Saturday, September 30, 2017


That sounds good to me. Do you want me to pick you up mom? I am good with leaving early. My day was good. After I left moms i went to Heber and got my prescription and then came home and took a nap. I hope dad feels better soon. Bye


I'm sorry dad is still down. It opens at 11. Rachel said she would prefer we eat before we go to the park. So why don't we meet at panda at station park at 11:30 and I will leave a little early from lunch to get the tickets and meet you at guest services to get on the park :) I finished my board tonight after lagoon. See you tomorrow.



I was just checking in to see if there was a plan for tomorrow.  Dad for sure isn't going to go.  He hasn't eaten anything and just slept all day.  It will be way too much for him.  I can go but I couldn't stay the whole time.  I wasn't sure what everyone else was planning.  I had a quiet day today.  Karen took me to Costco to get smart water and we shopped.  It was nice to just walk around for awhile.  We ended up at Chick fillet and that tasted good.  She went home and I took a long nap.  We were a live bunch around here.  It did rain here today, conference weekend is alive and well.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, September 28, 2017


Today was good I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I came home and started working on next month's board for work. I'm attempting to make the book from hocus pocus. I also made magnets for every one. I will drive up tomorrow after lagoon:)


Super Star

It has been a busy week and has gone by really fast.  Today we rode bikes and it was warm and nice.  We went to Lee's and got some treats for Oliver to take to school because he was a super star.  He only wanted a push pop and it took some doing to convince him to take fruit snacks.  We went on a walk when we got home so Oliver could ride his bike.  Oliver had a fun time being the super star at school and was happy.  After Isaac got home he had a friend from down the street come over and play for a hour.  She is a cute girl.  Casey went tree climbing for a bit while she was here.  I had a meeting for young women's at 8 and it just got done so it was a late night.  Thanks for coming up this weekend, the kids are super excited to decorate for Halloween.


Almost Friday

Well my day was good. Since it is the last week of the shipping month they brought treats in this morning. We had breakfast casserole, breakfast sandwiches (like egg mcmuffins), fruit, and assorted muffins. It tasted really good. Work is still going good. Nothing too exciting to report. Then after work I got my laundry done. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


I am trained on the new system.  It was good to finally get a look at the program.  I got out early so dad came and got me and I went home and took a nap.  It was heaven.  We met up for dinner with the Gumm gang.   Paul is going to stay in Florida for a little while longer.  Jeff is going to Pocatello this weekend and Angela's house started getting built.  James sold their house.  I think that is all the news.  We are planning on leaving after work and going to Logan.  We will just have dinner and then come up.  Everyone have a nice Friday.  Last one in September.  This month sure went by fast.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Light bulb

Today was chill nothing to crazy. I went to Wal-Mart after work to buy light bulbs and I needed up with the whole store I feel like. I came home and worked on projects for work. I keep forgetting next week is october not to much else with me. Have a good night



This weekend you guys could come up Friday after work and spend the night and then decorate Saturday morning before Robin has to go.  Then we can do a corn maze after lunch.  Today was a busy day.  I babysat this morning and the kids had a fun time.  Ruthie gets kind of territorial with her things so it is good to learn to share.  Ruthie didn't sleep well last night so she took a good nap.  It was a pretty day so we took Stanley outside and played all afternoon.  Oliver is learning about C at school so I showed him C is for cookie and he loved it.  He made anything he ate all day into a C, it was funny.  After school Henry came over and we had pizza for dinner.  They played really cute and we had a fun evening.  We made cookies also.  The kids were all tired by bedtime.  Good luck tomorrow at your training Mom, change is hard.



