Friday, May 2, 2014

Love Fridays

I am so glad it is Friday.  Karen made it down safe and sound.  We had pizza and then we went to Best Buy for a movie and Borders.  I found Oliver a book and Isaac a Frozen Sticker Book.  I am so excited for tomorrow.  Grandma Bodily didn't want to go to lunch so we will just go to the free comic book day and then stop by and say HI to her and come up.  The store opens at nine.  Karen helped us finish our puzzle.  It is really a neat one.  It was hard to do but both dad and I enjoyed it.  Robin I am glad they paid you last night and I hope you had a fun date night.  We got to go on a tour of the new building.  It is just beautiful.  I am way excited to move over there.  It will be done the end of September.  LOVE MOM


Robin we bought pedialite last weekend but he doesn't like it.  We also got some sprite and he just wants to drink water.  Isaac woke up early this morning but he took a good nap this afternoon which was nice.  We just hung around the house and cleaned a bit.  Casey mowed the lawn and it looks good.  I like Friday's it is nice to have Casey home.  We are excited to see everyone tomorrow.  Drive safe and thanks for coming up.  We will have a good time.


Isaac and Oliver comparison

Thursday, May 1, 2014


Today was good I had a makeup gig and she paid me there so that was a double bonus. Then I came home and did laundry and did dishes. So it was a productive day. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday, Walter said he would take me out for dinner so I am excited. Hope everything goes well with the blessing Oliver is so cute. I had an idea though you should give Isaac pedialite it helps rehydrate them when they are sick. It's like kids Gatorade. It doesn't help with the bug but will help keep him hydrated and keep up some energy. Anyway not to much else with me have a good night


Almost the weekend

Robin, I am sorry you didn't get that job either.  If that is the way they want to work, I think you are better off not getting it.  They wouldn't be very flexible.  I hope your makeup  went well tonight.  I am glad you got to do that.  Karen you were early today and I am early tomorrow.  I think we might be taking turns.  However Rachel just gets early every day.  I am so sorry that Isaac isn't feeling well.  That has been a really bad bug.  Poor little guy.  I think the outfit looks good on Oliver.  If you think it is too big we can look around on Saturday.  Have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM

Why wouldn't the shrimp share his treasure?

Because he was a little shellfish.

Karen, good job at doing inventory early.  I keep forgetting to tell you that I have your math shirt.  I will give it to you this weekend.  Robin, I am sorry about the job.  That sucks.  Good luck tomorrow with your early morning Mom.  Oliver had a hard time going to sleep last night.  I forgot to give him a bath and I think messing up the routine made him have a hard time.  So I was tired today.  The weather was so nice that we were able to spend most of the day outside.  When Casey came home I rounded up all the weeds so everything should look better.  I thought Isaac was doing better.  He ate some rice for lunch but we decided to get out of the house a bit and go out for dinner and Isaac threw up in the car.  I felt bad for him.  I am hoping he is over the worst and that maybe we were just moving to fast.  I don't know.  He did eat some chicken nuggets when we got home.  I tried on the blessing outfit on Oliver and it is big but I think it will work.  I attached a picture.  Well everyone have a good night and stay safe.



Well I made it thru inventory. It started at 6. It seemed really early. I stayed about 45 minutes extra to help finish. I still need to pack for this weekend, but then I am all set to go up to Logan. I am sorry that job didn't work out for you Robin. That sucks. Well have a great Friday everyone. Bye

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Today was busy at work. So that was nice but now I am tired. I hadn't heard from the job I had an interview for so I called in to ask about it around 3. At 4 they called me back and said that they wanted to offer me the job. But I had to start Tuesday. I asked if They could work with me so I could give my two weeks and they said no deal. So I said I wasn't able to take it. I can't give 3 days notice while my boss is on vacation. It's not worth dumping on everybody. And there are other jobs. So that was my day I was kinda bummed because I had the job it was just unreasonable. Tomorrow I have a gig with the vodoo darlings so that will be fun. Have a good one 

Going good

My day was busy but not horrible.  I did have to register a class by Robin's so I left work at 3:00 and stayed there until 5:30.  Not too late.  We went to Walmarts tonight we got a new fan.  I hope it is better than the one I got a Lowes.  I am sorry that Isaac is sick again.  His pictures sure a cute.  Good luck Karen getting up at 5:30.  I have to do another class at 7:00 on  Friday. I will have to get up early for that one.  LOVE MOM


Well the week is half over. I went and deposited my state refund check today. Impressive I know. Tomorrow they are doing inventory at work so I am going in at 6 to help. At least that means I get to leave early tomorrow. Well that is all my news here. Have a great one. Bye


With Isaac not feeling well I have been doing my hand sewing and I finished my Easter table runner today.  It feels really good to have that done.  Isaac relapse last night and had stomach problems again today.  We just played at home and tried to take it easy.  Isaac did take a nap but Oliver didn't want to be laid down so I didn't get a lot of sewing done.  Robin don't worry about the blessing.  I don't want to to feel bad about it.  I should of checked with everyone before I scheduled it.  Everything is going to be alright.


