Friday, January 31, 2025


 Dad still didnt feel great. That kidney stones is hurting him. He worked from home today. I decided to go see kay. She has her own room and it is nice. She went to pt twice today. I think i am still in denial a little bit. I came home and we had lunch and I finished painting. That felt so nice. It looks good. I am going to take the tape off and put the blind back up. Everyone drive safe tomorrow. It is suppose to be really rainy. Love you all mom


 Today was pretty good.  My classes all went well.  It is so weird how some days are great and other days are not.  Ruth and Oliver rocked the halls with the principal.  They were excited and were cute.  We didn't do much after school.  I had a headache and fell asleep for a bit.  Isaac and Casey made dinner which was really nice of them.

Love Rachel 

Thursday, January 30, 2025


 Well work is still busy. I spent most of the morning processesing job folders and working on a set of work instructions. Then in the afternoon I  had a meeting to go through all the jobs folders again to review the boms. I did finish the work instructions before I left so that felt good. I think tomorrow is going to be a crazy day because it is the last shipping day of the month. Hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye 


 Today was good.  Work was fine.  Oliver had enough ar points he got to have pizza with the principal.  Ruth and Oliver both have enough points for rock the halls tomorrow so that will be fun.  Oliver's friend Hayden can over to play after school.  I tried to program but I didn't get much done.  Hayden really wanted popcorn but Casey always makes it.  But I tried and it was wasn't great and I burned the island and made a ring which was so dumb.  Isaac and Casey went grocery shopping and we took Hayden home.  I went to exercise class and Casey went cross country skiing.

Love Rachel 


 Dad hurt with kidney stones so he stayed home. He took morning and night pills this morning so we just watched a movie and I made sure he was ok. I ran a couple of errands and got jimmy johns for lunch. they tasted so good. Dad said he was going to take a nap and I did also. We had a quiet day. That made my day that Luna said that. She is so cute. I do get lost. Kay just slept all day. I might go see her tomorrow and finish painting. I am so close. Have a great last day of January. Love mom


It was another long day at work. Luckily after work the sun was up for longer. I picked up a little Caesars pizza for dinner. Then we went to the curiosity museum. They had a paw patrol exhibit in thought Luna would like. She had a fun time and was cute playing with everything. It was really quiet there so she was able to play with everything she wanted which was nice. On the drive home she asked are you turning this way or that way. I said we are going straight because we are going home. And she replied well you can turn here like Grandma and get lost if you want. Lol it made me laugh. 


Wednesday, January 29, 2025


 I don't work at today so I had a great day.  I made a supper pouch before the kids got up.  I dropped them off and picked up my contacts.  I programmed for Dad until lunch.  Casey brought home sandwiches which was fun.  Then I checked Oliver and Isaac out of school and took them to the orthodontist.  On a side note I listened to the sons of Provo soundtrack to pick up Isaac and I was laughing so hard.  It is so funny.  Oliver has a couple more teeth to loose before they can do anything so he is going back is six months.  They showed him a loose tooth and he pulled it out on the way home which was funny.  Isaac is ready and we are going to do Invisalign braces.  He will need to have elastics on the side to move his jaw but I think it will be really nice.  They are making the molds and he will start on March 12.  We picked up sushi afterwards and then got Ruth.  I talked to Dad for a while on what to do next.  We had dinner and I went to exercise class.  It was rough tonight for whatever reason.

Love Rachel 


 I called Jeff to let him know about kay and that wore me out so I took a nap. I had lunch and started painting. It really like the color. I am about half way done. Dad came home with a kidney stone so i gave him some meds and went to see kay. Around 630 they moved her to the care center. She is sharing a room. She isn't happy about that and neither is her room mate. The place is usually for her husband. Might be a long night. I think march is the longest month. Go figure. Have a nice Thursday. At least is is warming up. Love you all mom


 My day was about the same as Robin's. Just a long Wednesday but I made it through. I am glad that the week is half over though. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye


I feel like this has been the longest week. January is the most drawn out month ever. Nothing wild on our end. We went to work and then just life. We are getting fiber internet ran for all of lehi. They plopped two new green boxes in our yard to hold the fiber wire. It better be great Internet. 