Well the week is half over, yeah! Work is going good. Just the usual. Good luck at your training tomorrow mom. I will miss emailing you. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Good day

It was a good day today.  Just same old same old.  I quite like that.  We finished watching the good place.  That was a good series on Netflix.  Thanks Karen for suggesting it.  I hope everyone's day went well.  Do we have a plan for the weekend?  I wasn't sure what the final decisions was but I am up for anything.  I go to training tomorrow on the new program they are starting on October 21.  We are the last hospital to convert over.  It has been a lot of work to get it ready.  I hope all goes well when it goes live.  Everyone in my department is stressed about it.  Have a nice Thursday.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Robin, I am glad that you went to the doctor.  I have been worried about you.  I am glad that you are going to wear a monitor, that is a good idea.  Karen, what is a health screening appeal, is that for your pump?  Good job with the dentist.  Today was good.  We rode bikes today, this is the last week of the competition.  We went to shopko and got some tape to fix a book and some bins to keep the hay in, it made the garage look a lot better.  Oliver didn't want to use his money to buy a toy but wanted a toy and he was sad.  Oliver had school this afternoon and he had fun.  He made a monster out of a square and he really liked that.  I sewed and it was really fun afternoon.  It was really a nice day and we had Stanley outside for a while which was good.  We played outside until dinner.  Casey had scouts and we watched a show while he was gone.  I had young women's and we did the quilling.  It was a lot of fun.  I did it last night for a sample and it is a fun craft.  The girls liked it but they had a harder time doing it than I thought they would.  It was fun to talk and do crafts though.  I am rambling, I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow and don't work too hard.


No Winner

Today at work was our food competition.  It was dessert bars, I made pumpkin bars, they were OK and I didn't win.  We also had a combined baby shower and that was fun.  It turned out nice.  I ended up with a headache so we just chilled tonight.  I think it was because I ran of coke at work.  It was pretty traumatic.  Robin I am so glad you went to the doctor and they you got checked out.  Those are good tests to do on you.  Karen way to be brave and make a dentist appointment. It was a pretty day today.  The weather is a lot nicer.  Not much else to report.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that your doctors appointment wasn't too traumatic, Robin. My day was pretty good. I got a call from my diabetes doctor about my health screening appeal. So they are all set it fill that out. Then I got an appointment for my next round of teeth. So I am doing that on the 6th. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good work went by fast which was nice. I had my Dr. Appt today. He's testing my thyroid so I had to get blood drawn. And he is having me wear a heart monitor for a month to see if he can see a pattern. I guess the monitor comes in the mail so I will try it out in a few days. Hope everyone has a good night


Monday, September 25, 2017


I'm sorry you have work drama mom. It's so annoying why can you just go to work and that is that but it always goes crazy. I just worked today and came home and fell asleep again exciting life for me. Ha ha



I am sorry about your work drama Mom, you just got everything settles and going nice and then it goes bad again.  Today was good.  It was cold and foggy this morning but it cleared out this afternoon and was really nice.  I babysat this morning and that was fun.  Afterwards Oliver wanted to make cookies so we did that, it was fun to do that with just Oliver and spend time with him.  I had a dentist appointment at 4:30 and they called and moved it to 2:40.  Randy was going to watch the kids and said that it was fine to move it.  He had to pick up Isaac from school, he was really sweet to do that.  I had a small cavity on the edge of a crown so they are going to fix it on the 12th.  It is a fast thing to fix they said.  After dinner Randy came back over and Casey finished fixing his truck.  Terry came over also and we talked.  Here are a ton of pictures, everyone have a good night.  Love you.



there are a lot of changes going on at my work and everyone was upset.  It is hard for me to watch.  It might be a couple of long months.  It was a pretty day today.  Tomorrow they are having a food competition and the theme is dessert bars.  I made homemade pumpkin bars.  I hope they taste good.  I am going to frosting them in the morning.  Karen, I hope your snow melted.  Robin good luck with the doctor tomorrow.  If you need anything we aren't far.  Rachel, I hope the fog cleared out.  Thanks again for the fun weekend.  It is hard to get back to real the world.  LOVE MOM


I had a fun time yesterday. Thanks everyone for the fun time. Today was good. Work is still going good.  Then after work I made BLTs for dinner. They tasted really good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Thanks for the fun day.  I had a nice time.  I was glad it turned out after the stormy weather.  Isaac was nervous and he seemed to enjoy the day. I am glad everyone made it safe.  It is suppose to warm up the rest of the week.  Have a nice Monday.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...