isaac went to the fun park. He is just getting so grown up. That is funny he used the whole fish food. I am sorry I am sure it was a mess to clean up but it did make me laugh. the retirement party went well today and I am glad it is over. I have been stressed about that one. It will seem quiet now. I did go grocery shopping tonight and we picked up Pizza Hut pizza for dinner. It was really good. I even had enough for lunches which is always nice. It did snow here a little bit also. Robin I liked your post on facebook. I thought that was really nice. We made it to hump day. Get through tomorrow and the rest of the week will be almost over with. Robin when do you go to all your appointments. Let us know how they go. LOVE MOM
Fun Times
Your funny Karen. Thanks for the video but it am still kind of lost on what it does. I am glad that it came though. :) We had a pretty good day. Isaac had another early morning. I was hoping that he was over that, maybe that was the last time. We made it to story time and then we went to the pet store to get new fish food. Isaac dumped the whole thing in last night, it was a mess. Jenn came over to sew and that was fun. I am working on a scrap quilt using the ruler Karen got me for Christmas. Casey was reading to Isaac and he fell fast asleep. He slept until 4:30 so I was glad that we didn't have to go to scouts today. All though dinner he talked about going to the fun park and how he goes down the slide. I told him we could go but I couldn't go with him. He was ok with that so we went. It was a fun time and he did really good up there by himself. It was really busy so I just stayed where he could see me. It was nice. Well I hope that everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.
it works
I got my useless box in the mail today. I put it together and it even works. Check out the video below. My day was good. I had engineering meeting in the morning and it ran a little long, but other than that. My day was good. It did snow a little bit today. Hopefully that is the end of it. If not I might have to shovel in the morning. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, January 6, 2014
Today was pretty good. Nate left after lunch. Isaac has been doing good on the potty so Casey wanted to get him another duplo lego books so we went to the toy store this morning and got him a Caterpillar one. It is cute and Isaac likes it. He did not want to leave the toy store and he left crying. He had been a handful lately and gets really upset at the drop of a hat. Other that that is was a quiet day. I hope that everyone has a good night. I hope that you start to feel better also Robin.
We did it
We made it through our first Monday back. Yeah for us. Robin, I am worried about you. I hope you get feeling better. If you need me to help you go to the doctor, I can take some time off. I am going to go get my tooth fixed on the 13th. Rachel, I am glad that they are going to release you from enrichment. Just for a little while. I will come up on Saturday and help you set up the nursery. That is going to be fun. Not much else going on with me. The big retirement party for someone at my work it tomorrow. Me and dad went and got his gift tonight so we are all set. I hope it goes well. I have invited over 100 people to it. It is an open house. Should be a lot of people. Have a great day. LOVE MOM
Today was good. Nothing out of the ordinary. I was tired today so I just came home and did nothing. I need to start getting productive again. I did make a chiropractor appt, dentist ( for my chipped tooth), and doctors to check my chest again. So hopefully I will be tip top by the end of the month. We'll have a good day
Well I made it thru Monday. Work was pretty good. It was a little slow at times but I made it thru. Then after work I went to WalMart and got my grocery shopping done. Rachel that picture of Isaac watching his blanket is super cute. It made me laugh. Well have a good one. Bye
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Goodbye weekend
I got my hair done yesterday thank you for the birthday gift. Walters parents also gave me a gift card to gordmans so I bought a new outfit. Today I just slept mostly it was nice. I did go grocery shopping it was a mad house it was so busy. I hope this week goes fast. I think I am going to make a doctors appointment my chest is feeling tight like before so I am going to see if I can get the stronger naproxen. I think me and Walter are going to try the gym so hopefully that will help to. It will be nice to work one job. We'll have a good one
Quiet day
I think that is so cute Isaac watching his blankets. He is getting big. I was looking through our older blog posts and we I can't believe how big he has gotten. We have been doing the blog for 5 years now. It was interesting to see what we have done. We have done a lot of things.
I am glad he did good at Sunbeams. I have to admit that I am not looking forward to a whole week of work. It has been a while since I have done that one. I can do it. Robin dad has been using that phone speaker to play music today and it works really nice. Karen good luck with the crock pot casserole. Did you decide which one you are going to make for Friday? Not much else going on with me. Andrea should be having her baby sometime this week. Have a great first full week of January. LOVE MOM
I am glad he did good at Sunbeams. I have to admit that I am not looking forward to a whole week of work. It has been a while since I have done that one. I can do it. Robin dad has been using that phone speaker to play music today and it works really nice. Karen good luck with the crock pot casserole. Did you decide which one you are going to make for Friday? Not much else going on with me. Andrea should be having her baby sometime this week. Have a great first full week of January. LOVE MOM
The Weekend
I am glad that you guys had a fun day yesterday. That sounds really nice. I am glad that Mom and Dad got new phones. You have been searching for a while. We have had a good weekend. Yesterday Isaac had an accident so I decided to just wash all the sheets and Isaac's blanket also. He really missed it and had to watch it in the washer. It made me laugh. Also at the grocery store I found premade cinnamon rolls. So I made them and they are delicious. Casey's friend Nate came up and we meet up with him for lunch. Casey took off with him after and Isaac took a nap. I decided to unpick the bad quilting on my quilt so I did that. Church went pretty good today. It is at 9 now and I like that better. Isaac wouldn't go to sharing time so I took him with me to my new sunday school class and that worked out. I took him to his class afterwards and he stayed by himself so I caught the last of relief society. I think he is going to be alright in Sunbeams and it will just take a couple of times. It made me cry all yesterday and this morning when I thought of him going to sunbeams. He is getting big. I had an enrichment meeting this afternoon. Casey was skiing so I took Isaac with me. Luckily they had a trampoline downstairs so he was happy to stay. Alice called afterwards and said she was going to suggest that they release me from enrichment since I have been their for a while and with the new baby. I think that will be good. Good luck with working a full week everyone. I am not looking forward to going back to normal. It has been a nice vacation.
I have had a nice weekend. It was fun to hang out yesterday with mom and dad. It was also fun meeting Robin for dinner. I am glad that mom and dad got new phones. I hope that you guys are liking them. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. It is going to be rough having to work a whole week with out a day off. Bye
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...