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Crazy day

 Dad went to the dentist and they want to do upper dentures. I think we are going to do that. He has a big access and they put him on antibiotics. They forgot to call it in so I will pick it up tomorrow. Dad and Karen helped me finish taping the room. I am going to try and paint it tomorrow and get a floor this weekend. I got a text from kay saying she has pancreatic cancer and it is bad. They told her that when no one was in the room. I called her and she was so upset. they do think she has it but aren't doing a biopsy until Feb 10 to confirm it. Tomorrow she is moving to the rehab center. They gave her something to sleep so we left. What a crazy day. Scott wanted me to tell Rachel that everyone that comes in the room comments on how beautiful the quilt is. I did see the heart tonight. I love the Phoenix quilt. WOW. Robin that is nice Luna will watch a movie while you work. It is get really warm. Might be in for a crazy time. Love mom


Sorry about Kay. Let us know when she's settled in the rehab center and we can go visit. I really like your Phoenix quilt Rachel. Good job. Work was busy today. I'm hoping tomorrow is less wild. After work we worked on the tower. We put up two more board. Luna was great and watched movies while we screwed in the boards. 



 I am so sorry about Kay, that is devastating news.  Today when I got to work a sub wasn't able to come for kindergarten so I subbed in the morning until lunch and then a another substitute was able to come.  It was pretty well, she had very detailed sub plans.  The principal bought me a soda and candy to say thank you which was nice.  We went and got a sushi after school because Mom sent some money.  Isaac went tubbing for young men's and had fun.  Ruth didn't feel up to tumbling so she skipped it.  I went to exercise class. It was pretty crowded and I was running late so I ended up in the front.  It was a good class though.  This morning I finished my Phoenix quilt and hung it up in the sewing room and I love it.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. Work is moving along. I am working on getting documents in place so that we can get a calibration certification. After work me and dad helped mom to finish taping the back bedroom. Then mom got a call from Kay and she took off to go see her. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, January 27, 2025


 I did laundry and housework. It felt nice. I made beef stroganoff in the crockpot and it tasted so good. I need to make it in the crockpot more often. I went and saw kay tonight. She is about the same. She doesn't want to go home. Jen got a hold of an organization and they are helping her find an assisted living. They are going to do it month by month. I gave her one of rachels beautiful quilts. It looked so nice on her bed. It had minky on the back. It felt so soft. She said she was a lot warmer. I am taking dad to affordable dentures and implants tomorrow morning. We are going to try an implant where he lost that tooth. It has been six months.  Wish us luck. This is the one in west valley instead of Lehi. I really like the Lehi guy. I am sorry your classes were hard today Rachel. That makes a long day. I did get Luna her I pad. I felt bad I forgot it. Love mom


 Work wasn't great today.  A kid has a fit and I had to call for help.  The rest of the classes were all chatty.  Ruth and Isaac had wellness checks after school.  We were their forever waiting, it took an hour and a half.  They are all growing perfectly and doing well.  Casey picked Oliver up from orchestra.   We did homework after dinner.  Casey went climbing trees and I went to exercise class.  Their were a ton of people there tonight but it was fun.

Love Rachel 


Today was a Monday but we made it out alive . After dinner we met up with Mom to get icecream and have Lina get her iPad back. We got home and rested. Its so cold outside. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025


We moved fridges Saturday and it took forever. So the salt lake crew watched her overnight. Thanks again for watching her. Then I worked a bit on the shed and we met up everyone for lunch..after Luna wanted to make a snow man. We made one ok one. The other one crashed over. I forgot to take pictures.  I did however take a picture from Saturday. Luna saw the snow in the morning and took off like a wild person. In  3 seconds she ran back and forth 20 times. I took a picture of her footsteps to show the madness. Then everyone took a nap and relaxed. We just took it easy the rest of the night



 We played with Luna this morning. We had such a fun time. Last night we went down stairs and she went up to watch TV with papa. She came down and said papa wasn't watching TV properly. He had turned it off because we went downstairs to play. They are not sure what is wrong with kay. She said she wasn't feeling great. She said mom came to visit last night but it wasn't her time to go. That kind of worries me. Scott.and jen were there and Angela came also. I thought that was so nice of oliver to call me when he got home from skiing. I am so glad you had a good time. I can't believe it is the last week in January. Love mom


 Luna spent the night. She did sleep in until about 9 so that was nice. We went to the play land at the gym for a bit. Then we met with Robin and Jeremy for lunch. After lunch we went to the hospital Kay is at to visit for a bit. We came home after and took a nap. The we just hung out and had dinner. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a really fun day skiing.  It was pretty cold this morning but we all had good gear and didn't feel too cold.  I went with the boys on the bigger lifts and Ruth and Casey went on little beaver.  We met for lunch and I went with Ruth for the rest of the day.  She did try the big lift twice.  The kids are all great at skiing.  I love going so much.  We came home and I programmed for a bit and now we are watching Wicked.

Love Rachel 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...