Friday, February 3, 2023


 Rachel and gang made it safe and sound. We just hung out for awhile. Everyone drive safe tomorrow. Love mom. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023


 That sounds good Mom.  We are heading down tomorrow but it will be later.  Thanks for having us.  Today was good.  The kids had a full day of school and they were tired today.  Isaac had orchestra and Ruth's tumbling class was cancelled because the coaches were sick.  Casey took the man from England climbing this evening so I stayed with the kids and sewed.  

Love Rachel

Clip board of fun

 Dad had his scope this morning. His throat was small so they stretched it. They do that a lot. His Nissan wrap is history and they took some biopsies. They want him to do a barium swallow to see if he has weak muscles from his neck surgery. They just give him exercises to do. I worked from home today just to make sure he was good. I told him I would buy Kentucky fried chicken for lunch and he was excited about that. Karen I am sorry that job didn't turn out. It is hard looking for jobs. Robin that is so early. It won't be long before she figures out the door. I think I have a plan for saturday. How about we hook up around 930 and then go to the history museum. We can have lunch  and play after that. I was thinking of tacos for dinner for those who want to stay for dinner. I am open for a revised plan if you want. Well have a good Friday. It did feel a little warmer today. My car heater even felt like it wasn't broken. Love you all mom


 Happy Grounds hog day everyone. My day was good. I just set off the thanks for the offer, but I can't accept email. I think it was a good choice. Other than work was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye


I heard scratching sounds this morning around 6:30. I thought we had a mouse in our bedroom. So I put in my phone light and was searching around. Turns out it was Luna scratching at the door. So it was another early morning. They gave us free lunch at work. I'm am so glad tomorrow is Friday. Luna has been on edge all night. I think if she is anything like me she is tired from waking up early every morning. We had spaghetti for dinner and we bought Walmart garlic bread and it tasted so good. 


Wednesday, February 1, 2023


 Congratulations Karen on the offer.  I hope they will negotiate a bit.  Today was good.  It was another late start for school.  So I came home and took the kids to school.  Ruth hated how I did her hair and Isaac didn't want to go because his stomach hurt so he wasn't dressed.  I had him go because it was only four hours of school.  I attached a picture of a pillow I worked on at work.  I think it is pretty.  I had finished laundry and we had am easy dinner and the kids didn't have any activities so it was a nice afternoon.  Casey went on a walk after dinner and took Isaac to young men's.  I went to exercise class and it was so fun.  We did high and they played my favorite arm song.  It was fun.  

Love Rachel

Hump day

 Work was good it was quiet. I did get 6000 steps in so I moved a lot. We are having a contest for live well and I joined. We track our steps.  Dad has his scope tomorrow at 9. I am working from home the rest of the day. That it will be nice. Karen I am sorry about the job. I am with Robin it will work out. It is fun to get a job offer. That is nice. Rachel I hope it is warming up. How is the England guy working out at Casey's work. It is soggy here. Love mom


I'm sorry about your job Karen. Finding a job is the worst. Hopefully they come back and offer more money. If not there are other fish in the sea. Today was ok. Luna woke up at 6:30, I guess it's better than 5. My card was expiring so I went in yesterday to go get a new one. It worked yesterday. Today it declined. So I called the bank to see what was up. They asked for my card number so I gave them all the information. They were acting fishy. Then asked if it was a debit card. I knew the bank would know what kind of card it was so I hung up. So I drove to the bank and told them the story. I mis typed the phone number so I'm pretty sure it was all a scam. So they gave me a new card number and close out the other one. Hopefully the new one works and I don't have identity fraud. Then we caught a mouse so that sucked. Luna was in a good mood though so that was nice. 



 Well my day was good. It is still cold here, but it has been warming up slightly. Work is just the usual. So good news/ bad news I got a job offer from Zaxis, but they offered less pay than I am making now. So i wrote them back to see if we could negotiate a higher wage. I will let you know how that goes. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. Love ya

Tuesday, January 31, 2023


 Work was OK. They told my team they are moving my position to Lehi after I leave. It was kind of hard on me but I worked it out and it makes it easier to leave. Karen that is fun to have a second interview. I am glad the kids liked their boxes of treats. It is fun to get things in the mail. Karen took us to dinner. It was good. We talked about ideas of things to do this Saturday. I am open for ideas. Stay warm. Love mom


 I have been sending positive vibes you way Karen.  I am glad it went well.  It was another late start for school because of the cold.  They are doing it tomorrow also.  I left a meeting to take the kids to school.  They are liking the morning off and it is good to see them.  I did laundry and cooked dinner.  Then went to exercise class.  Nothing too exciting.  Thanks for sending snacks Mom.  The kids loved them.

