Saturday, May 8, 2021


 Good job guys, I love both of your new furniture.  That is fun.  It was a cold and windy day today.  I walked this morning.  Oliver had a game at 9 and he did really well.  He played goalie and he likes that.  He got the award for most improved player.  Isaac had a tournament so I dropped Oliver at home and picked up Isaac.  I expected them to loose but they ended up winning their first game.  I took him to sonics for a quick lunch and then he had the next game.  They tied that game so they held a kick off and lost that.   Isaac also got most improved player.  Calleen and Allen came up so Casey could fix their car.  They were here while I was at soccer they got it fixed.  We headed up to Lava around 3 and made it there by dinner.  We ate at the This restaurant.  It was ok and I was glad we tried it.  We went to the outdoor pools.  I thought the kids would like them but they didn't.  It was really crowded also.  I love it there.  Ruth had a major meltdown so we had to leave.  Overall it was a fun time and nice to spend the day together.  The meltdown was stressful but we survived.  Primary starts tomorrow so wish me luck.  I hope it goes ok.




 Wow I love all the patio chairs. Way to go Karen and robin. You will love those. We did hook up with Karen. I did do my last spit test also. Iam glad the boys did well in soccer. That makes it fun. Hope you have fun at lava hot springs. Karen is still recovering. It was so windy today. Love mom


 My was was good. I met up with mom and dad. We went to Home Depot and got stuff to repair the stucco around my windows. I was tired after shopping though so we didn't do any of it. My neighbors across the street were having a yard sale and they had a patio set for 60 dollars so I got it. I  think it looks cute. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


Today was good. We went to hobby lobby and got a frame for my tinkerbell. Then we went to Macy's to grab a few food items. When there Jeramy found these outside chairs he liked so we were random and bought 2 of them. They are comfy. Then we took his mom out for dinner for mother's day. 


Friday, May 7, 2021


 I walked and went to exercise class.  The teacher had who ever won the drawing cut her hair.  So two people cut off a lot of her hair and then she had some one cut it and make it pretty.  It was fun to watch.  Our modem broke last night so we also had to get a new one.  I also dropped the tv service and that will save us a ton of money.  The teacher appreciation parties were today.  Casey helped in Oliver's and I did Isaac.  We cleaned their desks with shaving cream and the kids loved it and went crazy.  Isaac said he had a really fun time.  Me, Casey and Ruth went out to lunch afterwards.  Stephanie and her kids and dog came over to play after school.  Tony is so funny he wants to play so he takes the other dogs toy so he will play with him.  He is a smart dog.  A older couple in our ward have some Opals and they came over tonight to show them to Casey.  They were really pretty Opals.  Her grandfather had them.  We have the boys last soccer games tomorrow morning.  If Isaac's team doesn't do well in the tournament we might head up to Lava hot springs.  Love you guys.




Hope you had a good anniversary Rachel. I'm glad it was Friday. I am tired. We went to one man band for dinner tonight. It was so windy you couldn't see across the street with all the sand that was flying around. Hopefully it does down tonight I hate wind


 Work was slow so it was long. I did write them to click me in and out while the internet was down. We just watched movies afterwards. Tomorrow I am going to take another test and then go up to kamas and work on stucco. Not much else to report. Thanks for sending that picture Rachel. That was fun. I figure we will be outside so and Karen has antibodies so I should be good to do that. I did cook up a Marie calendars apple pie and that tasted good. Rachel have fun in pocettela. Robin have a nice weekend love mom


 Well it was just the same old same old here. Tomorrow I am free of quarantine. I forgot it was your anniversary yesterday Rachel. Happy belated anniversary. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye 

Thursday, May 6, 2021


 Today is our 15 year anniversary and Casey got me some roses which was sweet.  It was a busy day.  I walked this morning.  Oliver's diorama was due so I helped him set it up and he was excited.  I helped in Isaac's class.  Preschool was fun and we made mother's day cards with the kids.  I drove to pick up the boys for the diorama and Isaac had a flat so i was glad I was there.  Isaac and Ruth had soccer.  A ton of Ruth's preschool friends were at Isaac's game so they had fun playing.  I had book group tonight and it was fun to talk to everyone.  Love you guys.




Today was good nothing to wild. I drove into work during my lunch for an interview. It was good. Driving home luna was moving and I can see now why everyone says 8 months pregnant is uncomfortable. It wasn't a comfortable trip and I haven't really found a good place to feel comfortable. Lol so hopefully tomorrow we find a good zen. 



 Karen I am so glad you are free tomorrow. That has to feel nice. I had a quiet day. We did get our new modem and I think the picture is a lot better and Vudu doesn't freeze. Work is slow be it I made it through. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. Happy anniversary Rachel. Congratulations. 