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cute Pictures

Oliver is growing up.  Both of them are so cute.  I hope Oliver doesn't get sick.  I am glad that Isaac is feeling better.  Robin I am glad you are doing makeup.  That is fun for you.  Karen you are going to have to be in charge of popcorn.  That way they will never run out.  Not much going on with me.  Work has been really busy, I don't think I am 100 percent yet because I am groucy like Isaac and just want to move slow.  My headache is a lot better so that is good.  They opened the new lobby at the hospital today and it is just beautiful.  I really like it.  Have a great hump day.  I have to work late tomorrow but not really really late.  LOVE MOM


Today was good it was a busy day. I came home and rested. I was going to to do some thing but I decided to rest instead.  I have a makeup gig on Thursday after work. Sorry about the blessing I wish I could go. I hope it's amazing. Well not to much else with me 



Thanks Mom for the tickets.  I am excited.  I am glad that everyone is going, we will have a good time.  I will bring some cute quilts to sit on.  We had a good day.  Isaac is feeling better but still kind of grumpy.  We went to story time and grocery shopping.  Jenn came over to sew.  Oliver was tired today and slept a lot.  I think that is growing.  Isaac and Casey are at the fun park so I am going to work on my table runner.  Karen bring yours up this weekend and I will do it for you.  Well everyone have a good night.


Isaac when he was sick

Oliver tired today


Well my day was pretty good. Then only down side was they ran out of popcorn. So I had to go to engineering meeting without popcorn. It was rough but I made it thru. It was still cold and windy here today. I am glad that it is suppose to warm up by the end of the week. I did put my tortilla soup in my crockpot this morning. It was nice having dinner done when I got home. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, April 28, 2014


Today was good. I was working on a project and the bell rang to go home. I lost a whole hour. It was weird but good. I came home and made some pasta and just relaxed. Nothing to exciting I am exited for william


We have tickets to go see William Joseph at Thanksgiving Point.  YEAH!  That will be fun.  I am excited to go.  I hope it doesn't snow that night.  The gates open at 6:00 and the concert starts at 7:30.  It is general admission.  You sit on the grass.  We will need to bring some of Rachel's cute blankets.  We had snow on our car this morning also.  It was crazy.  It was a busy day today and the day went by really fast.  I am thinking of taking that Friday off just so I can sleep in and play.  Not much else going on with us.  We are enjoying putting the puzzle together.  I am so glad that Isaac is feeling better.  It might take a few days to feel all the way better.  LOVE MOM

On the mend

Isaac is doing better today and I think he over the worst of it.  We cleaned up some toys today and got toys out for Oliver.  It is fun to look at the baby toys and all the memories that go with them.  Tonight after dinner Isaac was upset so we all walked to the park and we had a good time.  It was cold but not too bad.  That is crazy you had so much snow today Karen.  Kamas is so cold.  Well everyone have a good night.



Well it looked like Christmas when I looked outside this morning. It is still cold and windy outside but at least it has stopped snowing. It was tough getting out of bed this morning. I was going to put stuff in the crockpot for dinner but I forgot. Oh well there is always tomorrow. Work went good. Nothing too exciting to report. I hope that everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Lay low

Today was good I basically slept all day. I was going to meet up with Walter for lunch but they change his medicine and was feeling dizzy and nauseated. He's going to the doctors tomorrow to see if they can change his pills for PTSD. But I did go pick him up for dinner and made sure he ate. We went to the corner bakery. It was fun. Well not to much else have a good Monday. Hope everyone get better!! 


Home coming

Rachel there is a bad bug going around.  I am so sorry Isaac isn't feeling well.  Pam had no voice and said that Mark and his family were all throwing up and were sick.  None of them had fevers.  Grandma Bodily has it also.  Annette said her family has it also.  I was wondering if that is why I have had such a bad headache.  We went to Erica's homecoming and it was nice.  I got to visit with Melody and it was nice to talk.  She is doing OK.  Kristen is pregnant and due in Sepember it is a little girl.  I am really loving the table.  We have been doing a puzzle right now and it is nice to just sit and work on it.  Dad has gotten all the lady together he is really going to town on it.  Have a great week.  I am excited for the blessing also.  LOVE MOM

Low Key Weekend

I love the table Mom, I am so glad that you bought one.  I think that you will be really happy with it.  You should pick up one of your kits next weekend when you are up here if you wanted to start sewing again.  That would be fun.  Isaac wasn't a hundred percent this weekend so we just layed low.  Saturday he had diarrhea and threw up in the morning but seemed fine the rest of the day.  He was pretty grouchy and fell asleep at 5 and stayed asleep.  It was a nice evening for us and it felt like a break.  Me and Casey were able to watch two movies together which was nice.  Isaac woke up at 2 Saturday night and was sick.  I got him cleaned up and then he wanted to eat chicken nuggets and ate 3 of them.  He was sick this morning also and I had to teach so Casey stayed home with Oliver and Isaac and I went to church.  We just watched shows all day and Casey baked some bread.  We watch Toy Story 3 and Bolt and he liked both of those movies.  I worked on my hand sewing and am so close to being done with my table runner, finally.  Isaac seemed better this evening.  He ate some rice and had energy to race.  I talked to Lisa at church and she said that there is a stomach bug going around and it last 4-5 days.  She said that they had it last week.  It made me feel better that it was just a bug going around.  I was glad I talked to her.  Well I am excited for the blessing this weekend.  It will be fun.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday, don't work too hard.


I had a fun time yesterday playing with Robin. The murder dinner was fun to go to. I like your new table mom. Good job on the random purchase. Today was just a lazy day. I was tired so i took a nap. I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...