Love Rachel 


Luna woke up at 5 this morning and stayed awake. So it was a long morning. At lunch I went to the store to pick up candy for my desk. I saw Austin when I was shopping. It was funny. Then tonight Luna was on edge because she was tired. She keeps chewing on her fingers I think more teeth are coming in. I'm glad your interview went well Karen that is exciting. Tomorrow is thankfully February. January has been the longest month. It's toooo cold 🥶🥶🥶


 My day was good. I worked half day and then I went to my second interview. I think that it went well. They said they would let me know by the end of the week. After the interview I met up with mom and dad and we went to dinner. It was negative 13 here this morning so I am hoping it warms up soon. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye 

Monday, January 30, 2023


Luna's new thing is to say no to everything. Today she woke up at 6:30. So I got her ready. By the time we got to putting on socks Jeramy was awake and Luna was not going to let me put on socks. It had to be Jeramy. So he's the new favorite. Work was good. Nothing to wild. We didn't get any snow just a dusting. It's still cold though. Luckily there was some sun on the way home. So that helped lift the January blues a bit. We had an easy night it goes so fast some nights.


 My Alexa was being weird this morning so I just got up and didn't snooze. I even got to work on time. I am caught up at work and told my boss I need something to do. I have 5 emails in my in box. Ruth was talking to grandpa and we did a group call on my way home. It much fun. I made baked potatoes for dinner and the took forever to cook. At least it warmed the house up. Rachel it is so cold. Stay safe. Karen that baklava looks really good. Good luck with your interview. Robin Luna is getting so big. Love you all


 The kids had a two hour delay because of the cold.  It is really really cold here.  I just left work for a half and hour and took them to school.  It worked good and it was good to see them.  The schools are going to delay two hours tomorrow so we are going to do the same thing.  I made a really pretty valentine's embroidery today.  I also made a ruffle for a tea towel.  Isaac had violin lessons and he made dinner.  I got Oliver a bunch of books from scholastic books and they came today so he read a lot.  Ruth was really hyper tonight.  I went to exercise class and that felt good.  Stay warm and I love you guys.

Love Rachel 


 I made it through Monday. Yeah! I had about 2 inches of snow on my walks this morning so I got up and shoveled it. Then I went to work. It was good nothing too wild and crazy. I emailed TI because I haven't heard from them since my interview and they said they are still working on making a decision. Tomorrow I have my second interview at zaxis so wish me luck. I made baklava after work. I haven't tried it yet but it looks good. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, January 29, 2023


 Rachel that is a crazy amount of snow. Karen that is weird you just got a couple inches. We got a little snow. It is suppose to get super cold be careful. Drip your faucets. Robin you had one busy weekend. I can't believe Lunas hair is that long. Not much going on with us. I hope the roads are OK tomorrow. Keep warm. Love mom


 It snowed a ton and it messed up my day today.  They cancelled church and I had to cancel my programs and will have to reschedule them which is a pain.  It was nice not have anything to do today.  We shoveled and the neighbors all were helping each other.  We played in the backyard and Casey cleaned off the trampoline.  He also took the kids sledding for a bit.  We went to Randy's house for dinner.  It was good to see everyone.  Our kids were crazy wild.  They delayed school two hours tomorrow because of the cold so I am hoping to leave work for a bit and drive them to school.

Love Rachel


 Well it did snow more here. I think there is another 2 inches on the ground. I might have to shovel tomorrow morning. Oh well what can you do. I did go out this morning and clear my walks off. Then I had laundry and took a nap. Then I did my laundry. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Sorry I didn't blog for a few days. Jeramys sister from Idaho was driving to Vegas. So she stopped by on Friday and spent the night..then she woke up In the morning and left. Jeramys 2 sisters from Provo wanted to come up and spend time with Luna so on Saturday afternoon they came up and spent the night.  Luna was cute with everyone and let them hold her when she was getting sleepy. I hope everyone stays safe in the snow. 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...