 Tomorrow is my last day of quarantine, yeah. My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. I did go for a walk. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021


 Good job quitting Robin, that is hard.  I am glad you are feeling better Karen and I am glad you went on a walk Mom.  Ruth didn't sleep well last night so we were tired.  Isaac's stomach hurt this morning and he stayed home.  He did homework most of the day.  I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  I programed while Ruth was at school but didn't accomplish much.  I helped Isaac with homework.  I rode my bike to pick up Oliver and that was fun.  Oliver had a soccer game and he is playing a lot better.  He is doing really good.  I made dinner when I got home so it was late.  After dinner we rode bikes around the block.  I rode mine with Tony.  I watched a video on how to ride bikes with a dog.  We are going to start working on that.  It went pretty good.  Love you guys.



Hump day

 I had a long day. I am caught up and everything I need to do I need to be at work. Oh well next week. We did make a hole in our cabinet so we could move our DVD and other stuff down so we are ready for our new modem that comes tomorrow. We did go to Murray park and walked it was so nice. Karen I  am so glad you are feeling better and robin I am glad you quit. That will help you enjoy the next month. Rachel I hope you had a nice day. I hope Isaac is feeling better. Love mom


I'm glad you are feeling better Karen. Being sick it's the worst. Today I put in my notice. It's been stressing me out for some reason. Probably because I'm over emotional. It felt so nice to have out there. I feel lessed stressed. They were nice about it so that is good. Now I can just count down the days :) Jeramy played with his nephew on the Xbox tonight so I did crafts. Jeramy works with a guy who's wife is pregnant. She bought me some ginger treats when they heard I was having morning sickness. She had her baby a few weeks ago so I made her a small blanket. Then I worked on my diamond tinkerbell picture



 I am feeling a lot better. I didn't even sleep all day. Impressive I know. I even went on a walk this evening. Rachel, thanks for the craft. It looks like fun. I hope that everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, May 4, 2021


 I am glad you are feeling better Karen.  Thanks for the candy also, we loved it.  Today was good.  I walked.  I didn't have to work today so I programed and that was fun.  I worked on it too long this afternoon and didn't finish the laundry.  I curled Ruth's hair and it turned out so good.  We are figuring it out.  The recital was really good and the girls were all so cute.  Casey went backstage after her last dance just to make sure she wasn't overwhelmed like last time but she was happy.  We went to the Olive Garden afterwards and we had a lot of fun.  Isaac blew out his shoe so we went to Als and they had the perfect shoe for him.  It is so hard to find him shoes.  Then we went to yogurtland even though we were full because that was the plan.  It was a fun night.  Love you guys.




I'm glad ruth's recital went well. She looked cute. Today I had a doctor's appt. He said all is good. I passed my glucose test and my iron levels are good. And she still has a heart beat. Then after work we went to a class. It was 2 parts so we have to go again next week. Hope everyone has a good wednesday



 My day was quiet. I did sleep a bit but I was actually conscious for part of the day. Still no fever so yeah for me. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 Rachel, I am glad that Ruth did well in her recital.  She is so pretty in her picture.  I had a 7:00 meeting so I was up early.  I was tired.  Our tests came back negative so dad went to the gym today and worked out.  I think that is helping him a lot.  I have to take one more test next Monday and then I will be done with that.  Karen, I am glad you are feeling better.  Robin, I hope you and Luna are doing well.  Not much else to report on my end.  Our neighbor has brought over food for 3 days and we are overflowing.  We have a huge box of oatmeal raisin cookies.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM 

Monday, May 3, 2021


Today was a monday but I made it out alive. Jeramy needed something mailed so I went to the post office at lunch. I so I stopped by wendys and got some lunch. I guess they have to close down at 8 because they can't find any employees to work at night. I guess that's a big thing lately is people can't find anyone that is looking for jobs. It was wild. Then we took jenkins on a walk and I was worn out so we just relaxed the rest of the night. I found some cool stars for luna's room and I put a few up


 I am sorry you are still feverish.  I hope you are over the worst soon.  Today was another busy day.  I woke up early and went on a long walk.  It was really nice.  We went to exercise class also.  I gave Traci the Thomas the trains and wooden tracks.  It will be Good to have kids play with them.  They will get a lot of use.  I signed up for a python class.  I needed a boost to get motivated again and I thought that would help.  Ruth finished her bead pouch and it turned out really cute.  Ruth had her dance recital practice.  I thought it was at green canyon high school but it was at ridgeline clear across town.  So we were late but it was fine.  Ruth did a good job and was so cute.  Ivy is goes to the same dance studio so I saw her and Kimi.  It happened the same time the boys got out of school so rode their bikes home and played video games.  The did really well to stick together.  Oliver had soccer practice and had a fun time.  Oliver had a diorama due on Thursday so we worked on it.  Oliver choose birds and it turned out so cute.  I love it.  I hope everyone has a good night.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...