Thursday, February 20, 2014

no snow

We had no snow.  It was nice not to have to make that decision.  I am excited for you to come down tomorrow Rachel and Karen.  Be safe.  Good luck at the doctors.  Robin I hope you had a good time at the play tonight.  Dave came over and I helped him look for jobs and I made fajitas.  They tasted really good.  Not much else to report.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday also.  It has seemed like a really long week to me.  LOVE MOM


I hope things work out good for Walter.  I hope that your second job goes well Robin.  Karen, I think that you made a good choice on the snow.  I always think waiting for it to melt is the best plan.  I hope that you had productive evening with Dave Mom, I hope that he finds a job.  You are really sweet.  We had a good day, it was pretty uneventful.  I felt a lot better today and was able to get some things done.  We went over to Randy's house tonight to return the trailer and we stayed and visited for a while.  I may of forgotten to tell you but they put in hardwood looking floor upstairs and it looks so nice.  They did a good job.  I also forgot to say that we used Karen's gift card to Burger King on Monday, thank you Karen that was awful nice.  Well I have a doctors appointment in the morning tomorrow and we are headed to SLC.  I will text Mom when we leave and we can work out a plan.  I am excited for dinner, thanks for coming down.  We will meet up with you Robin another time. :)



Well there was a little snow on my walks this morning. I decided it wasn't enough to shovel and would just let the sun melt it. I think that was a great decision. Work was good, but I am really glad that tomorrow is Friday. How a great one. Bye

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Whatever Wednesday

I'm glad today was the middle of the week. I am ready for the last half. Tomorrow I am doing pioneer theater so hopefully it all works out. I met up with Walter for lunch today we had rumbi's. Then he had a meeting about the housing. I don't think they are going to have him move Monday. I don't really know whatever happens happens I guess. I am just going with the flow Walters stressed so I am going with whatever is easy  que sera. Anyway I did get some pants made that Walter needed for the sca. It was a fun little project for me to work on tonight. Have a good Thursday.

28 Days

Robin, it seems like things are stressful right now for you.  I hope that everything calms down.  I hope that the move is good for Walter and he finds an awesome job.  We can help.  I am glad that you are helping Dave Mom, that is really nice of you.  He needs the help.  Oliver was pushing on a nerve but the afternoon was a lot better.  Isaac and me did a lot of coloring and cutting with scissors today and that was fun.  When Casey got home they went to the park and played for a while.  Well everyone have a good night.  This week is going fast.



Well the week is half over. Yea. It hasn't snow much here either. My day was good. Work was pretty busy so it went by pretty fast. I am excited to play on Friday. I hope that everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye

Good Luck

Robin, I just wanted to wish you luck on Pioneer Theatre.  I am glad you only doing it on the weekends.  That will be nice.  I hope you have a good time.  Not much else going on with me.  I did go grocery shopping tonight.  Dave is going to come over tomorrow and I am going to help him with his job search.  I am looking forward to Friday.  It snowed here a little bit but it didn't stick.  The wind was really cold.  Rachel you made it to the last month.  Won't be long now.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Rachel I am totally jealous of your ruffle foot.  I can't tell you how many ruffles I have made by hand.  I wish I had one of those when you guys were little.  Robin I hope this works  for Walter.  That is really fast.  We are here if you need anything.  Karen good luck with the snow tomorrow.  I hope it isn't too much for you.  Not much going on with me.  I was ready to be done with work today.  I am not sure why, I just was.  Not much else going on with us.  Just same old same old.  LOVE MOM

Re work

My internet is working again it's been nice to have netflix back. Work went well it went by fast that always makes the day better. I was going to meet up with Walter for the gym but he is busy and stressed. He decided to move into the va housing. It will help push him ahead for jobs and disability. So it will hopefully be a good thing. He's thinking maybe Monday he can move in. I will let you know for sure if he moves that fast. But that is all I have sorry I can't make it Friday but I hope you have fun. I'm glad you are doing well. Love you



Well my day has been good. I would love to meet for dinner on Friday. Rachel are you going to spend Friday or just coming down for dinner? It is suppose to snow tomorrow again. There goes all the grass I could see. Well I really have nothing else to report so I will sign off. Have a great night. Bye


I bought a new foot for my sewing machine and it came today.  It makes ruffles and pleats.  I just tried it out on one little thing and it works really good.  I am excited to make things with it.  The weather has been really nice.  While I sewed with Jenn Isaac played outside for a while.  It was nice to be able to have him dig in the sand for a while.  We went to story time this morning and then we went to the fabric store.  I decided to make Vickie a I spy blanket and Oliver one while I am at it and I needed a couple of more panels.  Jenn came over to sew which was fun.  Casey helped the neighbors get their car home after work and then he headed up to Clifton to give his Mom the wood he cut.  Tyson was up there with his family so he got to see them also.  That is about it, I hope that everyone has a good night.


Monday, February 17, 2014

I'm not taking a chance

Rachel that was funny.  I agree with Phyllis Diller, why take the chance.  Robin why isn't your internet working?  Do you need dad to come over and check it out?  Karen, I am glad your marble contraption is working out.  It looks really cool.  I went to work today and worked 6 hours.  Dad wasn't feeling very well so we just chilled tonight.  Those pictures are so cute of Isaac.  I had such a fun time.  If you want me to take some time off on Friday I can do that.  That will be fun.  It is back to work full time for me.  Robin maybe your boss won't come tomorrow either.  Have a great day.  LOVE MOM

Lights are blinking

My boss had they day off today but didn't tell us so that was a fun surprise. But it turned out OK. My day was pretty chill. I went grocery shopping so that was good my internet isn't working so I. Blogging from my phone. It sucks not having netflix . Well I am going to keep it short because I'm spelling slow on my phone. Night


Housework can't kill you, but why take a chance? - Phyllis Diller

Karen, you will have to keep those instructions forever.  That is pretty funny.  Thank you again for the fun day Saturday.  It was so nice and we had a great time. Yesterday we all slept in so we missed sacrament meeting but made it to Sunday school.  Isaac wouldn't talk about his class so I am not sure how it went.  Today was pretty good, nothing to exciting.  We had to go grocery shopping and the weather was nice so we played outside for a while.  Isaac wanted to go to the toy store tonight so Casey and Isaac went out and I stayed home and worked on pictures.  I hadn't taken them off my phone since August, whoops.  I was looking at old pictures and it was fun to see how young we were.  I need to make picture books of the old ones.  We may come down on Friday Robin is busy but if you want Karen you should come down and meet up for dinner.  I will keep everyone updated.  Everyone have a good night and thanks again.  Isaac is spoiled to have such a great family.  Today he wanted to go in the cloud and see the astronauts.



Well my day was good. I was kind of tired though. I missed nap time working on my marble track. I still don't have it all the way finished but I am still working on it. The instructions read like the warnings on the box. So they are pretty funny. I went shopping after work because I didn't have any good snacks. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Slo mo

Today was good I didn't do anything exciting. I was going to print out some tax stuff but fed ex was closed so I didn't get it printed I will have to wait till tomorrow. It was nice to sleep in though. I a, working much ado about nothing Thursday,Friday and Saturday. So that will keep me busy. Not to much else is going in have a good Monday I had fun yesterday 


rainy day

It really rained here today and was windy.  I took a nap and slept in.  I was lazy.  I did make blueberry muffins.  I am glad you got a muffin tin Karen because you motivated me to make them.  I hope your marble ramp is coming along well.  That is a huge project.  I sure had a nice time yesterday.  Thanks everyone for coming over.  It was a really nice day.  Not much else to report since last we met.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...