Monday, May 3, 2021


 I am sorry you are still feverish.  I hope you are over the worst soon.  Today was another busy day.  I woke up early and went on a long walk.  It was really nice.  We went to exercise class also.  I gave Traci the Thomas the trains and wooden tracks.  It will be Good to have kids play with them.  They will get a lot of use.  I signed up for a python class.  I needed a boost to get motivated again and I thought that would help.  Ruth finished her bead pouch and it turned out really cute.  Ruth had her dance recital practice.  I thought it was at green canyon high school but it was at ridgeline clear across town.  So we were late but it was fine.  Ruth did a good job and was so cute.  Ivy is goes to the same dance studio so I saw her and Kimi.  It happened the same time the boys got out of school so rode their bikes home and played video games.  The did really well to stick together.  Oliver had soccer practice and had a fun time.  Oliver had a diorama due on Thursday so we worked on it.  Oliver choose birds and it turned out so cute.  I love it.  I hope everyone has a good night.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...